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His Life

As A Young Man

March 16, 2017

When we took him to meet the football coach they couldn't believe he was his age and was so excited to have him join their team. His sophomore  year he hurt his back. The  doctor told us at the age of 16 1/2 that he had the back of a 40 year old man. After surgery he fought to get back to normal. But after a few years he had to have a second surgery. We had to watch him fight for a normal life. It was so hard. He hated the way he had to live. But he never stopped loving his family and doing what ever he could for them. He always did what ever he could to help others as much as he could. He loved helping others. When we moved to Colorado he like to help the homeless as much as he could....I remember once he gave a homeless family a $100. It was all he had. He didn't get very much money a month himself but that's how he was. It didn't matter. On July 21, 2016 he turned 34.....on August 8, 2016 we where told he had cancer. After getting 4 different opponents he decided he didn't want to have  treatment.  After living a life of pain he couldn't see have more pain. He said if God decided not to heal him then he was ready to go.  I support that decision and loved him through it. Then on February 22, 2017 he earned his angel wings. 

From the Beginning

March 16, 2017

Landon was our first born. We where young and didn't know how to be parents. He had a hard start. Even though he was a big baby he had problems from the start. He couldn't have regular baby formula. He had to be place on formula for premature babies. He became an beautiful young man and did everything that normal kids did. He was home schooled for a couple of years but he wanted to play football. So wanting him to have fun we placed him back into the public school system. And the story continues.