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September 26
Rich and Andra, my heart especially breaks for you both. We’re crying, grieving, and praying alongside you. Kim made people feel seen! I remember many times as a young adult or throughout my pregnancy, she would be so genuinely interested in how I was doing. I never saw her down. She always had a smile on her face, would laugh, and give hugs. Kim had such a peaceful welcoming presence. She trusted God and loved others well! She is very missed.❤️❤️❤️
September 22
I am grieving with you, dear Andra, and with your family. For some reason, I have always had a distinct memory of sitting in the car with your Mom, Dad, and my brother Michael. We were in high school and your parents had first joined Redeemer. I don’t know where they were taking us, but I remember feeling your Mom’s joy and kindness fill that space. I was insecure and shy, but she made me feel safe and seen in just a few moments. She didn’t waste even a ten minute car ride to spread God’s love to others. 
September 22
Dearest Kim,
Our Lord and Savior is welcoming you to glory with “well done, good and faithful servant”.  
You and your sweet spirit will be greatly missed

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