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My sister, my friend

October 9, 2023

It was hard writing down the first words. I pondered on what to say, where to begin, how I have found myself in this position where I am thinking of words to say in a tribute to you Kite.

I still remember the last conversation we had, your laugh, how you teased me to stop being a home buddy, how we made plans on career achievements.

I felt a heaviness in my spirit few days after your passing, I was overwhelmed with sadness and I prayed trusting God that all was well with my loved ones. Never could I have ever imagined what I would hear concerning you.

I know there will come a point where I will be able to look back at our lifetime of memories together and smile, but that point is not today, not tomorrow, but I pray somewhere in the future.

Adieu my friend, adieu my buddy, adieu my sister.

October 21, 2023
Tribute to My Very Dear Big Sister

Days have turn into weeks , yet I can’t comprehend the hurtful fact that you are gone from earth, but why this soon ? Why should death snatch you away without any prior notice to your loved ones?

A valuable part of me has been stolen, O’God help me.

Okiemute my darling sister, this was never your plan , you were supposed to grow old gracefully, enjoy the blessings of your children and grandchildren. Also to enjoy the fruits of your hard work and the fullest of life. Because you were an epitome of life itself - full of Love, Joy and Grace.

However, in your short stay on earth, you stood tall among all adversaries, you remained steadfast to the very end standing for Love,Truth and Justice.Your light will  continue to shine in our hearts because you always loved and cared for us.

No Goodbye from me ,Okiemute Yekovie, because I know we will surely meet again. Just rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Your  brother

October 20, 2023
Kite class of 92set  our lady's high school we miss u greatly rest in peace..


October 19, 2023
Sist. To be honest I am still in shock ,I don’t know what to say. 
Rest in Peace sis. May God give the family the fortitude to bear this very  painful loss.
I miss you ,please tell Aunty I miss her too.

Good night Girlfriend

October 9, 2023
It's quite serene doing this. One week to the day. All the way from primary school to Uni and finally motherhood and adulthood. Will miss you terribly. Continue to shine down on your gorgeous daughter Kite. Forever in our heart

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