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November 22, 2016
November 22, 2016
Oh my, here I am again, that season I have come to dislike so much. I know you would not like that, because it was one of our favorite seasons, but then it was two, and then three. Harlen unfortunately does not like it either. I try so hard to be happy for him, but he is a lot smarter socially than we ever knew. He has been so wonderful this year, doing things we thought he might not ever do. I am so proud of him, and you would be so excited. To bad, he was never included in the entire family, but I wasn't either. They would loved him so.
May 8, 2016
May 8, 2016
I wanted you to know our Misty jumped into your arms after a two day painful battle with pancreistis on JAN 19th, 2016. She was a very special angel that came home to you.

Remember, she knew when you were a block from the house in the afternoon, and be at door or waiting at the front gate. In the morning she would watch you until the car was out of sight. Another, and very unexpected heartbreak blow. She was only 10 years old.

And,as you know after your sudden departure she became my entire life. I only left her three times after you left and it killed me each time. She was unbelievable living with us daily in the hospital and lying between your legs when you started your journey. Once you left she jumped off your bed and jumped into my arms. I knew you were on your way. Whe went home soon afterwards and Misty never slept in our bed again, always remaining at the side in her bed on the floor. She always let me know when you were near. I find comfort knowing you met her over the bridge were she ran in circles around you as you clapped your hands in the beautiful flowing grass. Can't wait to see you guys. So lonely here even as I stay busy and work everyday.
February 13, 2016
February 13, 2016
Barry, there are a lot of people that loved you andwill always miss you, and I am one of them. You & Donald have such a beautiful love story which carried on through all aspects of your life------------your love for people, your love for life, your love for animals. You were always such a loving, caring person. I'll never forget the day of your dad's funeral when you took my arm and escorted me down the isle to say my last good byes to Ken. You'll never know how much that meant to me. Of course, that is just one of the many fond memories that I'll always have. All I can say, God sure knew what He was doing when He created you and now He has a wonderful disciple with Him up in Heaven. I hope I make it there so we can meet again. But for now, I'll just enjoy the memories of having a super brother-in-law who showed me what love & compassion is all about. Love & miss you, Sue
PS My love goes out to you too, Donald & I hope you make it to Florida to visit with all the Dyches girls.
February 12, 2016
February 12, 2016
Barry, Wave that flag and ring those windchimes for Donald.
February 12, 2016
February 12, 2016
Dear Barry, I did not have the pleasure of knowing but I have only heard great things about you. I met Donald a few years ago by fate. He strolled into my life and salon and have been great friends since. I honestly have to say that you are talked about very often and are desrly loved and missed.
February 12, 2016
February 12, 2016
Dear Barry, you and Donald shared a special love that most people don't experience......even tho you are not with him, that love lives on....I always remember you with love.....continue to watch over your dear Donald. Francine
February 11, 2016
February 11, 2016
Another Valentine's Day come and gone again without you, the beautiful love messages received not only on this day, but almost each week, if not each day. You gave me Valentine's Day not once a year but each week. What a love I had. You, were the best writer of love messages, and had such a way of conveying your expressions of love. Thank you.

This year brings, however, another heart breaker, I will see this year not only without you, and your deepest felt love of affection, but also the lost of our most precious "Misty". She passed January 15th unexpectedly on her birthday, and I know with all my heart you caught her. Thank you, and it was my Valentines' Gift you gave me knowing you caught her, and now hold her for us.

She was something else. I would have not made it this far after you left without her. Not sure were this leaves me now, do YOU? Misty lived with us for 48 days straight in our wonderful hospital living/bedroom, only leaving the room for a convenience walk. She laid on top of your bed at your feet the night you transitioned; I was setting in a chair holding your hand, and you moved your foot just so slightly, and touched her; she moved between your legs, and moved her head on top of your legs, and as she did, you were gone. You let go of my hand, and Misty raised her head and looked at me, and I knew you were traveling. 

Tonight, I know you two are traveling together, and I want you to know she was our best. As you always said, she was special, and she was till the end. She never left me after you started your travels, and she tried so hard not to leave. She was cremated and her ashes will be combined with ours and flown into the wind over the Pacific Ocean along with all of them and my dad.

The house is so empty once again, but yet all of you are so around. I know, I feel you guys. Just so weak in wishing I could touch, yet I know you guys touch me often at night, because I sense it, and i wake only to find you afar, but so near.
December 31, 2015
December 31, 2015
I love you always and miss you so much. You will live forever in my heart
December 29, 2015
December 29, 2015
You are so missed and never forgotten. Your my first, my last, and my everything.
December 29, 2015
December 29, 2015
This is a day I will spend quietly reflecting on the importance of being true to oneself; and the rich friendships that can result when you feel free to be you. My only regret is that Barry, Donald, and I didn't have more of those special times to share. He was the best. Barry, I hope you know how much I admired and loved you... /JF
December 29, 2015
December 29, 2015
As everyday I live, a candle is lighted to honor your LOVE and your LIFE.
December 29, 2015
December 29, 2015
Barry, you are always in my was my honor to know you.....
December 23, 2015
December 23, 2015
I just saw all the wonderful pics and wonderful comments left by your wonderful nieces. It made my day and Christmas 2015. Tanya left some great pics of them. Fabulous. You r so loved and so terribly missed Barry. Not sure how we got to this point but here we are. It will soon be FIVE years since I laid on the bed with you and told you goodbye. Seems like yesterday and yet sometimes a dream that never happen. Last night I dream about you but every time I thought I was going to see you u disappeared. I know you were in the room and I don't care if they think I am crazy. You were there.
December 23, 2015
December 23, 2015
Rembering all the Christmas memories we shared. We had so many and they help me struggle throug the day. I love Barry.
December 12, 2015
December 12, 2015
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2015. Your would have been YOUR DAY that GOD gave you to the World and your journey toward me.

I have really nothing new to say except I wish I could say Happy Birthday to you with a kiss and hug. So deeply missed. You are better than the best.

It's been now five years since that last birthday. As other pretended you were getting better I knew it was my last birthday with you. The pain was greater than I could bear like today.
December 12, 2015
December 12, 2015
Happy Birthday, Barry! This is our special day, and I wish you were still here for us to share it, but I am thinking of you, and I am very grateful to have Donald with me today. We will share memories of you. You were and are loved, and I know you continue to watch over your beloved Donald. I wish you peace.
December 12, 2015
December 12, 2015
Good morning, Barry, on this anniversary of your birth. I can't imagine that you'd be 77 yo today. In my mind you are ageless. You know when one shares a lifeboat together as we did in the East Bay...that co-dependency nurtures a bond that remains with me to this day.  I learned so much from you while we were in the trenches. Today, what I choose to remember, however, is your TN accent, your smile, and how easily you could blush. Your sense of humor. Your great taste. So well- turned out, no matter what, a true Southern gentleman you were. Did you know, that I loved you then. Still do...      Take care, Barry and Donald.   /JF
December 12, 2015
December 12, 2015
I'm thinking of you today Donald and Barry.
Donald misses you so much Barry, but he puts on such a brave front.
He sees you in all the special and the quiet things of life.
I look forward to seeing Donald in January,
You are always with us Barry.
December 12, 2015
December 12, 2015
Happy Birthday, Barry! Even though we never met you, we still want to tell you how loved and missed you are. Especially by your sweetheart Donald. We just love him with all our hearts and we are thinking about both of you today. With SO much love - Kristy, Teresa, Ralph, and Abraham
December 12, 2015
December 12, 2015
Happy Birthday to my always favorite, most sweet and loving, not to mention entertaining and funny, Uncle any girl could ever have. We share the same birth month (you 12/12, me 12/21) so I will always think of you in our birth month. I miss you so much, take comfort in knowing and experiencing your unconditional love, and can only imagine the pain your sweet and precious Donald has endured over these past years. Uncle Barry, you truly made a difference in our world, we love you and miss you always <3U Tana
December 10, 2015
December 10, 2015
Thinking of you, dear Barry, today, on what would be your and Donald's 42nd lives two will always be connected.....I know you are watching over him with are missed you, Francine
December 9, 2015
December 9, 2015
Such a memory today. Can't believe I still live without your physical being. I know you are around, and hope you never leave. You stay to make sure I am okay. I feel your presence. I listen, look, smell, and watch for signs, like my hummingbirds, wind blowing our flag, and ringing the hummingbirds chime without any wind. Your there I know. I feel the light breeze that crosses our bed at 2am in the morning, and movement in the room, the curtains blowing without air in the room, Misty looking around, moaning, knowing you are there. I love you, miss you, and you are never forgotten. Happy Anniversary darling. My love for you stronger today than 42 years ago. What a wonderful angel you are.Love, Donald
November 26, 2015
November 26, 2015
Thinking of you as usual, but espically on this special dat THANKSGIVING DAY. I am so deeply thankful I had you and such wonderful, happy, and loving Thanksgiving Days. We were so blessed in GOD's love. I love you, miss you terribly.

Spending the day in Palm Springs with two new friends, Bob and Harvey, Pam and I met on the Queen Mary2 a couple of years ago. They r hosting a Thanksgiving Day Dinner. This is my first outing for this special day since you crossover.

Love you darling,
November 25, 2015
November 25, 2015
Thinking of you like any other day, but as we approach this Thanksgivng 2015, I know I can be forever thankful for what GOD gave me with you. I am trying to be thankful for that time, rather than feel why did we had to say goodbye to each other so quickly and early.

I realized this year we will never say goodbye to each other; we are in the waiting area - you on side of the glass wall, me on the other, till I can cross over to join you just like we use too when we would fly toward each other. The distance now is not as far as that we experienced when I was on the west coast, and you in Nashville. All I do now is raise my hand, close my eyes, and the warmth of your hand is touching mine. I could not do that when you were some 2800 miles from me

I love you so much, and everyday with you was a Thanksgiving day. You, do doubt, were a powerful angel in my life, and so many others.

I say thank you to GOD each day for the unbelieveable moments I shared with you. You are such a treasure, it never ENDS.
September 19, 2015
September 19, 2015
You visit me alot. Thank you!

Tonight I know you are here. The pain is more I can endure sometimes. I miss you so much. I am trying to find life, but it is not happening. I love when you ring our hummingbird chimes, because I know you are near.

A near friend lost her 9 year old grandchild in some sort of medicine tragedy. I am not able to go to the memorial. You created the path for my on sanity with the lost of Bridgette. She is with you, thank GOD! I hope we all can be together soon. I feel so bad I can't go, but I can't withstand the memories or hurt. I hope my friend forgives me
You know I talk to you daily, and sometimes I know you hear because of what happens during the day. Some may think I am crazy, but that is okay because they don't understand what deep love we had. I am just lost sometimes, but you bring me back

I am trying extremely hard to do each day what you told me to do. Not why it gets harder to do it. When I look up in the night sky, with all the beautiful stars I sense you are surrounding me. I love to be out there in the early mornings. Thank you for watching over Misty and me. I have grown to worry about her. You know why.

Barry, you are the best; the only thing in my life that ever happen that was so good. I hope you know how much I love you and only you will ever know how much your love meant to me.

Just had one of those awful birthdays without you. The day was entirely spent thinking of you. Francine sent me flowers; guest you told her to do that. She is coming to see me in December on her way back to AZ.

Tanya called me and we talked. She is so good, and finally enjoying life. She loved you so much. What a great niece you have. She is so sensitive, and your cheerleader.

As each and everyday, I love you so much, and still it is so hard to understand the life wall that separates us.

Forever, and forever, you are the love of my life.
Your Donald
June 6, 2015
June 6, 2015
Tonight I got home from traveling from Chicago. If you knew what I had done, you would laugh and say, " you never stop surprising me". I know. But I purchased another Mercedes Benz, the same year of our Jannia2. I need parts, and I can't fine them. She is 32 years young. As you know I will never get rid of her. You know why, so I needed some parts for whatever future. I drove her all the way from Chicago without a hitch; of course that's because you were seating there with me, telling me to slow down. You sure talked alot to me. Oh my, I miss our conversations.

Most important, Judith wrote a most beautiful note today, just when I needed something like that beautiful love you brought from all of us. I know you visit her. She told me about the hummingbird in her face, the same neck color that comes often to see me. You travel so far sometimes, but I know you have too. I know when you are NOT near, and of course I know when you are here. You are here tonight, just when this night is so difficult, more than usual. Thank you my darling. Just tired I guess, and for some reason today I saw you everywhere as I traveled home.Of course, when I walked in the house; well you know.

Also, yesterday was difficult because it was five years since Todd's death. I try not to think in terms of years because I find it more difficult for what ever reason and in December I have to face it also. How?
June 5, 2015
June 5, 2015
After retiring for the night, I awoke, not knowing why...and thinking about Don and Barry. I found my way to this memorial, Don, where I have now read, looked at your photos, the tributes, and all the messages. It made me cry. 
Barry was indeed a principled, accomplished, sensitive man who loved his employees, patients, and friends, but most of all-you. A consummate professional in his work life and an equally fun-loving, warm, and funny man in his personal life. I can hear him speaking yet with the accent he never lost, no matter how long he lived away from his birth state. Or seeing him blush. Or not understanding how he felt digging in the garden was therapy. 
While it is of little consolation, you and Barry lived life fully, enjoying each day and each other. That is a rare gift that you both had.
I always felt privileged to have worked for and to have known him.
 PS. I watch my hummingbirds (my nickname is "beijaflor"--Portuguese for hummingbird) here at my Vashon Island home named The Bird House. My favorites are the rufous birds with their bronze plumage and iridescent red heads. One male in particular who I named Rusty, hovers right in front of my kitchen window. Now I wonder...
March 1, 2015
March 1, 2015
The wind blew all day, but this evening when I took Misty out around midnight, NO wind. But, I looked up at your flag, and it was standing out. I looked around and I could not see any trees moving. Plus the wind blew across my body when I told you I know you are here.
Some say I imagine these things, but I don't think so. You were here I know, and your letting me know. Thought about you all day, and of course I know you were with me today.
February 14, 2015
February 14, 2015
Dearest Love One, My Captain
I miss you everyday, but today it is even more special. You know you were my valentine each and everyday of the year, but we had so much joy celebrating it each year on this day. The wonderful romantic dinners, special cards of love, and sharing the wonderful secret get a ways.
January 2, 2015
January 2, 2015
Your love and laughter will never leave me. The world is not the same without you in it.
December 31, 2014
December 31, 2014
Dear Donald Hope you are well it is said that time is a wonderful healer. We hope you will find peace within your heart . Barry is at peace no more suffering. Hope he is at resting and keeping a watch over you. You know Drexel is not the same without you. Love Pat & Irv
December 31, 2014
December 31, 2014
May this new year bring the blessing of your deep devotion and caring for all touched by you.
December 29, 2014
December 29, 2014
December 29, 2014
December 29, 2014
Thinking of dear Barry and you, Donald, today.....the love between you two lives on.....
December 29, 2014
December 29, 2014
You are truly missed Uncle Barry, there are so many days that I wish I could call you and just talk about what is going on in our lives. I miss hearing your laugh and also your words of encouragement and sweet expressions. I hope you know how much I truly love and miss you. You were an incredible Uncle to me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there and making my life more enjoyable, while teaching me by your actions and words, what a genuine person is all about. Love you, Uncle Barry. Love you too Uncle Donald, sending hugs and kisses your way. XOXO
December 12, 2014
December 12, 2014
Another year has passed, and still in disbelief. Sometimes it is harder than the first day without you. We just had another anniversary Dec. 10th, and now your birthday. Went to Lillydale, NY this past summer, and I know you were there with the message you left me through the medium. It was a very emotional experience, but so comforting. I know you are around. I plan to return there this summer and take some workshops because of the warmth of finding out more about spiritualism and mediums. I plan to have a private reading this time. I know you are near when my humming bird chimes are ringing, and there is NO wind. I love for you to visit me and Misty. Please come often. I love you so much, and miss you.
December 12, 2014
December 12, 2014
Thinking of you, dear Barry on this special day we shared.
December 12, 2014
December 12, 2014
Uncle Barry, I hope you know how special you were to me. I know we didn't see each other often, but you always had a way of making me feel like I was special. I don't think anyone has ever done that as well as you have. You were always so kind and sweet to me. I have always admired the person you were, you generous ways with people, and you unconditional love. My only regret is to not have spent more time with you…I look forward to that one day. I love you and miss you terribly. Thanks for everything you have ever done for me and for believing in me always. Love you…Tana
April 23, 2014
April 23, 2014
Saw the movie today, Tuesday April 21, 2014, "HEAVEN IS REAL". Okay, got it. You are there....
December 30, 2013
December 30, 2013
Dearest Barry,

On this 3rd anniversary of your passing, I'm praying that our collective memories of you will help provide some comfort to Donald during this difficult time of the year. I know it's not easy for him with your birthday and the anniversary of your passing being so close together.

I will always cherish the good times we all had together. You left an indelible mark in the hearts of so many.

God bless,

December 30, 2013
December 30, 2013
Remembering today your passing on December 29, 2010. I remember what you told me before you died, watch for hummingbirds, "I am there". I watch everyday for one. One came right up to my face and looked at me. It made my day. Thank you!
Miss you more than ever. Donald
December 29, 2013
December 29, 2013
Dear Barry, you are in our hearts forever. Watch over us, especially our Donald. May you be in peace.
December 25, 2013
December 25, 2013
For those visiting and honoring BARRY'S life during the holiday season, I am

GOD BLESS and Peace......
Love, Donald
December 13, 2013
December 13, 2013
Barry, I think of you often, and especially on our shared birthday. My prayer is you are at peace. Everyone who knew you was blessed to have your presence in their lives.
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
I am honored to leave a tribute for our dear, sweet & loving Barry. He and Donald came into my life in 1986. They opened up their home to me during a tennis tournament being held in San Francisco. I was struck by how warm and inviting Barry was, not only me but to all of the members of our tennis team. He and Donald were the consummate hosts. They lived life large and were so generous in sharing their home and their wonderful relationship with me. Our friendship continued for the next 10 years. During that time there were many many laughs and even a few tears. But through it all, Barry always maintained that wonderful outlook on life and was a tremendous source of strength. Plus, He had that goofy laugh that everyone adored. :-) His relationship with Donald was one to be admired. Their love and devotion to each other was unquestionable. Unfortunately life circumstances required that our lives take different paths and we didn't see each other before his untimely passing. I deeply regret not making more of an effort to spend time with Barry. He will always have a special place in my heart. And I will be eternally grateful for the career opportunities he provided me. May he rest in peace and have a blast walking some tennis balls and watching NASCAR from wherever he is. xoxo, Joe
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
Today, would have been your 75th B.D. Thinking of all those other birthdays we shared together today. We had some fantastic ones. For your 55th, we flew to Pairs, France on the Concorde. You thought we were going to an island for a vacation. I took you to NY, you got to see your NAVY friend Erwin, and then I stole you away to a flight that you talked about the rest of your life. I had so much fun planning this birthday surprise. Wish I could plan something today. I miss you so much. YOU are such a part of me for eternity.
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
It was such a pleasure to know and be in your company, Barry.

I'm thinking of you Donald and how much you are missing Barry, and I look forward to seeing you soon.
With much love,
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
Missing you so much today, not having our special day together on our anniversary, DEC. 10th. It would be our 41st anniversary today. Love you where ever you are my darling. I know sometimes you are around, and as a angel you are very busy. Come by when you can. I am waiting for you!
November 22, 2013
November 22, 2013
You are on the minds of many as we again approach another THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY DAY (2013). I am writing on there behalf to let us all know we think of you often if not everyday. For me like many I expect, how is it possible you are not here with us, at work, at lunch, at home, going to movies, and coming home each day? Harlen and I will spend another Thanksgiving Holiday together without you, sharing it together the best we can, most of the time in slient and staring into space. We both know what we are thinking, it is just not the same without you. We sat at the table, lost for conversation, and trying our best to have a nice time, but we both know we will be happy when the holiday is over. It is too much for us. Our holiday was about being together with each other, now just us two. Something so wrong with that picture, it has turned from a beautiful colored day to a more gray. Harlen speaks little as we both know, but less on these days probably because I try so hard not to show my eyes that are wet. I try hard to smile and keep some conversation going.
November 20, 2013
November 20, 2013
This year is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy. You served under his command and thought so much of him. I placed your NAVY picture this year in remembrance of your service in the Navy. You were such a gentleman and a good looking officer. Who could not fall in love with you. NOVEMBER 2013
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