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November 16, 2023
November 16, 2023
7 years and I still miss your great sense of humor and dad jokes, the way you loved food and going on road trip adventures, your artistic talent, your love of God and our family, and your consistency.
November 15, 2022
November 15, 2022
Six years without you leading our family here on Earth. This year has been the most challenging with mom’s many health challenges. Praying God comforts her, because she misses you terribly. Doing my best to care for her. Thankful one day you two can be together again. Until then I’ll take each day of life as a gift.
November 16, 2021
November 16, 2021
We have made it another year without you dad, now 5 years. Thankful for God’s provision in our lives. None of us knows the length of our life, but I’m thankful for the faith you imparted to me and the promise of eternal life because of the sacrifice Jesus made for my life when He died on the cross. I know one day we will be together again.
November 16, 2020
November 16, 2020
It is now 4 years since my dad went to Heaven. Remembering him today with a heart filled with Thanksgiving for all the years he blessed us with his sense of humor, love for God, wisdom, hard work to provide for our family, and his artistic creativity. Keeping my mom in prayer today.
November 15, 2019
November 15, 2019
It has been 3 years but I’m still remembering what a great dad you were. Tomorrow mom and I are going to eat Dim Sum. Some of my favorite memories are the times you took us to Chinatown. Thank you for exposing us to different cultures, different foods, and new adventures.
July 11, 2019
July 11, 2019
I just found out your dad passed. He was a protector of our family because my mom was single with two kids. He truly showed the love of Christ and I am sure he is so blessed to be in heaven now. I never knew we shared the same birthday. Ken left behind a great legacy through his children.
November 16, 2018
November 16, 2018
Remembering you today and everyday, Dad. Hard to believe it’s been 2 years. Thankful for all that you taught me, all your encouragement, love and prayers. I know you are looking out for me even now. Love your daughter Sarah
November 17, 2017
November 17, 2017
Hermano Ken and Margie were the best neighbor you can have!
We the Quinteros were bless to have hermano Ken, always with a smile when he arrived at home; we had the blessings to sit many many times in there home, we had bible study at the Harriis. Margie like always gardening and of course brother Ken knocking at our door cause Margie sent us fresh vegetables. Only good memories we have from our dear brother. Hermano Ken, you are very dear to the Quinteros and you are well missed!! Love you mi hermano Ken!! ❤️
November 16, 2017
November 16, 2017
Remembering my dad today, a year after he went to heaven. He was such and amazing man and example to me of strong faith, compassion, creativity, intelligence, and thankfulness. Thankful for the years he was in my life and the blessing he was to me and my
Family. I miss him every day.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017
Post from Naomi Martinez "He was the greatest neighbor and a very good friend. We miss his smile and happy attitude."
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017
Post from Jim Kelley "When I think of Ken, what comes to mind is "the Meek will inherit the Earth", Ken was one of the most gracious guys I knew... My Prayer is everyone who misses Ken, realizes how thin the vale of eturnity is, and how there is a great crowd of witnesses that are cherring us on... I'm sure he has met my mother already (we are the spitting image of each other)... *by knowing me you could pick my mother out of a county fair crowd*.... I'm sure Ken is still on a hug-a-thon for us all....."
February 16, 2017
February 16, 2017
Mr. Harris...
 I remember all those Harvest Festivals that he was helping at. I remember him snatching me up and giving me big hugs, which were probably normal to him but I was a kid and to me he was huge. I remember him praying for me at his house before me and Joel went to bed when I used to spend the night. I remember him as a loving, careing, gentle giant... He would block my path, bend his knees alittle and say There he you doing Dan. I'd be like fine... He would say he loves all of us me, Tracy, Michelle, and Germaine.
 I also remember every sunday he would roll Patricks grandfather through the play ground back to Violet Kitelys house in that wheel chair with the blue seat faithfully always smiling....
Mr. Harris
Rest In Peace
February 11, 2017
February 11, 2017
As Ken's wife, I always felt I was his student in the faith as well as life. He was 10 years ahead of me in life, and he was 10 years spiritually ahead of me, also. The Bible says a man that can control his tongue is a perfect man. I never met a more perfect man. Ken was truly a Godly husband in every respect and father, tenderly leading his family in Jesus in this wild world we live in. He made sure we never missed any services at church, prayer meeting, serving God's people in many capacities, even attending and graduating from Shiloh Bible College and because of his example I followed and did the same, eventually. Well done faithful man of God, Ken Harris, you deserve your rest with Jesus, you did a good job, and I surely miss you, precious man, who was mine.
February 10, 2017
February 10, 2017
Today, February 10, 2017, my dad would be 80 years old. My mom said he never wanted to get old and said that if he turned 80 then he would be old. Glad he was able to live his life as a young person and is able to enjoy a life without worries of getting old in heaven now. I miss you dad, and I am thankful to have spent almost 50 years of my life as your daughter.
January 3, 2017
January 3, 2017
Posted on Facebook by Jim Kelley:
Ken Harris, was the most gentle soul I knew. Both Ken and Marge gave us a Meyer Lemon tree 22 years ago, when we moved to Hayward... Kris and I are very blessed with many friends, but the scales have tipped, I believe we have more people in Heaven than we do on earth... My bucket list will continue into Heaven, first off I will go on a "Hug-a-thone", then I would like to trade "one liners" with Bob Hope, Red Skelton... Think about it there are no old people in heaven because we are his kids.... Going though my mom's stuff I found a picture of my mom, when she was about 8 years old, then I realized she was younger than me, being in Heaven.
November 25, 2016
November 25, 2016
Love and miss my Dad. A great father and friend. I always thought to myself how dad was like my heavenly father with unconditional love and a great protector and provider to our family. He was always reading and studying the Bible and would always encourage me to do the same, probably why I still read and study the Bible today. He would still pray on his knees till late in life. Always funny and creative. Hard worker and a great accountant. Loved all his grandkids so much. I am glad he is in heaven now in his glorious new body. Glad I was able to spend more time with him in his later years. Very thankful to be his son. God bless our family through all of this. Thanks to everyone's kind words.
November 22, 2016
November 22, 2016
Ken Harris will long be remembered as a loving caring person who had a meek and quiet spirit. He had a teaching anointing and loved his family and the Body of Christ and was a faithful member of Shiloh Church in Oakland for a number of decades. The Kiteley family and the ministry at Shiloh was blessed with not only Ken, but also his wife Marge and the rest of his family. Our prayers are with Marge, the children and grandchildren. May you take courage in the Lord's promise of a great glad reunion which will last throughout eternity!
November 20, 2016
November 20, 2016
A tribute of thanks to the Harris Family who once lived in Oakland, CA near to Shiloh Church. I had the blessing of teaching Margie and Ken's older daughter, Sarah. She was an A+ student and a good athlete always. Ken was an excellent father and supportive parent to our Shiloh Christian Academy in Oakland, CA.
If you ever felt blue and down then you could always go the the home of Ken and Margie and be cheered up with the Joy of the Lord to give you long lasting strength. Their family was one of the strongest links in the chain of Christian families at Shiloh Church.
I am sad that Ken checked out early! I did not know that he was living in San Antonio, TX. 
Ken, Martha and I look forward to joining you in Heaven before the Throne of God's grace worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ.
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Lyford Morris ,
November 20, 2016
November 20, 2016
Posted on facebook by Deborra Lay "Ken Harris...A man with the warmest smile and welcoming and kind manner and, most significantly, a man of deep conviction and faith. His very presence emanated the Joy of the Lord. He was always encouraging and it was always such a pleasure to talk with him. He and his wonderful wife, Margie, clearly loved each other and enjoyed each other's friendship and shared parenting of their beautifully talented children. His physical presence will be sorely missed on this earth and my deepest condolences go to Margie, Sarah, Mary, Joel and Timothy. What a heritage he has left in the talents and faith reflected in his children. I am comforted that he is no longer hampered by pain and is standing in the Presence of his Almighty and Loving Father. I am so thankful to have met him along life's way and pray for comfort for those of us left without him. Rest in God's Peace, Ken! Deborra and Eric Lay"
November 19, 2016
November 19, 2016
Shared on facebook by my dad's cousin, Gordie Lang- I am so very proud to be able to call this faithful man of God my cousin. He was a shinning example to all of us what it means to be a selfless and loving father and messenger of God's Peace. When many of us had our periods of rebellion , my cousin Ken never adopted that lifestyle. To all his children and grandchildren my prayer for you is the same as your dad. Come to God's table of Grace where the cup is never empty and the plate is always full.
November 19, 2016
November 19, 2016
We will always remember Ken as a big guy with a big smile. He was such a "father" in Shiloh, always with a kind word and a smile. We are praying for peace and comfort for Margie and the entire Harris family in the days ahead. Love and Hugs to you all. Pastors Steve and Pam
November 19, 2016
November 19, 2016
Ken Harris was such a support to Margie in all that they did...what great memories I have of meeting with a "cell group" or home fellowship group at your house. Times of growing stronger in the Lord and making ties that bind us together forever. Soon and very soon we are all going to see the King...some just went on ahead of us...including my husband, Len, just one week before Ken! How about that! They're united as brothers again! Hugs and prayers to dear Margie and all of you kids and's not easy, but you will make it through...
November 18, 2016
November 18, 2016
Facebook message from Debbie Lay (my English teacher) "Dear Sarah, I just wanted you to know how very sorry I am to hear of Ken's passing. He was a WONDERFUL guy and I will never forget him. My heart goes out o you, your brothers and Mary as well as your dear, dear Mom. It's so very difficult to watch our beloved parent suffer such pain and debilitation and a bittersweet reward that they are finally with the Lord....yet still their absence is so very painful as we mourn as we know it will be a while when we see them and hear their voices. Sending you love and prayers of comfort, dear Sarah. Especially praying for Margie! I am truly amazed at her and your Dad's marriage, love and faith and the beautifully wonderful children they raised! What a legacy! But so very sad to go through this phase of "separation"
November 18, 2016
November 18, 2016
Post on facebook from my piano teacher as a child, "Dan and Kathleen Martinez send you our condolences. We pray for you and your family for strength, healing, and comfort during your time of bereavement. The Spirit of the Lord will give you the oil of joy for mourning and a song of praise for spirit of heaviness. Isaiah 61:3"
November 18, 2016
November 18, 2016
Post on facebook from Laura Clark (used to be Laura Silveria) "Sarah, I remember, as if it were yesterday, the family Bible camp you and I hung out and how kind your dad was to me. Anytime he gave you money to buy snacks, he gave me money to do the same. That meant so much to me and I've always remembered it. It wasn't about the money, it was about the warm, caring feeling it left me with."
November 18, 2016
November 18, 2016
Post on facebook from Gordie Lang (our cousin) "Happy birthday Sarah. This is your cousin Gordie. My wife Jan and I just heard the news about your very special dad and my favorite cousin. He was a mentor and example of humility and love. We will treasure his memory in our hearts forever. May our God surround you with His angeles until we all meet again."
November 18, 2016
November 18, 2016
Lord thank you for Ken Harris. He was caring and compassionate! He taught in SBC, loved the Lord completely and loved his family with equal intensity. I thought he was pretty perfect, the way husbands and dads should truly be. He was one of my role models, I feel I learned a lot from him simply by observation
November 18, 2016
November 18, 2016
Hermano Ken had a smile when we would go to have coffee in his home and ofcourse Margies famous homemade cookies. Their was always a welcome spirit in the Harris home. Always bringing fresh vegetables from his garden. In his bible home group there was always a cheerful and smiling face from both Ken and Margie. He always made us feel at home, we really miss them as our neighbors. These are the memories that will always stay in our hearts. Hermano Ken, you will be missed dearly. Love from Jose and Nina Quinteros
November 18, 2016
November 18, 2016
Your dad was a wonderful and caring person. He was a great man of God. Prayers of peace and comfort to your family at this time. Love to all the family.
November 17, 2016
November 17, 2016
Your Dad was always such a kind man that I remember from when I was young. Praying for much peace and comfort for the whole family. Love and prayers to you.

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