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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Kusum Sahgal, 80 years old, born on November 25, 1940, and passed away on December 24, 2020. We will remember her forever.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Vinay, so saddened to hear of the tragic news of Kusum's passing away. Such a lovely, gentle , warm hearted person . Took everything in her stride . Always a smile on her lips. Her loss will be felt by all, especially her doting, caring family . God be with you all in this moment of grief and give you strength to bear this irreplaceable loss. May her soul find eternal peace.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney
So so sorry to hear about Kusum.
Words are meaningless at a time like this. Please know that I am with you in spirit
Blessings on you and your family
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Sahagal,

I do not know whether you will remember me. I am P.C.Sen of 1949 batch.

I just heard from Suresh Chandra of my batch about the passing away of your wife Kusum. I know it is a great shock difficult to get over. May God give you and your children the strength to bear it. Also may her soul be with God.

Best wishes
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
We are at a loss of words on learning about the sad demise of respected aunty. May God give you and the family members the strength to bear the irreparable loss. We are with you in this hour of need!

“The gates of haven flew open
And you slowly slipped away.”
-    Amen

May the departed soul rest in peace.
Warm Regards,
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021

I didn't know Dr. Kusum until today when I saw her obituary in Hindustan Times. Her picture spoke to me, such a radiant personality. I lost my mother in 2015, she was 39. Looking at Dr. Kusum's picture made me wonder how my mother would have looked as an old lady. I never write such e-mails to people but today I felt a bit different and wanted to pay my respects.

May God bless her soul and give strength to her family.

January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
The earthly role performed by Dr Kusum Sehgal has come to end on the direction of Cosmic Director.

Her life epitomises selfless service to humanity, Love to all, hatred to none. I am proud to have a friend like her. May God bless her near and dear ones to bear this loss.

With Love to Vinay and all the children

January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Vinay
Arjun and I are absolutely stricken to get this news.
Kusum my petite friend , I remember her from the time when she used to work with Mama at Maulana Azad College.
Bright, very intelligent and elegant . She was like a breath of fresh air when ever she came over.

Her multifaceted persona not only included her being a brilliant teacher but also her forays along with Mama to go and eradicate small pox from the country. She also became a great co host on television.
Kusum in fact you and Vinay just connected with Arjun. We are totally stunned. Vinay sending you all our love and hugs in this challenging times.

All our love
Arjun and Kiran Malhotra
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Kusum didi, an elegant and ever loving lady, whose smile always twinkled in her eyes. Many a joyous meal filled with family anecdotes were shared over the years, weaving fond memories to hold on to. Sweetly gentle, yet a strong human being, with many a passionate opinion on a range of subjects. Always a joy to be with, she will be deeply missed. May she be at eternal peace.
Om Shanti
Suneeti and Ananth
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Bhagvaan aur great gurus se prayer karta hu ki Kusum didi ki Aatma ko shanti mile , aur Vinay ji evam family ko is kathin time me shakti aur himmat banaye rakhe.
Jai Guru.
Prem Singh.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Family members of Dr. Kusum Sahgal,

it is indeed a very big loss for all of us that Dr. Kusum Sahgal got snatched away so early. She had been a great teacher for me during my days of MBBS at MAMC and I again had the fortune of interacting with her later when i was in UNICEF, India during the times of the developing the National AIDS control programme for India and the implementation of the World Bank aided programme that i had the fortune of developing. Kusum was a great human being, caring and empathetic and a great motivator and team leader providing the inspiration and support for some of the biggest challenges both during my student days and also later in applying my learnings to work in public health.

I wish the family strength and pray lord to give the support and that she attains moksha on the lotus feet of the lord.

My heartfelt condolences.

January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Jai Guru
Very sad to hear the news of our beloved DIDI,
We pray to God and Gurus that she will rest at Guruji's feet, & They will bless her soul.
R S Bansal & family
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Kusum Didi has touched so many people in her life that she will never have a dearth of well wishers who will be wishing her a peaceful journey to our beloved Guruji and God.
May her loyalty to Guruji and her service to YSS always serve as a wonderful example to all of us who are left behind.
Rest in peace dear Didi, without pain, without constraints, surrounded only by divine love.

In divine remembrance,

Shabnam Sahni
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Vinay bhaisahab, Baabla, and Sherry,
We are plunged in grief at the news of Kusum's transition. We are so deeply saddened. It's an irreparable loss. Kusum was an iconic person, a trailblazer in science and spirituality, the latter attribute she inherited from Bassi Uncle and Kamala Auntie, Kusum was a living legend, a perfect Kriya yogini, radiating love and light to one and all. Her life was one of extreme humility and remarkable wisdom. Everyone is so much poorer with her departure. We all shall miss her loving and sagacious presence so deeply.
Raman & Asha Kapoor from Toronto.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
My dear Friend,

Jai Guru!

Just heard the news about Dr. Kusum Sahgal’s passing. Felt so sad that I lost such a good Gurubahen.

Brought back floods of memories of the 1980’s when I used to stay with you on my way to Dwarahat and back or some other tour. Also of her parents who were so dear to me. The Guru knows when the time has come for us to pass on to higher realms, where He will be waiting for us.

May God and Guru bless you all and give you the strength to bear this loss.

In Guruji’s Love,
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney
I have just heard the sad news I am really so upset she was my best friend and we had known each other for so many years
Please accept my condolences for the tragic loss to you and your family
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney,
We are deeply grieved to hear of Kusum’s passing and can find no words to console you on the loss of your beloved life companion. We pray that God gives you the strength to bear this loss and the happy memories you have with her will comfort you.
May her soul find eternal peace in the all encompassing arms of the Lord.
With much love,
Yours in grief,
Ravi & Rohini
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney,

Our deepest sympathies on the loss of your wife, Mrs. Kusum. May her memory be a blessing for you and your family and may you be spared further sorrow. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

Eduard and Rachel
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney,

The passing away of Kusum has really saddened us. It is difficult for us to imagine how you feel on losing her after a companionship of over fifty years. We offer our heartfelt condolences and pray that may the almighty give you the strength to bear this irreparable loss.

We have very fond memories of Kusum. We appreciated the effort she made to visit us last December. Her valiant struggle, after the accident, to deal with health issues and the care and support you gave her are inspirational for all of us.

We pray that she is granted everlasting peace. We would very much like to visit you when it is convenient for you.

With warm regards
Madhu and Jit
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney,

It was with tears in my eyes and sadness in my heart that I read your message. I am so sorry for you and your family, for those who lost her physical presence and loved her so much. But the happiness is hers – she is with her beloved Guru to whom she gave her life to. I can’t imagine how difficult this is for you and your family. This is a big test, something that was difficult even for Master when his mother or close family member passed away. And he was an avatar. It takes time to adjust, to live without the physical presence of such a loved one, and you need to be patient with yourself.

This morning I will go to Master’s Shrine to pray for her soul, for you, your son, daughter and grandchildren. Kusum is still very much present and she can feel your thoughts, love and feelings. And she must be concern for you too! We need to trust more than ever in God for there is a divine plan for each one of us. Imagine that Master left his body when he was just 59 years old!

My beautiful friend and sister Kusum left this world during such a holy time and is enjoying a great joy in heaven and will be celebrating Master’s birthday there with all those she loved so much.

I regret so much that I did not keep in touch through e-mails, but in my heart I was ever close to her. She had and will always have a special place in my heart – and you too. Not sure if you know that Sr. Parvati passed away a few days before Kusum. Even though she was going to be 88 in a few days, the nuns were taken by surprised.

I will write to you again, and will let those she knew in SRF know. They will be praying my beloved Kusum, for you and your family.

Jai Guru,
Bhavani Mai
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney,

I forgot to include sweet Gitaji and her husband in my letter of condolences. I know they all loved Kusumji so much and must be feeling her loss with you, on a human level.

But from a spiritual level, imagine Kusumji was ascending into the Great Christ Consciousness, as everyone on earth was trying to attract Him into their hearts here on earth. She must be experiencing wonderful freedom and beauty in that Celestial Astral World of exquisite refinement, to which her soul must have been well accustomed.

On a personal level I feel for you, remembering how difficult it was for my father to lose the love of his life. Of course, he had such a short time with my mother. Thank God you and Kusum had so many years of an exemplary marriage, and you took such excellent care of her. I will never forget that loving quality of how you cared for her during the last Convocation, a true soul mate.

God comfort you and all those who loved Kusumji so much.

In eternal friendship,
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Please accept our heartfelt condolences for the untimely demise of Kusum Sahgal. May the Almighty grant you the strength to bear this loss and may the departed soul rest in peace

Yours in grief
Suresh Savita Malhotra
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
I learnt from RL Gupta that your wife, Dr Kusum has passed away.
I am deeply shocked at her untimely demise.
My heartfelt condolences. May the Almighty give you and your family members the
strength to bear this loss.
Yours in grief,
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Sir,

I share a very special bond with you & maam (Yes the bond is still very special with her too and shall always remain) . Maybe you can say its destiny that me & Ensha find ourselves to celebrate our anniversary exactly 50 years apart with the legendary couple of you and maam. This bond shall remain till the time both us are alive.

I learnt a lot about life from you & maam (The joy of giving, reflecting on our lives, meditating etc. Becoming rich might be very difficult but the heart to give back to society/philanthropy has been learnt from you & maam). My profession makes me meet lot of wealthy people but no one compares to what I have learnt from both of you about wealth of wisdom, selflessness and helping people around. What I could do on Thursday was the very least.

We were blessed last year on 12th January, 2020 when not only you came for my daughter’s birthday but presence of maam made it the best thing of that day. Me/my wife and daughter for overjoyed to get the blessing of her in person. We shall always have her in our prayers and think she is always around us!

God Bless Her Always! Btw Sir, I will keep troubling you btw like I always do and meet you as often as I do!

Lots of Love
Anaisha, Ensha & Ishkaran
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney
I just learnt of dear Kusum’s passing away.
Please accept Veera’s and my heartfelt condolences on the bereavement.
She was such a gentle loving caring person , May her Soul rest in peace and the Almighty grant you and the family the courage to bear this irreparable loss.
Our prayers go out to you all at this time of immense sorrow.
Yours in Grief
Veera Ashok Sehgal
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Please accept our deepest condolence .

DR B S Heer and Family
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Family,

I have been thinking about getting in touch since I got to know this on the 24th but could not decide what to do. I have decided to do this today just to say that I do not have the words to express what Kiran and I feel.

All that can be said is we are with you in your grief, and are sure that Kusum-ji is in Eternal Peace.

In sympathy,

Kiran and Jagdeep
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
With love to Kusum. We were really shocked .May God rest her soul in peace. Pratibha and Baldev
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Yesterday Jyoti and I were shocked to learn from the papers that Kusum has moved on to eternal bliss! It is true that we did not meet as often as we would have liked to, but it is also true that we were both very fond of you both.

We will miss Kusum whom I used to address as Dr Jee. May God give you and the family The strength to bear this irreparable loss.

Yours in grief,

Jyoti and Vinod
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
We are completely shocked to hear the news of the passing away of Auntie Kusum. May her soul rest in peace. Sending love to the bereaved family.

Warm regards,

Ajeet and Manju Kacker
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney Sahgal and Family,
My wife Bindu and I are very sorry to hear the passing away of your wife! Kusum was a lovely lady who was very warm, affectionate, liked and respected by the Jamalpur Gymkhana community. This is very sad for the entire family and we pray that God gives you all strength to deal with the loss.
May her soul Rest In Peace!
Warm regards,
Arjun Israni
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Archna and I were profoundly shocked and saddened to learn from Rajan of Kusum aunty’s sudden passing. I first met this very gracious , elegant , charming and totally endearing lady when I was an impressionable immature 16 year old who was visiting India from Kenya for the very first time .

Over the years I met her many a times — the last being the time when Vinay uncle and Kusum aunty graciously hosted Rajan and I when we came to India to perform the last rites of my father. Many fond memories keep coming back in my mind and they all revolve around an intelligent, deeply caring and kind person I have always looked up to

You may have left us in person aunty , but your memory will always remain in the minds of Archna and I. Rest In Peace and God give the family strength and peace of mind to overcome this loss. Om Shanti

Rakesh and Archna Anand
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Vinay bhai,
It was indeed very sad to hear about Kusum Didi's passing away. So many memories flashed by , I truly have no words to express myself as to what a wonderful person she was full of love and warmth. It's been exactly 11 years when she came to Ghaziabad on my Dad's passing away and spent some time, ever since I always wanted to come and meet but was given to understand by Noshi that she doesn't keep well and that we should not disturb her. Perhaps she has gone to a better place and may her soul rest in peace. We all pray that God gives you and the family the strength to bear this huge loss. My wife, Bindiya joins me in sending condolences to the family. Take good care.
Sanjiv Tandon
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Our heart felt condolences to Viney and his family. May her soul rest in perfect peace.
Masih Uzzaman
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
When I entered Maulana Azad Medical College in 1973, the first teacher I met was Dr. Kusum Sehgal who took our introductory class. She was a star and an icon and I was so happy to meet her. She exuded so much of positive energy and her promise that medical career was going to be a great journey turned out to be truly prophetic.

Although I lost touch with her after medical college but was surprised that she remembered me when I met her after many years and she spoke with such fondness and love which she showered on all her students. In the last few years , every time I bumped into her at a social get together, it was an experience interacting with her. I’m extremely sad to learn that I will not be able to see her again in my life. Very sorry to lose such a wonderful person.

May God rest her soul in peace

With Kind Regards,

January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Seema and Vikram,
So sorry to hear about your great loss. I used to meet her at your farmhouse parties and developed a nice friendship with her. Yes I missed her in last few parties as she was not well. We pray for peace to her soul and you all courage to bear your great loss.
Yours in sorrow,
Smita and Rajeeva Ratna Shah
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Vinay Sahgal ji,
Jai Guru. It is really shocking to read in the news paper that our dear sister Kusum ji has left all of us in grief. As she was a great devotee of Guru ji, Guru ji must be taking good care of her in heaven. Our heartfelt condolences to the family and prayers to strengthen the family to bear this great loss. We pray God and Guru to rest her soul in peace. Om Shanti shanti shanti !
In divine friendship,
Leela & S K Sethi
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
I am really shocked to learn about the demise of Kusum. She was a wonderful person and very warm and affectionate, a truly noble soul. I had known her from the days when we were students at LHMC, and became great friends at MAMC, where we were together for more than 2 decades.
My heartfelt condolences to Vinay, Seema and Vikram and Sandeep and the entire family for their loss, for she would have left a void which can never be filled.
Neena Gulati
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney,
This morning, while scanning through the newspaper, when my wife called out 'Kusum is gone' my thoughts went towards a Kusum, out of multiple Kusums amongst our relations and friends, who is very aged and has been keeping rather ill health.
Her response was shocking. I was aware that your Kusum has had some health issues and surgeries but nothing that I knew could take my thoughts towards her. This demon of Covid has kept us so disconnected that it has not been possible to even know, leave aside sharing, about joyous as well as sad parts of the lives of those who we care for.
All we can say is that we are with you to share your and family's loss. You now are in that stage of life when one needs his/her life partner the most. There can be no loss greater than what you have suffered. May God give you strength to bear it and peace to the departed soul.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Kshama and Suresh Chandra
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
So so sorry for your loss.

Warm Regards
Rashmi Karan Ahuja
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
We are very sorry to have lost Kusum, our very good friend and well wisher. We pray she peacefully resiides forever in heaven.God will give strength to Viney and the whole family to bear her loss from their midst on this earth.. Om Shanti. 
Inder and Indira Gandhi
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Sahgal Family,

Our Sincere Condolences on the expiry of Dr Kusum Sahgal. We in the ICARE family , deeply grieve Dr Kusums' expiry ,despite all her considerable Professional achievements , she never rested on her laurels, instead, remained, committed to the underprivileged , by founding the Sahgals' Paramhansa Yogananda Charitable Trust to help the poorer sections of society.

Her Memory will live on for eternity, in our Institution, her contribution immeasurable. We as an Institution, remain committed to Dr Kusums' values, vision and commitment to the underprivileged.This will be an extremely difficult time for the family & no doubt her drive, compassion & values will give the family strength in these especially dark times. We will always be available & committed to the Sahgal Family.


January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Devastated to know about the passing away of Dr Kusum Sahgal. I came to know her when she joined me in NACO as an Additional Director. Within a short period of time she made herself an integral and inseparable part of the small team we were at that time. NACO was just taking shape and she played a huge role in that process. Warm, affectionate to all, eversmiling, Kusum was a wonderful human being. My wife and me have had several meals together with Viney and Kusum at their place and shared several laughs. My children still remember the adorable Labs -- very much a part of their family. RIP Kusum. Heartfelt condolences to Viney and other members of the family.
P. R. Dasgupta
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Words cannot describe the grief that we feel at the Gods taking away for themselves Kusum from amongst us.
What a lovely person and a great human being.
May God give the family the fortitude to bear this irrepairable loss, the family of course, including us too.
Love and best regards.

Manju and Vijay
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Hello Viney
Have just come to know the sad news about dear Kusum.

Can’t believe it. You all must be disturbed and under shock. Can understand but nothing can be done as this was God’s wish. Please accept our condolences and we pray that God rests her soul in peace and gives you all the strength to bear this loss. She was a wonderful sweet person and will be missed by many.

Please take care and keep in touch, if possible.
Shobha Nagpal
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Vinay uncle Cherie and Babla,
Deepest condolences on Kusum aunt’s passing away.
Can’t express how terrible her loss is to all of us and unimaginable how you must feel. She was a lovely gracious warm and loving soul and we will miss her. Pray god keeps her safe in his arms and give you all the courage to bear this loss. May her soul rest in eternal peace
Praveen Gopa
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Hello Sehgal Sahib,

We are saddened to learn about the passing away of Mrs.Sehgal and Pray To Almighty God To Please Bless Peace To Departed Soul and courage to entire family to bear this irreparable loss.


Raj Bakshi
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
I remember Dr. Kusum Sehgal as a polite and beautiful lady just like her name suggested. That soft look however hid a spine of steel. I was fortunate to have her as my first boss as she was head of department of Community Medicine when I joined as a rookie faculty member. She was brilliant academically and was instrumental in bringing international research projects to the department and supervising even minor details herself.

From her I learnt a lot, and it has helped me in my career till date and sure will continue to do so. She taught me how to balance work and family, an important lesson for a woman pursuing a career. Always a perfect hostess, we enjoyed many parties hosted by her. We will always miss her in MAMC. Our heartful condolences to the family and prayers for the departed soul.

Dean, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.

January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Extremely saddened to hear of Kusum’s passing. My deepest condolences to everyone in the family
Babesie/Ketaki Sood
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
My Condolences with the Sahgal family at this especially dark period. I pray Gods' strength is granted to you all & you overcome a considerable loss.
Jai Shri Krishna,
Mitul R Patel
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
The golden era of my service was as Administrative Officer in LHMC, when Dr Sehgal was the Medical Superintendent. Will always remember the love and affection she showered on her subordinates. But for the virus, I would have visited her just to touch her lotus feet just once.
May her loving soul rest in peace.
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December 24, 2023
December 24, 2023
I knew Dr Kusum since 1976 when I entered MAMC as a first year student. She was one of the most smart, talented, compassionate and approachable teacher not only in PSM but among all the faculty member.
What impressed me most was her sophistication combination with simplicity.
I emulated her mannerisms when I myself became a faculty in my Alma Mater. Stay blessed
December 24, 2023
December 24, 2023
Homage to Dr kusum Sahgal. A loving class mate, a pleasant principal of L.H.M college. May her soul rest in peace.
From Professor Dr S.K Chugh.
December 24, 2023
December 24, 2023
Our deepest condolences to Mr Viney Sehgal, Seema and Vikram.
Her Life

From her dear sister-in-law

February 25, 2021
Remembering Dr. Kusum Sahgal  fondly

Dear Kusum, you have left us but you will never be forgotten because you have left your indelible footprints in the sands of time! 

Kusum was an integral part of our family for almost 57 lovely years and very gracefully took on the role of “Barri Bhabhi” for me, always guiding me in the right direction. Anand, Latika, Deepika, and the entire family were so fortunate to receive so much love and care from her and from dear brother Viney, which we will always cherish. She would shower us with love when we went to India, always focused on helping us make the most of our visits there. The entire family used to so look forward to her and Viney’s summertime visits with us to the US.We will always cherish the good times we had and remember her for her very warm, loving, caring, forgiving and generous personality and feel gratitude for the times we spent together. 

Kusum was a highly accomplished person of great academic, intellectual, and professional achievements that one can justifiably be very proud of, yet she never dwelled on her accomplishments or shared them with us.She identified more with her role as a family member and as a spiritual and an inquisitive seeker of the truth and divine knowledge through study and meditation.She meditated for hours together, which no doubt gave her a lot of inner strength that I admired.  I looked upon her with reverence as someone who had attained so much spiritual growth through the path of meditation that I had designated her as our savior with special powers in her prayers.Whenever I was anxious or worried about anything or anyone, I would ask her to pray for us. She would invariably comfort me by saying, “I am already doing that! As A matter of fact, I pray for you and the entire family daily.” 

Kusum was a very devoted member of the Self Realization Fellowship family who never pushed her religious beliefs on others.I would express my surprise at this to her. She believed that a person who was mentally and spiritually ready would himself seek that knowledge and ask questions that she would gladly answer. 
Today, we mourn Kusum’s physical absence. Dear Viney, Sandeep, Seema, Vikram, Vedant and Dhruv, we share your loss and love you all deeply. However, her spirit lives on. Her indestructible soul lives on.Our beautiful memories of her as a selfless and loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister-in-law, aunt and a senior family member of a very, very, united family will live on and continue to inspire us, always. She truly lived a life worth celebrating! Rest in peace, dear Kusum, until we meet again, because I do believe in rebirth and life after life. 

Kusum’s Life History

February 22, 2021
Dr Kusum Sahgal was born on November 25, 1940, in Kericho, Kenya. She moved to Calcutta, India with her parents as a six year old. They moved to Delhi around 1954.
She did her matriculation from Punjab University, and topped.
She did her Pre-medical from Hindu College in Delhi, and was at the top of her class. She joined Lady Harding’s Medical College as a student in 1958, graduating in 1963. She topped her class in LHMC and won several medals. She was married on February 1, 1964 and moved to DLW Campus in Varanasi with her husband who was in the Indian Railways.
She did her MD in Preventive and Social Medicine from BHU in 1967 and worked briefly as a Lecturer in BHU. Both her children, a son and a daughter, were born in Varanasi.

In August 1969, she moved to Delhi when her husband resigned from the Railways to take up a Private Sector assignment,

In 1970 she joined MAMC as a lecturer and rose to be Director Professor and HOD of PSM. She was Chair of the Ethics Committee of the Delhi Medical Council.

In 1995 she was hand picked to join NACO as a Jt. Director, and was in charge of the Information, Education and Communication Division when NACO was in its infancy. She represented the country in various conferences overseas.

In 1996, after a brief second stint in MAMC, she was appointed Principal, LHMC, and MS of the associated Kalawati Saran and Sucheta Kripalani Hospitals, where she continued until taking premature retirement in December 1999.

She was deeply spiritual throughout her career. In 1980 she became a disciple of Swami Paramahansa Yogananda, and was Chair of the Delhi Kendra. She was very highly regarded in the Yogananda Satsanga Society in India as well as in the parent organisation SRF In Los Angeles.

In 2016, she became the force behind setting up of the Sahgal’s Paramahansa Yogananda Charitable Trust, of which she was a Trustee. Under her direction, the Trust set up a Charity Wing in the ICare Hospital in Sector 26, Noida. The Trust is also getting a school for underprivileged children constructed in Ranchi, and is also involved in other charitable activities.

She had an unfortunate fall in November 2016, followed by a Hemiarthroplasty. This limited her mobility, but not her indomitable spirit. Despite various health issues, she remained functional till the very end, and passed away on Christmas Eve 2020.
Recent stories

Our Diamond Jubilee

February 1
My dearest Kusum,

Today is the 60th anniversary of the day in 1964 when we got married. It has been a very emotional day for me, and there is a virtual avalanche of so many memories flooding my brain. It was my good fortune that there is such a precious library of the images of the great times that we spent together.

I try to tell myself that the time for grieving is past, and that one must dwell on the positives, but sadly, I am not always successful.

Even so, we have shared so much joy and fulfilment, and there is so much to celebrate also. I will try to focus on that, and to offer my thanks to the Almighty that He brought us together, and for the wonderful and blessed years that He gave us both.

I will ofcourse always continue to miss you, and will remain forever yours,

December 24, 2023
My dearest darling,
Today marks the passage of three whole years since you left us, with only memories of the great times we spent together left to sustain one.

The fact of my missing you remains, and the passage of time has done little to assuage that.

Rational thought tells me that I ought to be eternally grateful for all the years of your love and companionship but at times, I confess that the pain of missing you is still so palpable.

You will always be remembered for your unwavering value system, your spiritual devotion and attainments, and for having brought so much joy and fulfilment in the lives of everyone whose lives you touched.

I will continue to miss you, and will remain forever yours,

Thoughts on your birthday

November 27, 2023
Kusum, my dearest,

25th marked the day you would have been 83 years old, and it was indeed an emotional day for me. It was a day of reflection and remembrance, and of re-living memories of the great times we spent together.

I miss you terribly, my darling, and the only consolation is that Babla, Cherie Vikram andthe grandkids are so understanding and loving, and the support of our close knit family helps to sustain me.

As always, my heart is filled with gratitude for bringing so much joy and fulfilment into my life, and for being not only my beloved wife, but also my spiritual guide and mentor.

I beseech the Almighty to keep you forever happy and in His eternal loving embrace.

Forever yours,

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