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January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
I have so many great memories with Kusum aunty - her tenacity - how she would successfully make me sit at the table and not move until I'd finished my glass of warm (and in my mind, really disgusting) milk as a kid when we used to visit (despite my escape attempts); how she would stand up and start swinging her arms around in exercise when you'd least expect it; and that one line she'd always say, and I often still repeat to myself when I'm trying to figure out how to solve a problem: "if not now, then when?" 

But the memory that always pops into my mind, and inevitably makes me giggle is this one:

It was Gaurav and my first trip to India in the spring of 1987 I think it was. He must have been about 3 or 4 and I was 6 years old. Kusum aunty came to the airport to pick us up - we'd never met her before that day. But she was so warm and welcoming, and so happy to see us, that we were sold on India instantly! And then that drive back to Satya Marg in the little Maruti - with Kusum aunty driving smack in the middle of the road, with the window rolled down and waving her hands in annoyance at every truck driver that came in her way - yelling that they were in the wrong lane and to drive better, and these poor guys yelling back, "madamji, aap to..." and then promptly seeing the determined expression on her face, and realizing it was probably better to just admit defeat then and there and get out of the way for safety sake. She was so oblivious to her driving and so happy chatting away with all of us, that we had such a great time in that simple car ride home! I'm not sure if Gaurav remembers this as well as I do, but for some reason, this memory always brings a smile to my face whenever I need one. 

Will miss Kusum aunty very dearly - but I know deep down she would want everyone to toughen up (milk story total case in point!) - and be brave. And I hope that all the good memories will also serve as a constant reminder for all of us to look after one another. 

lots of love,
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Hi Big Daddy,

We are so sorry and devastated to hear about Big Mommy. She will be deeply missed, and we are thinking of both her and you and sending our positive thoughts and prayers. I just wanted to let you know that we are always here for you, and please tell me if there is anything that we can do. 

We love you very much and are missing you a lot. 

Neha and Viraj
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
To Viney uncle, Babla, Cherie, Vikram, Vedant and Dhruv

Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs to you all.  We have some very fond memories of Kusum aunty. She was a wonderful person who will sorely be missed by us.

God bless her soul.

Kamal, Nawel, Ambika and Gaurav
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dearest Vinay Bhaiyya and Rajan's Uncle Vinay

Why is it that words fail us when we need them most? Kusum Didi's smiling face, caring nature and blithe spirit have always been such an abiding part of our lives all these years. How fortunate we are to have been the recipients of her unique gifts and to have shared laughter and countless hours in deep conversation over endless cups of tea and delicious meals at the dining table!

The reality of her passing has left us all reeling from the impact - sudden and unexpected. Lives pass and yet Love endures. We know she loved us. We love her. And maybe, just maybe, that helps ease the hurt.

There remain many stories to be shared - of a life well-lived - shared over endless cups of tea. Perhaps we can say, "Remember when.........?" and smile, and then be at peace.

We both send you, Babla, Sherry, Vikram, Vedanta and Dhruv so much love and envelope you in a warm embrace. Please let them know we are thinking of them.

With Love, always
Your chhoti behen Simi and Rajan
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Vinay Uncle, I am so deeply, deeply sorry to hear about Kusum Aunty. I am sending you lots of strength and positive energy. My deepest condolences. I wish we could be with you to support you at this very difficult time. Please look after yourself. Much love and prayers, Shona
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Cherie,
I am deeply saddened by the passing of your dear Mamma, May her dear Soul Rest In Peace. Amen.
I remain extremely Grateful for her love and affection for all these years.
Pray that Almighty Bless you with patience and courage to bear this
Loss. Amen.
Please accept my heartfelt condolences and sympathy.
Your dear Mamma is etched in the deepest part of my heart and I will never forget her.
My love and prayers.
Booba Aunty
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Hi Cherie,
It is easy to say “heartfelt condolences“ and think that these 2 words will erase the pain of losing a mother. You will cherish all the fond memories, surprisingly exclusive for each child, that can emanate only from the selfless love of a mother.
You did tell Mangalam that Kusum aunty was not doing well, but the void she has leaves behind is irreplaceable for you and your family.
May her soul rest in peace and may you all get the strength to overcome this immense loss and the vacuum her absence will create for all of you, especially Vinai uncle. You will need to focus on looking after him, and help him heal.
Please do give uncle and Bablaa hug from us. We hope we can meet soon in person.
Take care, my friend. Hugs and love form all of us!
Dev, Jai, Mangalam, Rickey
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Vineyji,

It was with profound grief that we received the news of the earthly exit of our very dear Guru-behen, Dr. Kusum Sehgal, on December 24, 2020.

Kusum ji was a devout soul and an ardent devotee of Guruji, staunchly loyal, and one who exemplified the ideal of balanced living as advocated by her Guru. She was, and will remain, a source of great inspiration to those devotees whose good fortune it was to have come in contact with her.

I came in touch with Kusumji, whom I knew as Dr. Kusum Sehgal, when I was studying in Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC). Since that time her benevolence, motherly love, and spiritual example have inspired me to do my best in my own service to God and Guru. I remember going to her office in MAMC once, wanting to meet with her and discuss something related to my medical internship. I thought since it was the lunch hour, she would be free to meet me. But when I reached her office, I found the door locked from inside. When I went back the next day, and mentioned this to Kusumji, she told me the reason why the door was locked: during lunch hour every day, she spent part of that time doing her noon meditation. Such was her commitment to the way of life shown by her Guru.

Not only was she very sincere in her sadhana, but she also took the lead in serving her Guru whenever such an opportunity presented itself.  YSS remembers with deep gratitude her pioneering efforts in starting a meditation centre in Noida by opening a Dhyana Kendra in the basement of your residence in Sector-40 of Noida. This seed eventually grew into the beautiful five-acre Yogoda Satsanga Sakha Ashram—Noida, which has now become a spiritual oasis for thousands of devotees in NCR and the whole of India. After the Noida Ashram opened for devotees and public, she served for many years in the Book Sales department as a volunteer.

Her contribution in planning and initiating the construction of Yogoda Satsanga Dhyana Kendra--Delhi will forever remain etched in the memory of all Delhi devotees.We also remember the love and affection with which she took care of Swami Sharananandaji and Swami Bhavanandaji when they required medical help. These are just a few of the many contributions that she made to her Guru’s work during her lifetime; and her legacy will continue through the Sehgals Paramahansa Yogananda Charitable Trust, which you and she started a few years ago.

In this moment of grief, we take solace in the promise our Guru gave to His disciples: that sincere, dedicated devotees like her will always be under the protection of the Guru, whether on this plane or beyond.

We deeply pray that God and Gurus bless you and your family with the strength to bear this loss, consoled by the knowledge that this separation is only temporary, and that our loved ones will meet us again, drawn by the magnetic power of mutual love.

Guruji said: “Send your thoughts of love and goodwill to your loved ones as often as you feel inclined to do so, but at least once a year -- perhaps on some special anniversary. Mentally tell them, ‘We will meet again sometime and continue to develop our divine love and friendship with one another.’ If you send them your loving thoughts continuously now, someday you will surely meet them again. You will know that this life is not the end, but merely one link in the eternal chain of your relationship with your loved ones.”

Swami Ishwarananda
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney and the entire Sahgel Family,

My deepest condolences.   News of her passing reached me late last week.  We worked together when she was with NACO and I was with WHO -- we were teamed to work on behavior change for HIV.   She also became my friend and was a cherished confident and mentor.  She radiated love and hope and spirituality.   She also made me laugh and we spent time in deep discussions and also light and joy.  

Viney, you and Kusum invited me to your house and into your lives -- you both made me feel at home in India.   I remember always looking forward to an evening at the Sahgel house with joyful anticipation.  

I know she retreated from her professional world to focus on her meditation and spiritual life in the last many years.   I can only imagine her passing was a small step into the light.    

I had a dream about Kusum after I heard the news.  It was warm and loving.   I am thinking of her now and of you and your family.

With love and peace,

January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear and respected Viney ji,

It is saddening to hear that our dear and most revered Kusum Didi is no more with us.  I know how much you must miss him, as your life had been so closely intertwined with hers through all these many decades.  At the same time, I pray you may find peace in the thought that she is no longer suffering but has gone to that realm beyond this world where the limitations of the physical body fall away and the soul is enfolded in God’s light and love.  Surely her transition was made easier by the loving care you gave her throughout the closing phase of her life.  By standing beside her during her time of need, you have given her the greatest gift one human being can give to another – the gift of unconditional love, and this will keep your souls together.

With much appreciation and delight I observed how well you took care of her with a lot of responsibility, affection, and concern.  Blessed was she indeed.  And you are an inspiring example to others in serving. 

I had the good fortune of knowing her personally and I always felt that she was deeply caring and loving.  A person of principles and many abilities.  A loyal devotee of Guruji whom she admired and served to the end.  She left for heavenly abode on the sacred Christmas-Gita Jayanti eve.

Whenever you think of dear Kusum ji, send her thoughts of love and encouragement. This will bring a great sense of well-being to her soul and will help her in her onward journey.  I am joining you in praying for her soul.  Throughout this time of transition, hold firmly to the hand of God, knowing that it is He who has loved you through all your dear ones, and He will sustain you now.  

You are so close to her and her absence is not easy to bear.  But I pray that God may continue to give you strength and pour out to you His healing blessings.  She departed peacefully and she is surely reaping the reward for the patience and courage she showed in facing her struggles with the body.  Know beyond doubt that your loving thoughts are reaching her and her soul responds with deep appreciation for all you have done for her.

Above all, as you do your best to meet the day-to-day challenges, hold firmly to your faith in God’s wisdom and His loving compassion.  He knows the purpose for all that we experience and trusting Him brings a deep sense of inner peace.

With deep prayers for your all-round well-being and that of your loved ones,

Ever in the thought of God and Guruji,
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Viney, both of us are sorry that we cannot personally be with you at this time of your irreplaceable loss.

We will always remember Kusum as a steadfast friend and a fun loving person whose charm and ever welcoming manner lit up everything around her.

We Kusum’s friends will miss her kind and gentle personality. Viney our thoughts are with you, may God comfort you and give you strength.

Our thoughts also go out to Sandeep,Seema,Vikram,Vedant and Dhruv. We pray to the Almighty to grant eternal peace to Kusum’s soul.

Vijaya and Vishwanath Anand
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney:
We were not able to talk when I called you upon hearing of sudden passing of dear Kusum.  She had been a real friend, loving, always cheerful and lively. We were always thrilled and happy to spend time with her at all our various social occasions and meetings since the Varanasi days. The joy Kusum brought to our lives will not be forgotten.
I remember the quiet evening I spent with you and Kusum at the private and cosy dinner at your house a few months ago.  Despite her failing health Kusum was a delight to spend time with. That memory will stay with me forever.
Words fail to express our sorrow for your loss. We wish we could be with you through this difficult time. 
May her soul rest in peace.
Please accept our deepest sympathy for the loss.  Our heart goes out to you Babla, Sherry and her family.
Rohini and Siddhartha also share these thoughts.
Lovingly - Asha and Subhash
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
It is with a very heavy heart that I am writing this. I cannot believe that aunty Kusum has left us. I feel like I have lost my mom again; both were so close and maybe they have met on the other side. So so very heart wrenching.
Aunty Kusum's affinity to give love was boundless, her beautiful smile and "hoarse" voice resonates with me all the time. Such a gracious and beautiful lady who will be missed tremendously.
May God accept her in his arms and rest in peace beloved Aunty.
Love you always.
Shamila Behal.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Viney,
Saprem Pranam.
My deepest heartfelt condolences go to you, dear Viney, and your family. We share in your great loss. Dear Kusum was like family to us in YSS and SRF. I remember in particular how much Swami Anandamoy and Swami Bimalananda were cared for by her. Swami Anandamoy in particular often spoke of her. Our beloved Daya Mata had a deep love for her, especially because of her dedication to following Gurudeva, and her regular commitment to her meditations. Her Guru Bhais and Guru Bahins  were countless, she had touched so many of our lives. Gurudeva was surely waiting to greet her with open arms when she crossed over to the realm of peace and light where her sweet soul now dwells.. I will see that Swami Chidananda is informed, and will also add her name to the Prayer List that is kept in Gurudeva’s room at the Mother Center.
In God and Guru, Vishwananda
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Veena and Ramesh,
Thank you for your condolences, which provide much needed solace. Today it is a month since Kusum’s passing, and I am still struggling to come to terms with her loss. It is only the support of friends and family which gives me strength.
Viney Sahgal
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Hi bhaiya,
It was a very sad news that we got in the midst of the ongoing functions of my son Siddharth’s Roka ceremony hence could not get in touch with you earlier.
We were really shocked to hear about Kusum bhabi’s sudden demise.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences and praying for eternal peace of the departed soul. In grief with you.
Guddu & Venu
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Cherie, so sorry to have lost the battle to save your mom. We are devastated. Sometimes, the body just gives up. She fought valiantly and she lived a great life. She must be at peace now, and resting in the Creator's presence.
She had been lucky to have you, Vikram and your kids around her with all your loving care. You are a good daughter. She must be so pleased to know that you are a fine human being.
Let's think of all the wonderful things that she has done and give thanks for having her in your life because she was a truly special person. I can see how she has inspired all of you. Please give your dad an extra hug from us. I pray for God to give him strength. You also please stay strong for him. Sending you extra love and hugs.
Dr. Careen Pakrasi
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dearest Cherie and Vikram,
Harmeet just called to give me the very tragic news of your Mother’s passing-I am so shocked, just can’t believe it!
I don’t know, if what anyone says is of any solace, now and ever after. But the comforting thought is that her beautiful Spirit will always be there guiding and shining through those who were part of her heart and her being and those whose lives she touched.
Our prayers are with you now and always. May God give you all the strength to bear the absence of her physical presence.
Please know that we share with you, your immense grief and pain and are always there for you.
Do convey my heartfelt condolences to you Father and Brother.
Lots of love
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dearest Cherie pls accept our condolences. May God bless you, your family and Kusum Aunty. She was an amazing lady . So dedicated and strong. It must be so difficult, can’t imagine. Pls take care, would love to talk to you .. let me know a good time. Love always. Hope Uncle and Babla are ok. Love and best wishes.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
My dear dear dear Seema
I heard only today. Broke my heart ...even though I hadn't met aunty for so long I have thought so much about her ..babe you are. Blessed to have been a daughter to such a beautiful parent . Words are no solace at this diff hour ..still Sharing something that will help heal a bit.. love you babe. my love to uncle babla ...your kids . Vikram and most of all you.
Mona Baswani
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
You have been blessed to have had Aunty's love and blessings for so many years and to have had the opportunity to look after her ..she was lucky to have you as a daughter to care, love and organize her life when she needed it, give her the absolute joy of grandchildren and another son in Vacky. Continue to be that strong support for the family

She will be looking down and smiling. Love and tons and tons of hugs my dearest.

Atika and Sanjay
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Hi Cherie Didi,

We were heartbroken to hear about Big Mommy and have been thinking about all of you and missing you a lot. I just wanted to let you know we are here for you and sending all our love. Please let me know if there is anything I can do and if we could FaceTime soon to see you.

January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Cherie,
I can never forget the great inspiration your mom was during our growing up and subsequent years. For instance, when I was only five or six years old, your mom broke all the records in her Punjab Matric Board exam in the mid-1950's; those days, there were no Delhi school board exams. She used to inspire us with her leadership. She topped pre-medical exams from Hindu College to enter Lady Hardinge Medical College. There at the medical college, your Mom topped in each successive academic year breaking all records and qualifying her MD with unique distinction. The saga of greatness began unfolding in the latter years with her assuming greater public role which she acquitted with true humility and youthful spirit.

Such is the great legacy your Mom has left behind.
Another memory I have of those days (1950s) is the daily meditation routine at your grandparents, which your Mom used to enjoy. That set the stage, I think, of her coming under the influence of teachings of the great master Sri Yoganandaji. Cherie, those was the days. Your Mom left such a lasting imprint on all of us, and I shall always treasure those years of association as a divine blessing. There are so many tales which, perhaps, we'll share when I visit India after the covid abates a bit. You all take care beta. Give my love to Baabla also. With all the blessings and love from Asha Auntie and me.
Raman Uncle.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Hello Cherie,
I am stunned and deeply troubled by your mom's untimely departure from our midst. It's been a shattering blow to us all. I along with Asha auntie, offer our condolences to you all. You may have forgotten us since it's been a long time; I am Raman Kapoor uncle, Sonia's Mamaji and her mom's brother. Sonia only forwarded me your number. It's too painful to recap old times yet the fact is that some relationships outlast time.
Never realised then that I won't be able to see her again. So sad indeed. You take care.
Raman Kapoor
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Deeply saddened to learn that Kusum , your life long companion for nearly 60 years has left you alone ! I met her first time with you when she was studying at Lady Harding Medical College. She was an incredible personality full of life and passion . Later grew as the most dignified, successful and affectionate lady . She will be greatly missed . My deepest condolences to the family...
Jasbir Pal Singh
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Hello Vinay
Sorry to hear the sad news about dear Kusum.
Can’t believe it.
Can understand what you must be going through.
Please accept heartfelt condolences and important that you look after yourself.
A really lovely person. I last met her in 2018 when I was in India. Fond memories.
Shobha Nagpal
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Extremely distressed to learn about the sad demise of Mrs. Viney Sahgal. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. May her soul rest in eternal peace.
V. Ashta
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Mama is so very sad to loose her dear friend. We were reminiscing about the times when we were still in Hyderabad but used to visit Delhi for the holidays and how we always so looked forward to spending time with all of you. Stay strong Cherie. Much love.
Shonali Pachauri
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Uncle I am Sorry to hear about aunty.
May her Soul rest in peace. Do let me know if I can be of any help.
Ajeet Kacker
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Hello Bhaisahib,
This is Rajiv (Lakhanpal) from the US. We’re all very sorry to learn about Kusum Mamiji. Our heartfelt condolences! May her soul Rest In Peace.
Our very best,
Rajiv, Sushma, Nikhil and Rahul
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Here is a true story, from our family. About 73 years ago, two young boys went to a boarding school in India, called st. Joseph's, located in Dehra Dun. Dehra Dun is a picturesque town in the himalayan foothills that has some elite boarding schools from 1-12 grade/standard.
Both boys were first cousins, and remained academic rivals throughout school, playing off the first and second.positions in their class.
After graduation one of them joined the national defense academy and became a decorated army officer. The other joined the railways and later built his own business manufacturing medical needles.

Both boys got married in the same year 1965, and both had a son each in 1966. One son was nicknamed baba, and the other babla.
Both couples had a daughter each as well, in the same year, in 1970.

In 2020, the first boy lost his wife in Jan, and in Dec 2020, the second boy lost his wife as well. The first boy is my dad, Kamlesh Bajaj, and the second boy is his cousin, Viney Sagar uncle. Such is the tapestry of life.
Akhilesh Bajaj
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Pranam Vinay ji. This is Swami Kamalananda. Please accept my deepest condolences on Kusum ji's passing.

I have been keeping her in my prayers and I am sure she is enjoying a well deserved break on the other side from the travails of the body. She is indeed a blessed soul to have been one of the early pillars of Guruji's work in Delhi. What a glorious welcome she would have received from the great Gurus!
I know it must be a great personal loss for you and the family and my heart goes out to you all. I pray that you are holding up well and taking care of yourself. With my best wishes and prayers always.

You may know that I am in Noida for about 6 weeks now to take care of my mother. She and father both came down with Covid. Mother's condition was quite serious but she is much better now. Jai Guru.

Forgot to mention that Swami Chidanandaji also conveyed his condolences and his prayers and blessings to you and the family.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Hi Cherie,
So so sorry about mom. She was one of my most favorite people. Her smile, kindness & love will be greatly missed. May she Rest In Peace. Hope Vinay bhaisahib is doing ok. He is one of my most beloved cousins. Please convey my condolences to him & tell him we send him loads of love from Kansas.
Jyoti didi
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Sooo sorry to hear about Kusum Aunty. Sherry.. you all must be so shattered.. she was such a gentle loving soul. Really terrible. May God rest her beautiful soul in peace and give you all the courage to bear this irreparable loss. Take care Sadly.
Neena and Vivek.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Very sorry to hear about Kusum, it was very sad.She was a very loving and caring person. My she rest in peace and God give you all strength to face this tragedy.
Veena and Ramesh Vaish.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Deeply grieved. Your mother and should I say your parents have been so much part of our life. We feel her loss immensely. Please convey our heartfelt condolences to your father. Grieved.
Kitty aunty and Sarab uncle
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Vinay uncle
Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am to hear of Kusum aunties loss :(
She was such a lovely gentle soul and always met us with so much warmth.
Her loss leaves us all with a huge vacuum and I can imagine how terrible it is for you Cherie and Babla. May God give you strength and May he keep her safe.
Praveen and Gopa
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Sir,
Yesterday came to know about the sad demise of Mrs Sehgal. It was shocking, please accept my heartfelt condolences. All i can do is to pray to God to give you enough courage to bear this irreversible loss. May her soul rest in peace.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Please accept my deepest condolences for your family's loss.
Varun Sikka
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Mr Sahgal, please accept my heartfelt condolences to you and the family. May God give you the strength to bear with this irreparable loss.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Sir very sorry to hear about your and your family's loss. Sincere condolences to the bereaved family in this tough hour and prayers for peace be upon the departed soul.
Varun Kalia
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Think of you lots. Haven't called. Just feel so speechless. But I promise to remain in touch with you. Life is so full of ironies. One meets, goes on to leading the most beautiful moments of our lives together. Joys,ups and downs, happy memories and then suddenly one is left without an anchor! It's hard! Really hard! However, one then is compelled to move on and secretly reminisce the past memories. That's life! You made me strong. Likewise- may God give you immense strength to move on. Please don't hesitate to ask for any assistance you need. All of us are around you. With you! God bless you always. How lucky that she spoke on my birthday -- with so much difficulty. What a beautiful memory she has left behind. I'll cherish it always. Such a gentle,kind,loving , sincere person. Very difficult to come across!
Joji Sawhney
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Hello Viney, I apologize for the delay communicating with you, I am very sorry about Kusum, please receive my condolences, please receive my warmest regards and I hope you are ok.
Fernando Herrera, Peru.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
So sorry to hear this tragic news. She was so loved and respected by all of us. We will miss her presence. She inspired many of us to greater heights.
May her soul rest in eternal and may the family find the strength to bear this irreparable loss. Om Shanti.
Dr. Harsh Mahajan
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Very shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of Kusumji. It is just the other day that we had the pleasure of being with you two and do well remember how Kusumji kept us engaged till past 11 pm. She was such a lovely person to be with. We shall, and Suneeta even more so, miss her dearly. May she rest in peace.
Our heartfelt condolences to you and the family. Om shanti.
Suneeta & Subhash Saxena
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Extremely shocked to hear about sad untimely demise of dear Kusum. We had absolutely no inkling that we would not be able to see her on our return to Delhi all our thoughts prayers are with her can never forget her ever smiling face so soft spoken May she rest in heavenly abode our condolences also to Seema Babla. Vikram.
Sapna. Jaswant Kumar
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Dear Sri Sahgal, Just now came to know from Swami Suddhanandaji that Dr. Kusum Sahgal passed away. My grief at this loss is more than I can express in words. She was my teacher, guide, and inspiration to join the ashram. She was a great devotee and sadhak who was an example of true discipleship. My deepest prayers for her departed soul, and for all of you that God give all of you the strength to bear this loss. Such a soul is rare and it is my good fortune that I knew her. Jai Guru. Jai Ma.
Swami Ishwarananda
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Deeply saddened by your tragic personal loss. We pray for her soul to rest in eternal peace. In grief,
Naresh and Kiran
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
It's really shocking to hear the sad news may her soul rest in peace and God gives you the strength to bear the loss. Can't believe that she is no more she was loving friend and a very good hostess. We all are going to miss her. May her soul rest in peace. God gives you and your family courage to bear this great loss because of the covid don't know when to meet you.
Promilla Bawa
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
Sir extremely sorry to know wishing all courage to you and family for her parting may her soul rest in peace.
Kind regards, Nivedita
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