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June 5
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I first met Keith in baseball. We were really young at the time around 12 or 13, he’s always been one of those guys that’s just a fun time to be around because he was just so nice. We weren’t the best of friends but we were tight with each other, I remember I got in a fight with someone and he saw me walking and said “yo bro I saw you kick that kid’s ass on video, good shit.” That was probably the funniest thing I heard that morning and he made my day. We had that same type of energy when we were in high school to when I saw him while visiting my friend who goes to the same college as Keith. I had a group with me and Keith comes in the dorm and we’re just all hanging out, we had some music playing and some drinks poured having a chill time. One of my best friends starts making a beat on a desk and Keith starts going in, it’s funny listening to him because the rap had no meaning to it whatsoever. That really showed me how he’s able to be himself in front of people he barely hung out with or barely met and I respect that till this day, and one thing that’s crazy to me is I never knew we had the same birthday until now. Rest in piece bro, God gonna take care of you now. 

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