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August 7
I remember when we first met in GAPS at Mott. We had to introduce our selfs saying something that began with the first letter of our names and you was “Kangaroo Kinah” lol. When we found out we were both Sagittarius we just clicked. lol. We’d always fuss about you being older but only by “20 days Kinah” (lol) and then we would laugh because we would always say “what was our parents doinggggg” they was definitely being GROWN for sure lol. I’ll never forget the day we found out we stayed around the corner from each other and you came over and my mom gave you some red velvet cake with the white cream cheese frosting and you was telling everybody she loves you because she gave you delicious cake Out of all the friends I had my best memories were with you Kinah. I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it to your funeral but I just don’t think I was ready to see or accept you like that. I don’t want this to be real I love you so much friend and you are truly missed. Wish we could have had more memories together, but I will forever hold onto and cherish the ones we do have. Rest easy beautiful, I love you️

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