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1st friend

November 12, 2019
I can remember it like it was yesterday. I went to a mother and baby program and she greeted me with open arms. She was super friendly. We connected me her and one of our other mother baby room mates. We have similar likes in things this was in july of 2007.she let me hold her bundle of joy 1st son. She was a great mother she loved him with everything in her. I was in love with his lil self hold a baby for the 1st time I was about 6 months pregnant. He looked up at me and was so beautiful. Calm but very happy baby. His smile was everything. I didnt stay in the program long so I left in Sept. I always called to check up on her even when I heard she moved always left my number she never called me back. Until one day I get a tap on the shoulder on the bus this is now 2 in the half years later. You know how you on the bus and somebody touch you. I turns around and she like its me. I smile so hype almost fell to the floor tryna hug her. She cut school that day shhh. We were not leaving each other side after that i was with her everyday. We got baby bumps  again around the same time this time ,me her and my kids cousin. We sang so many songs ,was super greedy and made singing vids she impersonated people  she was the only one who could can sing out of the us. Even when I was upset not having a good day id call up her like girl sing me a song. I miss her so much we had a great friendship. Things were not  always the best. But that was my 1ST real friend. As a teenager she was my 1st best friend. We had a good time 2 days before it all was over. I wish I could've hugged her one last time. Have had a girl talk one last time where we would laugh till a tears came out. Boy she was so silly and funny. We were class clowns. Dancing and making up raps in school. I miss her so much, life so short its only here for a minute then you vanish so, make your mark now while you here live you best life. She left behind 4 beautiful boys. Great memories and a whole load of sad family and friends

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