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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Keith Marco, born on February 11, 2003, and date of organ donation on June 6, 2024. We will remember him forever.
Link to Prayers (for Celebration of Life, HB, 7/15/2024)

Be kind: 
Live Like Keith
Keith was always “Baby Keith” to me even after he grew to a startling 6 foot 4 inches and 290 pounds. At a certain point he could sit on me to win an argument. My only defense was my quickness against his enormous size. 

Yet, Keith was always a gentle giant. He loved people and demonstrated his kind heartedness even in the face of intense sports competition. He was always the first one to offer a hand to an injured teammate (and even to those on the competitor’s team) during a football, basketball, or baseball game. It made me proud to have a brother that was so caring. My Dad always wished that he was more aggressive like his sister, but I knew that two siblings like me would be overwhelming to say the least.

He and I balanced our family like the sharp keel balances the towering sail of a sailboat. We took turns comforting each other in times of need and bringing joy to our parents in their own sorrows. 

I remember two instances when Keith was pivotal to my mental well being. I became severely depressed due to the stress of advanced classes, failing friendships, and the belief that I would never find a partner in my life during high school. On one occasion I was crying in my room clearly in a very dark state of mind when a small slip of paper appeared under my door. It read something like “Emma please don’t kill yourself, I love you” in sloppy penciled handwriting. I opened the door. My brother and I embraced each other in tears. Keith was able to recognize and assuage my suffering at such a young age. And he continued to be a strong support in my life long after I graduated high school to become the person I am now. Our father, John, passed away two years ago. Kieth was brave enough to come stand besides me on the church pulpit for moral support as I read my father’s eulogy. I never had to stand alone with Keith by my side. 

Keith brought so many other people joy besides his immediate family. He made countless friends while remaining true to his values both at Redondo Union High School and Cal Poly SLO. I have always admired his ability to connect with people as wholly himself - Keith. He indiscriminately provided help to any peer in need. Keith’s exemplary leadership earned him two Character Awards during the same year of High School - an honor that no one else had achieved in the 40 years that these were awarded.. Later, he earned a sizable scholarship for his amiable disposition through his fraternity, Lambda Chi Alpha. He was a true friend and his light shall live on through all of those he touched.

And I must mention how much he loved food. I’m honored that he took after me in choosing food science as his specialty in college. Keith used food as an instrument of creativity. The succulent smell of brown butter, herbs, and meat wafted through the house when he was at the stove top. Keith cooked with the intention to share “mmm” and “yums” with anyone who could spare a moment to taste the wonders he concocted. He chased his passions through trial and error. Most importantly he opened himself up to the criticisms of others to keep expanding his abilities. There are many people who will miss his cooking. 

Go live like Keith: spread kindness, help those in need, and chase your passions. And always say, “I Love you.”

Keith, we love you forever. You will be missed more than you can possibly know. 

Love your sister,


June 16
June 16
Keith was the first friend my son Malik made when he started attending Madison Elementary School in the 2nd Grade. Audrey, who welcomed us with open arms told Keith to look after Malik and that’s exactly what he did. From Madison to Redondo Union, they both graduated with Seahawk Pride in 2021. Keith will be dearly missed and my condolences go out to Audrey, Emma, their family and friends. You now have another guardian angel alongside John watching over you. Rest In Love Keith…
June 15

I was so sorry to hear about Keith. My heart goes out to you during this incredibly difficult time. Even though I only met him a few times, he left a lasting impression on me particularly because he was so genuine. Keith will be greatly missed by everyone. I can only imagine that a soul like his will live on in a very special way.

Sending you lots of love and strength. I hope you find comfort in knowing that his presence is watching over you.

June 11
June 11
Dear sweet Angels, there are no words to express your loss. I didn’t know Keith but I knew your Dad. Your Dad was a wonderful, caring and happy person. He loved his family and enjoyed life!! Keith & your Dad are together again embracing one another. Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolences.

Dear God, please comfort those grieving the loss of their brother. Give them strength to carry on and faith to know that their brother and son are now in your loving embrace. ❤️
June 10
I had the privilege to be Keith's instructor for two FSN classes at Cal Poly this year. Keith was always thoughtful, helpful, caring and FUN! I truly enjoyed having him as a student. He was a good friend to many students in the class.
His loss is tremendous and he will be greatly missed by all of us.
June 10
June 10
My dear friends,

It's taken me too long to find the the strength to post  my thoughts with you both. All the while standing in awe of your strength, grace and steadfastness. You inspire and amaze us all, you heal us while we should be doing exactly that for you.

Emma, this site is a wonderful tribute to Keith, a testament to who he truly was and what he meant to you, the Marco family, and the family of friends he shared. Each day with Keith was a blessing and each day with his memories are a blessing for us all. 

Audrey, my forever friend...words will never live up to the feelings of sadness I feel and they can never live up to the feelings I have for who you are, at your very core...the most amazingly strong, smart and dedicated wife, mother and friend. I know you will lead us all through this terrible tragedy, I know it's you who will give us the strength to carry on, and I know we will ALWAYS be there for you, (and Emma should you need our shoulders for balance or tears) and the forever memories we will cherish of Keith and John.

We shall Live Like Keith! 

June 9
June 9
Dear Audrey, Emma and family,

We are so very sorry for your loss. We still have fond memories of visiting LA and staying with you. We will always remember how kind Keith was to Dylan even though Dylan was much younger. It is no surprise that he grew up to be such a wonderful and loved young man that touched so many people.

All our love, Brian, Mandi and Dylan
June 9
The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about my favorite memories with Keith is playing chess with him at 3 in the morning on St Patrick’s day. We played a couple times that day and I lost every time. Over the next couple months I played a lot of chess on my phone solely to try and beat Keith. Now whenever I play chess I will be thinking about you. Love you and miss you already.
June 8
June 8
Dear Audrey, Emma, & Courtney,
     It is very rare to have a presence so comforting that on a hard day, anyone walks up and feels comfortable letting it all go on you. Yet, even though I was in the middle of campus, one time of Keith asking how I was felt like open enough arms that I started crying. And, it is even more rare to be so standup that he then proceeded to walk me back to my house, letting me cry out each of the insignificant issues. When I told him about a bad test grade, he told me ‘But you want to be a doctor one day you can’t let the one test get you down!”. I had probably mentioned this goal once before, which forever stood out to me that he picked that up and recalled it in random conversation. When my 5’2 self looked up and told Keith I felt fat, he gave a good chuckle at my tears and said I was like a ‘Chicken McNugget’ and he was the ‘Big Mac’ - one of the only times I ever laughed during a breakdown. Just this one memory has stood out to me since - because on a day I felt very alone, and probably the first day I had seen him since the previous year, he dropped everything to make me feel better, and even adjusted to my speed (one much more dramatic than his good soul could ever be) just so I felt listened to. It was the most kind moment I experienced that quarter.
Above that, I was blessed with many Keith hugs and laughs and lessons. So recently, there was someone from out of our Cal Poly bubble visiting at our house barbecue, and though his differences made many pass with no conversation, I vividly remember watching from my seat when Keith walked up, bonded over a steak and a joke, and was the first person to make that visitor really feel included. Keith even asked for his social media to keep in touch, and when the visitor left back to his Marine Corps training the next day, he brought up multiple times to me how hilarious that ‘guy that looked like a big friendly giant’ was. Watching Keith bond with such open-mindedness was my stepping stone to be doing the same that night, and many other random times. I would always joke with Keith that he was my only friend at the football or Lambda party, and he’d usually make me talk to some other guy with him to show me what he loved about them.
My last note is - I looked through the beautiful pictures of Keith and friends. I noticed in every one my roommate Olivia, smiling the most genuinely and carefree I’ve ever seen. Olivia hates having her picture taken, so it is evident that Keith’s presence was so happy and pure, that in those photos I don’t think she even realized her picture was being taken. If I brought it up I’m sure she would say “Only Keith could make me too happy to realize a photo was being taken.”
I’m sure many others have experienced this, but when I think how I will Live Like Keith, I cannot wrap my head around how one person encompassed so many goodhearted traits. If everyone could even do half as Living Like Keith, the world will see brighter days. I will forever look up to how Keith was everything to everyone - to family, friends, his fraternity, his team, his girlfriend, and strangers. His love was never spread thin, even though it was given to so many. I will take my steps to living more like Keith, knowing that the most wise and beautiful soul is looking over and guiding all of us.
June 8
This was absolutely beautiful. Emma you are a strong brilliant woman who was born for greatness.  Stay strong for your mom honey she's going to need you more than ever. God bless you always.
June 8
June 8
Dearest Audrey and Emma,

Our family is so deeply sorrowed to hear about Keith. We rest assured knowing that he is in a good place now with John and that they are together. Please stay strong for each other. We pray for your family during this difficult time.

Sending our love to you - NiQ, Michele, JaQ and Alysha
June 8
June 8
Dear Emma, I have never met you or Keith but I've been dancing hip hop with your mom for 6 years. Audrey also lights up the entire room when she arrives, is so genuinely happy to see us, chats adoringly about her kids, and dances with the kind of delighted abandon that is infectious to us all. We have laughed SO much. Though I didn't know Keith, knowing that he was raised by this gem of a woman tells me an awful lot about who he was. Your beautifully written and touching tribute confirmed this. My heart is with you all. XO Erica
June 7
June 7
Dear Audrey and Emma
Please accept our deepest condolences. May cherished memories bring you comfort during this difficult time and may the love and support of friends and family sustain you in the days ahead.
Love Aunt Karen, Cousins Jodi, Alex and Paul
June 7
June 7
I only met my second cousin once when he was in Canada, He came with my Cousin Audrey for the 80th Birthday party of his Bubble. Reading what everyone has written Keith truly was a special young man who treated everyone he met with kindness and love ❤️ My thoughts and prayers are with Audrey ,Emma ,Tina and Sadie , as well as everyone who knew and loved Keith
June 7
Dear Audrey and Emma and all of your extended family,

Paul, Charlie and I are shocked and so brokenhearted for your loss. There are no words.

We have such sweet and special memories of Keith and his amazing Dad during the very early years. T Ball then baseball and the summer camps.  Charlie and Keith were so adorable together, Keith already the gentle giant towering over Charlie. Quite a sight!! 

It’s been a privilege to hear these wonderful tributes to whom Keith grew into: this amazing kind man that touched everyone he met!

Emma: beautiful job setting up this amazing site that truly inspires us all to live like Keith. Thank you for doing this so quickly. It helps all of us devastated by your loss know what first step we can take to support you during this time.  Thank you.

We are sending our prayers of healing to you all. God speed.

The Bottlik Vaughan family
June 7

Dear Audrey and Emma,

Like all of Keith’s many loved ones and so many friends, I too
was shocked and still am in a state of sadness and disbelief that such a terrible thing could possibly have happened to your beautiful son and brother; that someone so young and vital was taken so soon. Unfortunately, I never really had the pleasure of getting to know him very well but from reading so many warm and beautiful tributes it is obvious that you guys sure did an A+ job in raising your Truly Exceptional Family!

Emma, thank you for the beautiful tribute and for the many lovely photos of your wonderful trips. I feel that John and Keith must even now, be sending you the strength to go forward and to continue making them so proud!

Keith, You memory is forever embedded in all of our hearts. Rest in Peace.

Maxine Robinson,
Jack, Ryan and Tate’s Grandma

June 7
Keith was one of the first people I met when I came to poly. He was just one of the kindest people I met here even today now that it's been three years. Even though we weren't the closest he'd always offer to support me and let me get ready at his apartment our freshmen year when I was prepping for a job interview and our plumbing was disabled. He made such a big impact on everyone around him and I am really glad I was able to meet him.
June 7
June 7
I was so heartbroken to learn of the final news on Wed. While I knew deep in my heart that a good outcome was unlikely, I refused to stop believing that he would recover. He really was a gentle giant. Such a unique combination of strength, intelligence, beauty and gentleness. He truly had the best qualities of Audrey and John and for that matter, the best qualities of all of us. Who can possibly understand how something like this can happen but I’ll just hope and believe that there is something special out there and he is now with John! Audrey and Emma, I love you and will always be there for the both of you. I can’t wait to see you and share a big hug and reminisce about Keith. 

Rest in peace, Keith. We will always remember you and you will always be with us. Please tell your dad how much I miss him!
June 7
I can't believe I'm reading and writing a tribute to Keith... It's so hard to find the words. How devastating and unfair for this to happen to someone with so much life and love to give. All of us who loved him witnessed the kind of man he was and the character he possessed, and it's wonderful to see the outpouring of love, photos, and memories from his wide circle of friends at Cal Poly and beyond echo these same truths. Even his final act of generosity shows the depth of his humility and care for mankind. He touched so many lives, and I hope others in mourning find comfort in knowing he will live on physically and give the ongoing gift of life. Good job, Keith. May you rest in peace, and may we all live like you did.
June 7
We remember KEEEEEEETH from our many, many wonderful years at Bright Horizons. Although we have all moved on, grown up , lost touch there is always a special place in our hearts for the Marco family and the SONY Bright Horizons crew. Joe, Zeke, Kathryn, Brooke, Keith. We are holding you all close to our hearts. May his memory be a blessing.
June 7
June 7
Oh Emma, I am so sad to hear this news and read your words. Our daughter Julia played soccer with you ( U16 I believe) along with RUHS lacrosse. Our son played lacrosse with Keith for one year. He always made us smile, his tall, football physique running down the field with the ball in his lacrosse stick and the opposing team essentially just getting out of his way. We loved sitting on the sidelines with your kind parents during both sports. Big hugs to you and your mom Audrey.  With Love, Jill Brand and family
June 7
June 7
I still can’t believe this has happened. To Audrey, Emma, Sadie, Tina, Ursula and John Sr, Joy, Joe, Rosemary and the rest of your family, we want you to know that our hearts break for you and we share your sorrow and pain. But we also share the privilege of having known and loved such a purely wonderful man. He was special and made everyone feel they were special to him too. The last time I saw him, Keith was learning how to play the guitar and enthusiastically showed me how to play the notes to Blackbird by the Beatles. That simple and beautiful song will always make me think of him. Audrey and Emma, we love you and will always miss him with you. I can literally feel Johnny’s bear hug as I write this. Until we meet again, RIP Keith. 
June 6
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Keith has such a bright light and a kindness that sparked an instant friendship between us. Keith and I were lab partners at CalPoly not too long ago. He was incredibly patient and kind with me, as I was struggling very much in that class. He would take so much of his own time and put in so much effort just to help me understand and succeed with the work. If it weren’t for his kind heart, I would never have passed that class. I will forever be grateful for his kindness. I know this is just one small example of how he lived his life full of love and kindness for those around him. I feel so blessed to have a friend like Keith in my heart. Sending so many thoughts and prayers to the Marco family, you raised an amazing young man with a beautiful soul❤️
June 6
Keith was an exceptional friend, but above that, he was an amazing person. He had the gift of making you feel like you were best friends and had known each other for years just seconds after meeting him. No matter how bad of a day I was having, the second I saw Keith and his huge smile my whole day would get immeasurably better.

One of my favorite memories with Keith was earlier this school year when we were having a potluck. We were required to bring homemade food, and I decided to make my grandma’s apple dump cake recipe. I watched Keith from the other side of the room try it and his eyes lit up. Keith quite literally sprinted across the house to ask how I made it and proceeded to eat two more plates of it. Almost every time after that when we were hanging out he would bring up the apple dump cake. I wish I could have made it for him one more time.

Keith will be so missed down here, but I know that he is smiling down on us from above. Until we meet again in the next life. Love you big man.

June 6
June 6
I was lucky enough to meet Keith a few years ago. He was such a gentle giant, and he made me feel so comfortable and welcome in his home. He drove me and Audrey passed Vince Vaughn’s house gave me a tour of the neighborhood. He was a lovely young man and I was so impressed by him. I am so profoundly sorry for your loss. The whole Marco family made me feel like family like they knew me forever and treated me like family. I’m so sorry, Audrey and Emma. I love you both very much. And I’m here for you
June 6
Dear Audrey and Emma
We are so sorry to hear about Keith.
You are in our prayers
Elaine and Stu Nathan
June 6
Keith has made a major impact in mine and many peoples lives always brings a smile to everyone’s faces. Everyday when going to football he would come over and always say hello to me with the biggest smile. This always meant so much to me and he was a friend I looked forward to seeing at every practice. He is truly one of a kind with the biggest heart. On fourth of July last year, our group of friends got the chance to hangout the night before and I will never forget all the fun moments and laughs we shared. Bright and early in the morning, I remember Keith getting ready for the day putting on his festive blue and red necklaces to go back home and have the best day with all his friends. Additionally, I will never forget his sourdough bread and how a big group of us demolished the whole loaf in a matter of minutes complimented by his homemade balsamic. Thank you Keith for being an amazing person and a shining light in everyone’s life! We all miss you so so much!
June 6
The Fitisemanu is sending love to the Marco Family. Such a devastating loss. We are heartbroken. Its hard to put anything into words as this is still a shock to us. We will cherish and remember the time we got with Keith. He was so welcoming to Kavika during their time at SLO together and I am grateful for that. It made it easier to send our boy off into the world. We are from Torrance so we had that "South Bay" connection. Our nickname for him was "Redondo". You will be missed Keith.
June 6
June 6
I am so sorry for your loss. Keith was in my class this quarter and he stood out in the 120 person class as a person with a love for learning and a kindness toward others. He will be missed.
June 6
The Weichman family is praying for you and your family. You will always have a special place in our hearts.
June 6
June 6
I love you so much buddy. I was a little kid that didn’t know many people in the Redondo area after moving states and you always made me feel welcomed. From sleepovers at my house and yours, to the pool parties and baseball games we shared together. I’ll always be thankful for your friendship. I loved sharing many laughs with you my guy and I will always remember you and the memories we spent. I love you brother. I hate that when I moved we didn’t stay closer but the love and friendship we had will always be important to me.
June 6
I am so very sorry for your great loss. My son, Ashton Ramadan, is a freshman Lambda Chi Brother, and called to share the news about the loss of his friend. He shared what a great guy he was and how he always greeted Ashton with a smile. As a mother, my heart breaks for this huge loss to your family. We send you love, prayers and courage as you navigate the journey ahead without the physical presence of your beloved family member. He has given the gift of life and this is such a beautiful thing. Again, Ashton and I send our condolences to all your family and friends. Warmly, Ronda Brittian
June 6
June 6
Gonna miss you brother, thanks for all the laughs and good memories. Always such a great guy to be around and have a good kind soul. Glad I got the pleasure to play ball with you and was always impressed with your character how you lightened up practices and still tell the story of how you had the strength to play through a full game with a bad knee injury. Till we meet again my man❤️️
June 6
I got the chance to meet and become friends with Keith during our second year at Cal Poly. I really got to know who Keith was last summer when we both spent the summer in SLO. Some of my best girl friends moved in next door to Keith on Hathaway, and after seeing him one night and introducing them to each other, we quickly gelled and spent the whole summer together.

I have never met someone so authentically himself. A big man who would wear a crochet frog hat because a friend made it for him, wear crop tops with his belly out to make people smile, have a dance battle with me before going downtown just because I challenged him. Most of our pictures together are pretty goofy, and although "goofy" certainly fits Keith, it's his kindness and sincerity that really stand out. Some moments that stick out as "prime" Keith moments... When Keith and I were in charge of grilling the skewers for dinner one night, he insisted that we go through the fence opening to OPM to use their grill since it was better than the one at his house. Another time, my roommates and I had friends over for a BBQ on Labor Day, and when Keith showed up with his sourdough starter, he was disappointed to find out we did not own a cast iron skillet as he had requested. No worries though, Keith immediately left the BBQ, went home to grab his own skillet, and came back to make his famous sourdough with homemade balsamic for everyone that was at our house. Keeping with his love for food as a means to show care- Keith and Aidan cooked a whole taco dinner for 20 people the night before St Fratty’s Day our second year. He was an expert at bringing people together, filling up their stomachs and their hearts with his compassion.

My favorite memory with Keith however, comes from a snow trip we took with friends this past January up to Twain Harte, CA. Keith and I were stuck in the backseat together for a 7 hour ride after we got routed so many different ways and added 2 hours to the ride. We spent the ride playing games, sharing how we felt about friendships and relationships, and for me, fake reacting when Keith would show me food ASMR videos every 20 minutes when it fell silent. I shared my frustrations the next day when I got anxious about how long the drive was, the fact only a few of us were stuck in the lodge as we didn’t ski, and just being away from SLO. Although Keith was in the exact same situation as me, he encouraged me to remain positive. He reminded me we were lucky to be with our friends and even though we were frustrated, we had to be thankful to be with each other. I now look back and feel so grateful to have gotten this weekend with Keith. From a combined 12 hours in the backseat together, a whole day spent in the lodge, and tears and laughter shared- his sentiment will remain with me forever. Live like Keith- even in sadness or frustration, take a step back to look at the bigger picture. Remain thankful for friendships and community; use your energy not to dwell, but to spread compassion.
June 6
Miss you already big man. I met Keith when I was super young playing baseball together. All I knew was big Keith towering over me but being the nicest person on the field. Through the years of school, he was a year younger than me but I found myself either laughing at his jokes during football practice or us joking around with our first aid baby doll. Too much to write about. Writing this almost feels fake, it wasn’t that long ago I was at his house with his fam watching him cook a feast, giving him a hard time just bc that’s what we did to each other. Love u big man I’ll see you soon.
June 6
The Silva family had the pleasure to meet the Marco family on the baseball field when our sons played together. Erik being so small and Keith being the tallest kid on the team made it always funny seeing them together. Keith as my husband Mike said was always a kind and caring kid, a big teddy bear. You showed what a true teammate was all about. You will always be remembered especially when your pictures come up on my memories on facebook with Erik on the field.
June 6
I spent one year at redondo union and Keith is someone who I can always remember even though we hardly spoke. I hardly know Keith, I also doubt Keith would have even remembered me, but the way he lit up a classroom I could never forget him. Such a sweet and kind person and made you feel like decent people still existed in the world. Rest in Peace Keith, and sending my condolences to the family.
June 5
June 5
When we were in our 6th grade engineering class, Keith, Justin, and I were tasked with building a bridge out of popsicle sticks. After each group finished constructing their bridge, they were put to the test by suspending weights from them. Ours was the best by far, so much so that the teacher ended up running out of weights. Justin and I even stood on the damn thing after class, and though we were scrawny 6th graders, the popsicle sticks bore our weight. It wasn’t until Keith tried to stand on it, of course, that it collapsed. But even then, it stood for a few seconds. We laughed and relished our bridge’s superior construction. Keith was larger than life, and his heart as well as his humor are things I won’t soon forget.
June 5
June 5
Keith and I always shared many laughs and joked alot when we hung out. I remember one day I was feeling pretty bad about myself Keith took me to the main house of Lambda and introduced me to his brothers and showed me around. Keith always made sure when someone was down they would leave with a smile after talking to him. Imma miss you keef and I hope your eating all the jimmy deans you want in heaven. love you brother.
-Jay smith
June 5
June 5
Keith was truly one of the nicest and most welcoming people I have come across in my life. I transferred here to Cal Poly my 3rd year and almost right off the bat he made me feel like one of his friends. He welcomed me into his home, enjoyed barbecues at his house with our friends, and always said what’s up and said something funny and nice when I’d see him on campus. I loved Keith and Keith loved everyone. Me and my friends would bring up how he doesn’t have a bad bone in his body any time his name came up in conversation or we saw him around. It is So sad to see Keith go but I know that with the loving heart he has, he is resting in heaven peacefully and continuing to share his love with others.

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June 16
June 16
Keith was the first friend my son Malik made when he started attending Madison Elementary School in the 2nd Grade. Audrey, who welcomed us with open arms told Keith to look after Malik and that’s exactly what he did. From Madison to Redondo Union, they both graduated with Seahawk Pride in 2021. Keith will be dearly missed and my condolences go out to Audrey, Emma, their family and friends. You now have another guardian angel alongside John watching over you. Rest In Love Keith…
June 15

I was so sorry to hear about Keith. My heart goes out to you during this incredibly difficult time. Even though I only met him a few times, he left a lasting impression on me particularly because he was so genuine. Keith will be greatly missed by everyone. I can only imagine that a soul like his will live on in a very special way.

Sending you lots of love and strength. I hope you find comfort in knowing that his presence is watching over you.

June 11
June 11
Dear sweet Angels, there are no words to express your loss. I didn’t know Keith but I knew your Dad. Your Dad was a wonderful, caring and happy person. He loved his family and enjoyed life!! Keith & your Dad are together again embracing one another. Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolences.

Dear God, please comfort those grieving the loss of their brother. Give them strength to carry on and faith to know that their brother and son are now in your loving embrace. ❤️
His Life

Baseball Keith

June 6
Keith began playing baseball at a very young age. He loved to chew sunflower seeds and cheer on his teammates in the dough out. Keith would go on to compete in basketball and choose football as his primary sport in high school and college. 

Madison Elementary

June 6
Keith and Emma went to Madison Elementary school 

Marco's in Yosemite

June 5
Yosemite was a very special place for the Marco family. Keith and Emma loved the snow and would often get into snowball fights with Mom and Dad. The family has completed several memorable hikes in the valley. This is where Keith began his appreciation for nature. 
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June 5
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I first met Keith in baseball. We were really young at the time around 12 or 13, he’s always been one of those guys that’s just a fun time to be around because he was just so nice. We weren’t the best of friends but we were tight with each other, I remember I got in a fight with someone and he saw me walking and said “yo bro I saw you kick that kid’s ass on video, good shit.” That was probably the funniest thing I heard that morning and he made my day. We had that same type of energy when we were in high school to when I saw him while visiting my friend who goes to the same college as Keith. I had a group with me and Keith comes in the dorm and we’re just all hanging out, we had some music playing and some drinks poured having a chill time. One of my best friends starts making a beat on a desk and Keith starts going in, it’s funny listening to him because the rap had no meaning to it whatsoever. That really showed me how he’s able to be himself in front of people he barely hung out with or barely met and I respect that till this day, and one thing that’s crazy to me is I never knew we had the same birthday until now. Rest in piece bro, God gonna take care of you now. 

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