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Dad's home

February 9, 2022
We went to dad's place today to see where we could build a home. Jackson and mayleigh seen you had your accident. They said hi papa!! I wanted to cry. Jackson is just like you Daddy!!! I don't believe in reincarnation but I swear he's just like you in every way possible. I swear mayleigh bug is just exactly like me!! I really hope I didn't give you a hard time. Grayson is only three months old and he will also know about you. I play the DVD of your pictures and they say that's my papa!! I smile!! 


July 1, 2021
Well like I said I'm pregnant with my third baby. I'm going to keep the tradition of the family name Lee. I'm just trying to make it. This website is the only thing that feels like we could actually be talking to you. 

I hope you know that Jackson is 3 years old now and Mayleigh is almost 2 years old come in January. This third child will be a December baby just like me. Toby has nothing to do with this baby so Sean is going to be the daddy for this baby. I hope you are happy to know the family just keeps growing


July 11, 2018

well dad yesterday was 1 yr without you and also Jackson Leroy Ratton due date. We are sure he knows who you are. He acts like he knows that you are there.

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