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not just a cowbell....

March 11, 2022
As many know, mom was always armed with her cowbell at all our football games growing up. She cheered louder than anyone else and it was always followed by the ringing of that bell. Back then I found it embarrassing. As I got older I learned to appreciate her undying support. When my son was finally old enough to play football. Mom passed that magical cowbell down to my wife. Samantha knew by the look on my mom's face when she handed it to her that it was not just an ordinary cowbell. It was a generation cheers, tears, and sweat, that came with being a football mom. That bell rang at every game my brother and I ever played and it has rang at every game my son has played. I would give anything to hear mom ring that bell again. Not just a cowbell....

What a laugh

March 7, 2022
Krista and I were friends all through grade school at St. Anthony’s.  You could always tell where Krista was by her laugh and also what kind of day it was going to be.  She brightened all our days at school.  Thanks for being you.  Vick

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