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April 14, 2023
Happy birthday Auntie. May God continues to be with u and your children. You are truly a mother and auntie to all of us. Rest in peace.
April 14, 2022
Happy birthday my dear friend . I miss you
Almighty GOD continue to grant you eternal rest .Amen 

October 8, 2021
One year on......
A piece of my heart is in heaven.... Hmmm am I sure it's not more than a piece ? More like a chunk ❤️
I miss you so much Mom❣. 
“Whenever I am missing you, I also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world.” – Cindy Adkins
So blessed to call you my Mom, Kofo Majek-Vigo . Your legacy, your love and good works still speak. We are still enjoying favours and blessings because of the good and impactful life you lived.
#Amotherslove #grateful #thankful #1yearsince #KofoMajekVigo #Evenwhenithurtsiwillpraise  #Overwhelminglove #Blessedwiththeverybest #cherishedmemories❤️ #forevermissedneverforgotten  #alwaysinourhearts #Eniyanlasomi#Momlikenoother #motherhoodinme  #nigerianmother #gonebutneverforgotten  #grateful
October 7, 2021
Times goes by very fast. It’s been a year u left us. I will always remember u for standing by me during my difficult times. U are very pleasant and upright Auntie. Everyone I knew that knows u have a lot of good things to say about u. May the Almighty God continues to protect, provide, and let your children live a healthy life.  God will continues to be with u in the bosom of the Lord. Amen
October 17, 2020
Hmmm,Iya oko mi, oga mi,soso soon.It'been really,really nice
 Knowing and working with you. You live apleasant and quiet life. Well my believe is that we are all on the same journey and each individual gets down at destination and this what you have done by the will of the almighty God.  May the good Lord forgive all your short comings. Good nite as i will no longer have that long telephone gist even on whatasp. Love you but god loves you more.

From Alhaja Sofenwa (Old Snh).

Always Smiling

October 11, 2020
  • Sister Kofo, always smiling. I don't remember her upset once. She is always smiling, with those beautiful dimples. Sister always smiling.
  • I remember when we have an outing & I pick her up at home, when we get back , I will take her home, she'll say "No, no I will walk home". I will tell her " Sis. I will take you back home because I picked you up from your house ". She will smile, thank me & pray for me.
  • I will miss her very much.
  • I am sure right now, she is smiling to Heaven.
  • Rest in Peace, Sis. Amen.
October 11, 2020
My sweet friend as l normally call you, always so gentle with a sweet smile,we will miss you sitting by us in the church,etc.
May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace and the Lord comfort the family in Jesus mighty name.

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