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My Uncle Larry

September 12
We didn't live close by, so sadly growing up I didn't really know him like my other cousins. Visits in recent years revealed his soft spoken sense of humor, his dedication and love for his family and especially for grandson Lucas. It brought Larry great joy in going to baseball practice with Lucas and I know they made great memories at the lake cabin.  He was proud of Valerie accomplishing her house projects single-handedly! He and Janice built a beautiful life together and I know that he will be missed tremendously by all who knew him.
My love and condolences to Janice, Valerie, Lucas and the rest of the family   

Uncle Larry - dentist, fisherman, and humorist

September 7
Uncle Larry was a great man. As my sister mentioned, he generously gave of his time to help with our family's dental needs. Many good memories of Uncle Larry, but what I remember him most for was his sense of humor. He was the drollest person it was ever my pleasure to know. He will be missed by family, coworkers, and friends.

I am the proud niece of Larry. I’m Leslie odell and I remember my uncle Larry as being very humorous

August 31
As being very humorous, yet quiet. Now those are two words you 
usually don’t see together. It was so thoughtful of him to do all of the Odell
kids teeth free on a Saturday or Sunday (I’m sure his only two days off)
 He always made sure I was comfortable and he was very gentle. 
He will be truly missed.    Leslie Odell

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