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August 4
August 4
I'm miss your knock on my window, It doesn't get better ,just holding to the promise we will meet up in heaven. Aunty love and will miss you forever. Today is your youngest daughter's wedding anversey she remembers you by getting married on your birthday. They loves and missed you a lot KY is your image in print, I see you in each of your kids.heavenly birthday baby!
October 28, 2021
October 28, 2021
Six shots ended a promising life,seems like yesterday rather than11years.We miss you so much, God knows best,he's always in control. Rest tunky everyone is going ok,still dealing with cov19,still have too wear mask,Albany is going crazy with the crime shooting every day some place or the other. For the 16years I've live here I am so uneas y leaving the house , these days trusting God daily for our safety. Rest until we meet again love you!
August 4, 2021
August 4, 2021
Its been awhile tunky couldn't find the password, just change it. There's a pandemic going around the last couple of years, we have to wear a mask, social distance of six feet, so many has lost there life,some of our family members got it thank God. They recovered. Last week there was a fire where your two youngest kids lived, everyone is safe the house a total loss, second fire in their lifetime, again God has kept them safe.I'm here for them until It's my time to leave this world. You lost another brother and your dad, your remaining brother is going well. Asia graduate from high school in june ,haha is a senior ,July is in eight grade, why am I telling you these things you already know,your spirit is for ever with us.
December 1, 2016
December 1, 2016
Morning tunky it,s been a while I ,ve log in still missing you Zakye made honor roll,yes he has join your daughters as an honor roller we are so proud of him your baby boy did it. wish you we here for these moments in your childrens lives but God knows best, keep resting in his loving arms
August 4, 2015
August 4, 2015
Hi daddy this is your son Kye ,Happy birthday made you a father's day card in school next time we go visit you I'll leave there for you. We miss you sooooo much, I'm getti ng tall next year I' ll be tall as Albany grandma the girls are already taller than you have a happy birthday xoxoxo
August 4, 2015
August 4, 2015
Happy birthday Tunky It's been a while since I wrote you, always in my heart. A week dose not go by without something  trigger a wave of sadness over losing you.I know it's impossable for you to come back to us but oh how I wish you would keep resting in God's loving care until.Kid's are getting so tall all did well in school- Asia still on the honnor roll, Yaya got an award for math Kye got 94, 96 & 93
On the test the state give them, left your brains with them all.Kye here with me Yaya in troy They move back to Albany ,we all close by see the two just about every day the oldest once in a while she also lives close by near family dollar on Henry Johnston have. Love you always miss you sooo much.
October 26, 2014
October 26, 2014
Hello daddy and happy halloween guess what I got a 90 on my test and a 100 hundred on my reading street test and zakye got a all his homework right and one last thing logan is going trick or treating with me and kye for his first time and shica had a baby now she two years old her name is sadie and she very bright
October 26, 2014
October 26, 2014
Good morning Tunky missing you as always knowing you in Gods hands make it easier. this season is diffacult for me, we' lose sooo many love ones this time of the year.I know you all just resting until God return.Tuesday will be four years you had to leave us, the 23rd was six for justice , kids are getting big they carving pumpkin at Shica got more to carve at home later until we meet again.!
October 26, 2014
October 26, 2014
Daddy hi how are you in heaven I miss you and I can't wait to see you in heaven from your only son zakye james
August 4, 2014
August 4, 2014
Rest sweetheart. Your family love and miss you!
August 4, 2014
August 4, 2014
happy birtbday daddyfrom your thirdchild Za'kye
August 4, 2014
August 4, 2014
Happy birthday daddy, we love you we love . We are so gladyou at peaceand still walking with the king! From your middle child Yaaj'ja
August 4, 2014
August 4, 2014
Today would have been your40th year in life my days isn"t the same si nce God call you home. i understand he only give you to us for a short time--the sarrow when youleft is hard to take  I miss you sò much tunkey kids are getting so tall the girls are taller than me kye will be in two years all' are so smart they happy kid miss you a lot tall about often
October 28, 2013
October 28, 2013
THREE YEARS- some say it gets easier with time. For me, I'm coping. God and your kids have been my rock. The 2 youngest ones are going to your grave today with their mom, I wish you could see how big they're getting. Anyway, God knew best. October 23rd was FIVE YEARS for Justice. I miss you all SO much! Keep resting in God's unchanging care.
August 4, 2013
August 4, 2013
happy birthday daddy miss you so much love kye .
August 4, 2013
August 4, 2013
hi daddy I love you so much. I wish you could see me and kye . he is going in to kindergarten I am going in to fourth grade my only sister is going in fifth grade. well daddy how is heaven. daddy why did they take you away. I just do not understand!!
August 4, 2013
August 4, 2013
today would have been 39 year on earth a loan form God at 36 he needed you back,with tearful eyes and a broken heart we had to let you go--God is still in control, I miss you love you rest until the trumpet blows
October 28, 2012
October 28, 2012
wow another year has pass without you with us-- I'm continuing to ask God for answers and tursting him thru it all  -kids are going well-we all miss you so very much!!!!!Kye loves school he's with me for the weekend, rest until we meet in a better you
August 4, 2012
August 4, 2012
Hi tunky happy 38TH birhday miss you always the anger is getting better , Aisa talks about you all nature trail they all missesyou left them good memories,they getting so tall, the girls doing great in school, kye starting school sept he is so smart----like who?
August 4, 2012
August 4, 2012
this is kye ,I love you and want a hug daddy.
August 4, 2012
August 4, 2012
happy from birthday daddy I love you.from yaya
April 26, 2012
April 26, 2012
justice turn the big 40 this week you all making me old---rest everyone is fine still missing you always.
February 9, 2012
February 9, 2012
Hi tunky, today is not a good day for me---but God is good.It 25 years since uncle Borgan left us I know he's at peace remembering the way he died anger me sometimes, news years day was three years for aunty Beryl ( our sister that name you ). knowing the good die young brings so much joy--I can let you all rest in the master's care.
December 22, 2011
December 22, 2011
hi tunky,      I went to Kye birthday gathing ( yes I venture out of the house for a change ) it was very rewarding had fun all that was missing was you.He's getting so tall-like quess who??                        LOve you Blessed sleep my child.
November 18, 2011
November 18, 2011
Hi Tunky,   I can't believe it's one year since you were laid to an eternal rest.The last conversation with me ended with (Aunty I'M WALKING WITH THE KING), I, THANK GOD!!!daily for capturing your soul in time,because Christ live---we will live you!!!
November 9, 2011
November 9, 2011
ANOTHER WAY TO TALK TO YOU... WOW Just Reading All The LOVE On This Page Literally Brought TEARS To My Eyes... But I Know It's Okay To Cry Because Like Water It Cleanses You.. I Don't Think I'll EVER Stop Missing You... EVEN IF I TRIED... You Might Not Be Here In The Physical But Your ALWAYS In My HEART... WE ALL Miss You The MOST... HEAVENS Fallen ANGEL.. UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN... I LOVE YOU
November 5, 2011
November 5, 2011
I love you daddy and miss you, Ky cries for you, we all misses you!!!!!Will always remember you .             Love Yaya and ky ky
November 4, 2011
November 4, 2011
Hi Tunky,The fall season many of our loveones have departed this world, 2corinthians 5:8 give me much needed confort.Today is ten years your mother left,oct,16 was ten years for uncle Al, ten years for Nashun, sept.nine years for Ashelle--on Oct. 28 God call your name.November 5TH will be three years we laid Justice too his eternal rest--- one happy reunion in the sky!!!
October 30, 2011
October 30, 2011
Morning tunky,    We are given the power of choice, I choose to honor you for eternity. The battle is over,you SAFE in the master arms.
October 28, 2011
October 28, 2011
God bless you are truly missed. You were a good friend and I will always remember you.
October 28, 2011
October 28, 2011
Hey baby I can't believe its been a year. I miss you so much. You are missed by everyone who loves you. I think about you every day I walk or drive passes your old apartment on Washington Ave. Baby I love you and miss you. RIP My one and only true love.
October 28, 2011
October 28, 2011
happy 1St anniversary with God my child!!
October 25, 2011
October 25, 2011
Tunky, this have been the hardest year of my life,knowing you are free and at peace is conforting.The injustice of your death is still disturbing-but God is still in control!!! The kids misses you,but they are begining too heal .Coutinue to rest until the trumpet sounds--hugs and kisses from those who love you most!!!

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