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His Life

Baseball Keith

June 6
Keith began playing baseball at a very young age. He loved to chew sunflower seeds and cheer on his teammates in the dough out. Keith would go on to compete in basketball and choose football as his primary sport in high school and college. 

Madison Elementary

June 6
Keith and Emma went to Madison Elementary school 

Marco's in Yosemite

June 5
Yosemite was a very special place for the Marco family. Keith and Emma loved the snow and would often get into snowball fights with Mom and Dad. The family has completed several memorable hikes in the valley. This is where Keith began his appreciation for nature. 

Keith's Silly Face

June 5
Keith found it hilarious to hold his mouth open and stick his tongue out for photos. Dad was an avid photographer. We are blessed to have so many pictures. 

Daddy Takes the Kids to the Beach

June 5
Keith and Emma grew up in Redondo Beach, California where they often went to the beach with Mom and Dad. When the summer sun began setting late, Dad took Emma and Keith to the beach after elementary school. Boogie boarding and building sand castles was their favorite. 

Santa Monica Family

June 5
The Marco Family visits the Santa Monica Pier

Emma and Keith with Batman

June 5
Emma was almost 4 years old when Keith was born. She was so excited to have a baby brother that she began telling people that mom, Audrey, was pregnant before she even told Emma! Emma enjoyed teaching Keith about Batman and Robbin, her favorite superheroes.

Keith was Born

June 5
Keith was born on February 11th, 2003 at 11lbs 9oz. When the nurse gave him to mom she said, "Congratulations, you've given birth to a toddler!"

Baby Keith and Dad

June 5
Keith and dad, John, had the same hazel eyes 

Baby Keith

June 5
Keith is likely still a record holder for eating the most chicken nuggets at Bright Horizons Preschool.