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September 27, 2018

LT.      My Dad was a very motivated, strong, big hearted, loving,loyal man.  He was a Great Dad, there are no better. A wonderful son who was always there for his parents. A loving brother. The best grandpa. I can't believe its been 14 years since you left us. I can still hear your deep voice and see your smile. I miss your words of wisdom . Your Love and all your ways of living. I know your with our Lord you life was lived as he wanted . I miss you Dad

Me And My Dad

May 21, 2018

Hey Dad, Well it's been 14 years since you left us. Wow I can hardly believe that. I have lived 14 years without you and your love, your strength, your unbelieveable kindness. You were always there for me . You loved deeply and truly. I could tell a story there are so many happy wonderful times in our life together. You sacrificed so much for all us kids and worked so hard. I was always so proud you were my Dad. I was so lucky. I know you didn't think Dave turned out the way you wanted him to but oh Dad if only you were here now. I can actually see the smile on your face if you saw your son now. He has turned into an outstanding person a wonderful Dad, a great husband and There's not a better brother. It took him  a while but he became all you wanted for him and then some. I wouldn't be here if not for My Brother. He is actually the only person in my entire life that can make me feel hope and believe me that's hard to come by for me right now. I;m sorry to say I'm not exactaly where I wanted to be at this point in my life (57) barely hanging on but I'm a Williams so I keep trying. I guess I got my life backwards. There is so much of what you traught me and told me inside me. My heart still hurts deeply when ever I think of you. An Dad your granddaughter is so smart and really going to do great things, you have a grandson graduating from High School the 25 a great grandchild that's a straight a student. Your blood runs strong thru us all. I Love And Miss You With Us Every Day. Your Daughter Pammy

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