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The good sprinter? Perhaps until he put in some practice :)

June 27, 2020
"While I played a lot of games he did not. Until one day I found out he could run. The Legon Cross-Country contest was around the corner so I urged him to train up. He did not. But on the day of the contest we were surprised to see Kofi in the line up. Without any practice runs and without preparation. The race started smoothly and interestingly Kofi was up there with the leaders. In fact he was good. But nature has a way of catching up with us, after about two thirds of the course Kofi disappeared. Without practice his stamina gave out and before he knew it the poor fellow was lying in a hospital bed at the Legon hospital suffering from the extreme fatigue. I never saw him run again." ~ Mr. Ernest Kwasi Okoh.

The Versatile Scholar

June 27, 2020
"Kofi was one of 53 students admitted to the School of Administration in 1970. He had completed a stellar 7 – year program at Prempeh College, Kumasi, Ghana, culminating in very good grades in Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany. He was on his way to the medical school when migraines (he had suffered since form 3) and a bad back forced him to rethink his career and apply for entry to the School of Administration. Kofi was so bright he could enter any academic pursuit of his choice. From the very beginning, Kofi displayed exceptional academic skills during class discussions and offered in-depth insight into projects and topics he had thoroughly researched. As part of school protocol, after the first year, students were allowed to enter one of 2 options for a graduation major: Management or Accounting. Kofi opted for the Management major because he felt he could impact more lives directly, as a manager. His favorite courses were Marketing and Business Policy. He argued that those were the cornerstone for any successful enterprise. He went on later in life to prove it. He was savvy, very clever, read a lot and always knew what he wanted in life: work in industry, teach, provide social and organizational services and humbly retire. His brilliance continued during the entire 3 year program, where he graduated among the top 6 at the School of Administration." ~ Mates from School of Administration, Legon 1970-1973

The High School Chemistry Buff & Pacesetter

June 27, 2020
"As we progressed in academic studies Kofi Adom opted to become a science student, and he was without doubt among the best in the class. He loved and read our Physical Chemistry text book so much so, that he often quoted from it. He was therefore nick-named “Adom-Ben-Sienko” (Sienko and Plane were the authors of the text book, Ben means ‘son of’, and was borrowed from our history class). Again, in the 6 th Form, Adom strongly promoted the formation of the Science Club, membership of which was open to both senior and junior students. This gave great avenue for junior students to enjoy science outside the classroom, and not only as academic subjects." ~ Prempeh College Class of 1969.

Savvy at scrabble and even better at draughts...

June 27, 2020
"One game though that he was extremely good at was draughts. But he never played. One day we watched a championship game in Akuafo Hall together and he told me afterwards in private that he could beat the champion. I believed him. So I arranged a private match with the champion at a quiet venue with only a few spectators. We all left extremely humbled. In a serious straight-forward manner, as if it was business as usual, and with none of the usual insults and taunts of a draughts match, Kofi thoroughly trounced the champion 5-0. I will not be surprised if even till today that guy trembles at the mention of Adom-B. The humiliation was merciless and clinical, no frills, no decoration, just pure expert execution. He was that good." ~ Mr. Ernest Kwasi Okoh 

A Kind-hearted Soul

June 27, 2020
"Although I was a year ahead of Kofi at Prempeh College, I admired and loved him as a brother for his discipline and intellect. We shared a lot of ideas and personal triumphs and struggles together over 58 years, but he was particularly always willing to share his innovative and groundbreaking ideas freely with others. He was kind to a fault"

~ Mr. Stephen Sekyere-Abankwaa 

Ever Sacrificial

June 27, 2020
"Because only a few months earlier I had called him, thinking he was in Accra and asked him to help deal with a problem of a mutual friend. Kofi did just that and in his usual calm way, poured oil on troubled waters, and helped ease the very serious problems, for which we will be forever grateful. It was only afterwards that I found that he had come to Accra all the way from his village in Ashanti to help deal with the problem. All the way. Such a selfless human being. Such a kind gentleman. We shall forever miss his wise counsel."  ~ Mr. Ernest Kwasi Okoh 

Endless Expression of Humanity

June 27, 2020
"Nana Adom-Boakye lived a genuinely selfless life and knew what it meant to be human. Of the many instances of his generosity towards me and others, a prominent one was his fortnightly charity to one Kofi, a disabled man, often seated at the Achimota Mile 7 junction. He would buy him a bag of rice and offer him some money. On one occasion, we visited Kofi’s spot to deliver his routine supplies, but he was not there and none of the nearby vendors and taxi drivers at the bus stop could tell his whereabouts.

The subsequent days I could tell Nana was very troubled, we returned to Kofi’s spot a couple of times and about a week later found him there. I cannot recall the reason for Kofi’s disappearance, but I will never forget the level of concern Nana showed for someone he barely knew. As simple as this gesture may sound, it is, unfortunately, not very common in our world today. " 
~  Akwasi Awaboah Darkwah (Nephew)

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