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HAPPY Heavenly Birthday

April 11, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday Mike. I know your still in AWE of all the beauty your experiencing in Heaven and I know your having an AMAZING birthday with Momma & Daddy. I miss you and think of you everyday, your FOREVER in my heart. I hope you know how much I love you.
Give momma and daddy a kiss and hug for me. Until we meet again. 

Taken too soon

February 22, 2022
Well it's been 2 years today and it never get's easier. I miss you and think of you everyday. I am sure you and daddy were beyond happy when momma joined you in Heaven and I am sure you greeted her with open arms, lots of hugs and kisses. 
Until we meet again, your FOREVER in my heart!  I LOVE YOU 

Missing you more every day

February 22, 2021
I can't believe it has been a year since you left us. I know your with daddy and many other loved ones in Heaven. I miss you and think of you everyday and it still makes my heart ache that you are not here. I would never want you to be here suffering the pain you had to endure but I still miss our times together and can't wait to see you again. Give daddy a hug and kiss from me.
Until we meet again I will keep you in my heart. 


December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas Mike. I know your enjoying your first Christmas in Heaven and I am sure it is AMAZING. I know your happy and pain free and enjoying all of Heavens beauty. I think of you everyday and miss you more with each passing day. Give daddy a kiss for me and tell Nancy and Gene I miss them. Until we meet again you will be forever in my heart. 


November 24, 2020
Mike this has been a hard week. I just don't know how to get through Thanksgiving without you being here. I know your having an AMAZING reunion in Heaven but my heart is still breaking. I wish you were here to get your Chicken and Dumplings. I would make them everyday for you. Mikey is going to come over and spend the day with us and I am so happy to have him coming over, it will be like part of you is with us. Give daddy a kiss for me and tell him I will see you and him in Heaven and I can't wait for the day. 
                                           UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN..LOVE YOU ALWAYS.

Happy Birthday

April 12, 2020
Happy Birthday Sweetheart. You are going to have an amazing birthday being there with your Dad. Thinking about you always and Loving you forever.

Happy Birthday

April 11, 2020
Happy Heavenly Birthday Mike. I know your having an AMAZING birthday in Heaven with Daddy. I miss you everyday. Give daddy a kiss for me. Until we meet again. 

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