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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Dr. Leong (Lawrence). We will remember him forever.
June 29
Dear Dr Leong,

I met you at MND in 2018 when I was feeling quite disillusioned about the public service. Even though I worked with you and your NParks colleagues for only a few years, I cherish those years deeply — I saw what a truly mission-minded public agency could do with steady hands and good hearts, charged with the stewardship of our most precious natural capital. Thank you for inspiring and leading a new generation of environmentalists and nature warriors. You will be so missed.
June 26
June 26
Dear Dr Leong,
It feels so familiar to address you as such in all my emails as I have done so for a good 10+ years.
I am going to miss this.

At work, you were the quiet, unassuming but humourous boss. Beneath the calmness, you have to constantly balance and worry for various needs - the outcome, the staff welfare. The solutions may not always be there. But you care and you do not shirk responsibility. Thank you for leaving me with countless inspiring moments to continue our sense of purpose at work.

In faith, you are the honest Christian who spoke the Lord's Prayer with me, for me and my children. In good times, you showed me exuberance in God's blessings. In bad times, you showed me weakness as we all are. But we never gave up praying. And you thank everyone and sang for all who came to bade farewell - for now.

What an amazing Child of God!

Remembering you always,
The trouble maker.

June 24
June 24
I am greatly saddened to have lost a brother in Christ as well as a 'big brother'. However, I know that Lawrence has gone to a place where the gardens are just perfect, no administration is required and he can truly enjoy it in the company of our Lord Jesus. For that reason, I am really happy for him.

We as children in Malaysia have always enjoyed our time together as cousins (6 of us), every school holiday, from the secret smoking of straws, to playing Carrom, table soccer and our family outings. Lawrence was always very gracious and lets me win sometimes and would oblige playing with a pesky cousin amidst his heavy study schedule. I always admired how gentlemanly and kind he was to our grandmother who used to live with the family.

Our paths hardly crossed except for the last decade or so, when we would stop in Singapore on our travels. The wonderful memories of a kind, gentle and Godly man remains etched in my memory. 

Nancy, Esther & family, we shall pray across the miles, for strength for you all in this sad time. May you have the assurance of His presence.

Caroline & Chris Mundy
New Zealand
June 22
June 22
In January 2023, we visited Singapore from Hirosaki City, which is closely associated with Dr. Kwan Koriba, and had the honor of meeting Dr. Leong. Dr. Leong warmly welcomed us, and when we introduced him to Hirosaki, showing a video of Hirosaki Park in full bloom with cherry blossoms, his exclamation of "So beautiful!" still resonates in my ears.

Through the connection with Dr. Kwan Koriba, we were able to learn from Singapore as we strive for the further development of Hirosaki City. I wish I could have exchanged more ideas with Dr. Leong and shown him the cherry blossoms in full bloom in Hirosaki.
I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Dr. Leong.

We sincerely pray for the repose of his soul.
June 18
On the evening of the 16th, I received a message from a friend with very sad news.
I had just started writing a letter to Dr. Leong, saying that I would like to visit him again with Hirosaki City this year.
When we met, I was planning to invite Dr. Leong to Aomori-Hirosaki, the hometown of Dr. Kwan Koriba, who has a deep connection with the Singapore Botanic Gardens. And our dream of walking with Dr. Leong to Hirosaki Park, famous for its cherry blossoms, and Mt. Hakkoda, where Dr. Koriba grew up as a botanist, did not come true.
Dr. Leong was always compassionate, and his messages about greenery and nature were future-oriented and always moving forward. Every word he said showed us the path we should take, even in Japan, where the environment is different. Yes, Dr. Leong was like a Polaris.

Leong-san, have you met Inada-san in heaven yet?
Please continue to guide us from heaven together.

And thank you very much.
June 17
June 17
Dear Dr Leong,

Thank you so much for your patient guidance especially when I was a new joiner at NParks. I remember how you took the time to listen to our concerns and that really touched me. I feel privileged to have crossed paths with you, and benefitted from your guidance. Rest in peace. Your legacy lives on.

June 17
June 17
Dr Leong is just like Daniel, dedicating his life to Public Service. Though you may I have left, your works will be remembered.
June 16
June 16
Since my time as a newjoiner in NParks, Dr Leong has been an inspiring and steady presence, guiding us from behind the scenes. I’ve heard him being referred to as “an institution” and “an embodiment of our NParks’ ethos and spirit”, neither of which is an exaggeration.

He had a genuine vision and belief for the work we did at NParks, and this translated to the nuggets of wisdom that he would dispense to us so freely when we were working with him. I count myself lucky to have witnessed some of these from the front row. As an example, I recall feeling particularly inspired by this email reply from him last year, which captured the spirit of conservation and wildlife management challenges in a City in Nature:

“Ok, but let me just say that Singapore is amazing because you can see wildlife in a highly urbanised city. And this include animals like otters. Many visitors are thrilled to see them in the heart of a city. We as residents feel differently because they eat koi. […] Conflicts arise out of our success, and we deal with it in collaboration with the community. There would be no conflicts if we do not have nature in our midst, but we would be the poorer for it.”

Dr Leong was also a leader who would fight alongside you in the trenches. Be it the COVID-19 crisis or having to plan and implement large-scale initiatives within a short amount of time, he was always there to help us navigate the challenges. When talking to other colleagues over the past few days, it is clear he played a similar role for so many others in NParks. It puzzles me how he managed to accomplish all this with just 365 days per year, but I can only imagine it came with a whole ton of dedication and sacrifice. 

NParks doesn’t quite feel the same without Dr Leong, but I think he’ll continue to watch over us from where he is. I also think his spirit and ethos would live on in those whose lives he had touched and inspired.

Thank you for all you’ve given to NParks and us. May you rest in peace, Dr Leong!
June 16
June 16
Dr Leong's wisdom, kindness, and godliness truly shone through in his words and actions. He was truly the salt and light in the communities that he was part of.

He was truly passionate about biodiversity conservation and greenery, and was constantly caring for people. He was one of the kindest bosses ever, exemplifying the gentleness and love of Christ, and yet was firm and stuck to his principles to fiercely protect our biodiversity.

When we were really busy at work, he would come over to see how he could help and provided great guidance to help shorten our processes.

Thank you, Dr Leong, for leaving a great legacy in building our City in Nature and building the Kingdom of God. We are assured that we will meet once again in heaven.
June 16
June 16
Had gotten into trouble once with a MOP and was asked to speak at the directors' office and Dr Leong was in there. A kind benevolent grandfather figure with not much words, he said just be careful in future. You've been a steady and fatherly figure in our heart.

You're being missed dearly!

Till we meet again!!
June 15
June 15
Hello Dr Leong

Thank you for the guidance and genuine care you have shown to me and everyone who had the opportunity to meet and interact with you. You have been a true source of wisdom professionally and as a mentor. I still remember being apprehensive presenting cases to you when I just started working in NParks as a young planner, but your caring and humorous nature shone through, making you approachable for us to tap on your experience to solve tricky cases, however exasperating they are. I have, and will always miss, hanging out at Henry's corner discussing cases or just talking about random things.

Don't worry about us ya, Dr Leong, we will continue your good work.

And yes, i will go church! Not this weekend though, cos i want to go on one more journey with you. Chide me when we meet again, but like you said, i will take my time.

June 15
June 15
Dear Dr Leong
Thank you for embracing AVS colleagues when we came over to the NParks family, sharing your knowledge and guiding us, and making us go from strength to strength.
Rest in peace, Dr Leong.
June 15
June 15
Thankful to have the chance to be under your leadership. Remembering you as a kind and calm soul who is always understanding.

Till we meet again in the arms of Christ the Saviour, Dr Leong.

Ex NParks Staff
June 15
June 15
When there were wet blankets in 2008, your steadfast support for dragonflies was instrumental, so was your approval for my scientific expeditions to Borneo.

I hope an opportunity will arise whereby I can describe a new species in your honour.

Rest in peace, kind leader.
June 15
June 15
Dear Dr Leong
I am sadden to receive news of your passing. A man of a few words, you are well respected by many staff (I am one of them). Having the opportunity to support you in several HR related matters and receiving guidance from you was indeed a privilege and I will always be grateful for that. You inspired me with your great passion for greenery- You love your job in NParks.
Eternal rest grant unto you,O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon you. May you rest in peace. Amen.

From Valerie Lee (ex-NParks staff)
June 15
June 15
Dear Dr Leong,

You are the embodiment of what NParks is about. Your vision and wisdom shared thru free counsel in so many ways to anyone who sought it. The passion and kindness belying your quiet demeanor, your presence, insightful words with that gentle smile at work in office, at site, or even in email or on the phone, that gives a sense of assurance that everything will be ok. Your casual chats and occasional laughter reassure us that while we work hard, work is not everything and we can and should enjoy it with some fun as well. You are a gentle but giant leader.

Thank you for your guidance, your trust and belief in me, and your unwavering backing and support when I needed them. You have played an important part in my journey in NParks the past 19 years, and I know you will embrace new adventures in the same spirit in your new journey, with many friends who have gone before.

You may be missed, but you will always be with us.

Lua Hock Keong
June 15
June 15
Dear Dr Leong,

You will always be remembered as a humble, steadfast, and faithful servant of God who exhibited a blend of modesty, reliability, and unwavering loyalty. You are consistently dependable, staying true to your values and commitments regardless of circumstances. Your faithfulness demonstrated through your loyalty to those you care about and your dedication to your principles. You are indeed a pillar of strength and integrity, respected for your quiet yet strong presence and your enduring commitment in all you do.

Your sheer dedication to NParks for over four decades clearly demonstrated your true passion for the job. Even till death, you chose to put on the NParks Tshirt instead of a smart suit.

Thank you for being such a role model, wonderful mentor and friend to both Lily and I. We will miss you dearly. And till we meet again, RIP Dr Leong.
June 15
June 15
Dear Dr Leong,

Thank you for being an inspiration to me even as you fought the good fight. The journey was tough but you were undaunted. You worked with passion and vigor in God's call for you. You were evidently a gentle and steadfast presence in NParks. As you faced your fears at the end, I am assured to hear that God was with you the whole time and you are His good hands, now and forevermore.

May you rest in peace and enjoy in His presence. Looking forward the day when we meet again.
June 15
June 15
Benjamin Yew
June 15, 2024.
Dear Dr. Lawrence Leong. I have very fond memories of you when I was choir conductor of Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church. You are a true Christian brother. Your humility and dedication to the Lords' work in church is very inspiring to me and many who know you. You will be dearly missed.

God Be With You Till We Meet Again.
June 15
June 15
"God will put his angels in charge of you, to protect you wherever you go...." (Psalms 91:11)
"And Your house will be my home, as long as I live" (Psalms 23:6).

As my direct boss, Lawrence helped me in my journey in National Parks Board, and I thank God for this. May Lawrence be helped in his journey to God's house, through eternal life.
Sim Bee Lan
June 15
June 15
by Ah Bee
I'm deeply saddened to learn of Dr Leong's passing and we all feel a deep sense of loss. My heartfelt condolences go out to Dr Leong's family and loved ones.

Dr Leong played an essential role in my career life. I was fortunate enough to work with Dr Leong over the years to manage SC; he helped us greatly through his advice, support and continued guidance.

His presence will be greatly missed. We will always remember him forever. May his soul rest in peace and may his legacy continue to inspire us all.
June 14
June 14
Dear Dr Leong,

Thank you for your gentle counsel, wisdom and ever nurturing spirit. It was comforting to know that we could always turn to you for guidance in times of need. Your tireless and steadfast dedication will continue serve as an inspiration to me and many.

Already dearly missed.
June 14
I'm sorry to hear about Dr. Leong's passing. Please accept my deepest condolences. Although I didn't know him for that long, Dr. Leong will be remembered for his kindness and contributions to our community. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
June 14
June 14
We honor the memory of a devoted mentor whose guidance touched countless lives. His wisdom and kindness will forever resonate in our hearts.

Rest in peace, Dr Leong.
June 14
June 14
I'm deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Dr. Leong. His wisdom and guidance have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on myself and countless others.

Jarvis Ngoh
June 14
All the words you said for Mr Wong Yew Kwan during the memorial tree planting are also what we feel for you: "He was a man with tremendous dedication. If we look at what we are today, it is a result of his good work and the organization that NParks has become, along with the vision of City in Nature. We always treasure his efforts and what he has done, and we regard him with deep respect. We are always very thankful for what he has done for Singapore."

I hope you are having a reunion with Mr Wong in the sky. 
Rest in peace, Dr. Leong.
June 14
June 14
Dear Dr. Leong, thank you for all you have done for NParks and nature in Singapore! . You have worked tirelessly and been a beacon of hope for conservation. My earliest memory of you is when my colleague Idrus & I met you jogging from Bishan Park to Potong Pasir PCN in 2004 on several occasions in the evenings as that was our patrol route and you had the wave of acknowledgment! I am still amazed by your eloquence and choice of words during meetings at Gateway building back then. May the Lord keep you close in His arms as you have fought the good fight and entered in His rest!
June 14
June 14
Dr Leong was one of the first mentors I got to know when I was just 16 years old. He was that fatherly figure who have helped nurture me to what I am today.

You will be greatly missed.
June 14
June 14
I’ve always admired those who devoted their entire lives to a single cause, and Dr Leong exemplified that. In a way he was an embodiment of NParks’ ethos and spirit, seeing through so much of our garden city’s changes over the years, vision to vision. I count myself lucky to have been able to work more closely with him and learn from him this past year. Even in his final lap, his thoughts were filled with our work, with pride for what we are doing but also concerns for challenges that lie ahead.

I will hold his final advice closely, to keep serving with humility and push ahead to keep making things better for our City in Nature. We all have a responsibility now to carry the baton Dr Leong passed on to us. I hope he can rest assured that we will all be doing our best, and our younger generation looks very much up to the task as well.
June 14
June 14
Lawrence, thank you! You'd been a caring mentor, good friend and faithful brother-in-Christ. You made a big difference for Singapore, and the lives of many entrusted to you. I'll miss you dearly, and look forward to seeing you on the other side. Praise to Him who has received and restored you. Shalom!
June 14
June 14
We will miss your gentle wisdom, hearty chuckle, knowledge and wise counsel. Your presence will be deeply missed.
June 14
June 14
Lawrence as I knew him was one year my senior in St John’ Institution KL He was the deputy Head Librarian 1970-71. I used to cycle up to his house in SEA PARK, PJ on weekends to chit chat. Many old boys in Msia remember him and offer prayers this morning I just told them - HE MADE SINGAPORE BEAUTIFUL . michael tai
June 14
June 14
You were a great mentor, teacher and friend. You are leaving, but your legacy will live on. I will miss you. Rest in peace.
June 14

We lost a great mentor, a compassionate leader. His wisdom and guidance had a profound impact on so many, including myself. My heartfelt condolences to his loved ones.
June 14
June 14
I served in MND in the 2010s, and always admired Dr Leong's experience, wisdom and humility. I will continue to remember him for these qualities. My deepest condolences to Dr Leong's family and loved ones.
June 13
June 13
It was an incredible honour to have worked with such a kind, passionate and warm man as Dr Leong Deepest condolences and may he rest in peace.
June 13
June 13
To Dr Leong's family and friends, I would like you to know, that from the very beginning when I first joined NParks, Dr Leong, with his gentle demeanour, was always so kind, humble and his conversations always had abit of a clever humour. He was incredibly kind to me and other ground staff, so thank you for making it easier. My heartfelt condolences. He will be missed.
Isaac Koh
June 13
June 13
Dear Dr Leong,

Even though we have never really directly interacted before, I know that you—the steady, calm, humble, kind, yet strong presence and leader that you were—and the impact you made on the Singaporean landscape (both the land and the people) will be missed and felt for many generations. Most importantly, you did all you could with what you were given, fought the good fight, finished the race, kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7), and now you can rest in the loving arms of the Lord who says to you, “Well done, My good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21). From NParks and communities that you’ve touched, a HUGE thank you for your lifelong dedication and cherished guidance.

May all loved ones and friends of Dr Leong find comfort in the knowledge that he is now in eternal rest and peace with His Creator, and fellow believers will reunite with him when Christ returns. For in Christ we have hope that never fails/disappoints (Romans 5:5) if we remain in Him (John 15:5).
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” (Psalm 23:6)

- Isaac
June 13
June 13
Much has been said about Dr Leong’s contribution to nature conservation in Singapore. I would like to share how he had touched my life as a dependable, dedicated and dynamic mentor.

Dr Leong was a mentor whose dependability was unmatched. His door was always open, a testament to his desire to support and nurture others, no matter how busy he was.

His dignified and approachable demeanour exuded a sense of calm determination. He was a dynamic leader, always bringing fresh and innovative ideas to the table. When the occasion calls for it, his decisive nature ensured that we never felt lost or directionless.

I will always remember Dr Leong as a beacon of dedication and determination. His legacy will continue to guide and inspire me as I ask myself this question when I’m lost - “what would Dr Leong have done in this situation?”.
Darren Quek
June 13
I first met Dr Leong in 2021 at a network meeting. At that time I didnt know who he was, I was just waiting outside the room before the event started. He sat there unassumingly with no ounce of air about him. We chatted abit. I ask how long has he been in Nparks and he told me 40 years. I said wha Uncle you worked so long ah, my dad also work 40 years in ICA. Then we chatted like two uncle at the coffeeshop about work-life challenges. Only after the event did one of my Nparks friend told me who this Uncle actually was.

Over the past few years I spoke with Dr Leong occasionally at an event or two. But due to my Forest School endeavour, Dr Leong do know about my presence, and indirectly guided me too. Ive seen him in engagement with many public stakeholders of the park, he is always so calm and savvy. He knows how to be human and how to treat others likewise. He is a truly wise person.

My last time meeting Dr Leong, was at an MND event. We chatted for quite abit that time. We talked about going on holidays and resting. I knew he work really hard because of the responsibilities he honour, and would often even response to issues when he is on holiday overseas. Before we ended our conversation, I told him Dr Leong, do take care and get rest. You have done so much liao.

Never did I realise what he is going through, and that would be our last words, human to human. Im sad about the loss of a good man and a great leader for Singapore and the world. I hope many younger generation of leaders and environmentalist would remember Dr Leong... I know he has inspired me.

Thank you Dr Leong.

Darren Quek
Forest School Singapore
June 13
June 13
I will always remember Dr. Leong as a wise, unintrusive, humble, and pragmatic man whose attention to detail ensured fair and balanced decisions on all matters, whether advising CEOs or mentoring junior staff in SBG and later NParks. His presence was a beacon of calm and reason, and his sensible advice and guidance will be dearly missed by all. His dedication to a simple, healthy lifestyle and family always shone through during our serendipitous meetings at Ang Mo Kio Town Centre or Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park. May he rest in peace, and my heartfelt condolences go out to his family and loved ones.
June 13
June 13
I knew Dr Leong from church. Though I was a youth and he was much more senior, he never looked down on us young people.

Instead he always had an encouraging word and was supportive of how we wanted to do things differently.

One time, he gave a talk to us about finding our vocation, not just our occupation. Our vocation was our calling in life that we were created to fulfill.

Till today, I remember that message.

My last encounter with him was in 2022 on a trip back to Singapore. While my family was strolling along the beautiful Botanic Gardens, I saw him walking towards my direction.

As I called out to him, “Dr Lawrence Leong!”, he stopped by and we had a good chat. He was of course on his way to “work”. My family, who had never met him before then, remembers this short encounter till this very day.

It certainly seemed like he found his vocation in his occupation, given the legacy he left at NParks and at Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church. 

My deepest condolences to Nancy and Esther. May you be comforted and consoled that he is promoted to glory, and is looking down favorably upon you, in the eternal embrace of our Heavenly Father.
June 13
June 13
My deepest condolences to the family of Dr. Leong.

He is great mentor. I have the privilege to work with him for many years while in URA. Last met at GCAC in feb-Mar this year. An outstanding public servant who dares to speak his mind. Remembered him fondly for giving very sound advice to younger inexperience officers like me. He came across to me as the ‘buttress of the organization’, a grand cedar, with a quiet spirit, always project a soft gentle voice of wisdom whenever there’s a need. God bless him! 

My deepest condolences
Wan Khin Wai (Chief Architect, HDB)
June 13
June 13
It has been a great honour and privileged to have known and worked with Dr Leong in projects to improve our industry. His leadership and patience was a quality to be admired.
When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, talking to him was comforting and it helped me understand thru his journey.
Will be dearly missed by many whom he had touch and guided
June 13
June 13
Dr Leong,

Thank you for all the opportunities you gave me to be an advocate for stewarding God's wonderful creation. Your calm demeanour, willingness to get involved with us in the trenches, and your genuine love for nature were an inspiration; but your enduring faith in Jesus is an even greater one.

Till Christ comes again

June 13
June 13
Although I have little knowledge or met him personally, I believe he had contributed greatly to our community and indeed many who crossed his path certainly have benefitted much.

My deepest condolences to his family at this painful moment. I am sure he is happy meeting his Creator after his work completed on earth. Rest in Peace. Peace to All.
June 13
June 13
It came as a shock to hear of Dr Leong’s passing. I had a brief chat with him on Sports Day and asked about his family. He said Esther was doing well. I know that his trust in Jesus is firm as I remember when I was in NParks he led a bible study for 3 or 4 of us during lunch time. I admire his humility, his diligence and work responsibility. I think he had the gifts of the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, fear and obedience of the Lord (Isaiah 11:1) - admirable values that many would strive to acquire.
June 13
June 13
Dear Dr Leong,

Thank you for all the guidance you provided the organisation. You have always been a shining example of a leader and your legacy will be felt. Rest well.
Page 1 of 2

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Recent Tributes
June 29
Dear Dr Leong,

I met you at MND in 2018 when I was feeling quite disillusioned about the public service. Even though I worked with you and your NParks colleagues for only a few years, I cherish those years deeply — I saw what a truly mission-minded public agency could do with steady hands and good hearts, charged with the stewardship of our most precious natural capital. Thank you for inspiring and leading a new generation of environmentalists and nature warriors. You will be so missed.
June 26
June 26
Dear Dr Leong,
It feels so familiar to address you as such in all my emails as I have done so for a good 10+ years.
I am going to miss this.

At work, you were the quiet, unassuming but humourous boss. Beneath the calmness, you have to constantly balance and worry for various needs - the outcome, the staff welfare. The solutions may not always be there. But you care and you do not shirk responsibility. Thank you for leaving me with countless inspiring moments to continue our sense of purpose at work.

In faith, you are the honest Christian who spoke the Lord's Prayer with me, for me and my children. In good times, you showed me exuberance in God's blessings. In bad times, you showed me weakness as we all are. But we never gave up praying. And you thank everyone and sang for all who came to bade farewell - for now.

What an amazing Child of God!

Remembering you always,
The trouble maker.

June 24
June 24
I am greatly saddened to have lost a brother in Christ as well as a 'big brother'. However, I know that Lawrence has gone to a place where the gardens are just perfect, no administration is required and he can truly enjoy it in the company of our Lord Jesus. For that reason, I am really happy for him.

We as children in Malaysia have always enjoyed our time together as cousins (6 of us), every school holiday, from the secret smoking of straws, to playing Carrom, table soccer and our family outings. Lawrence was always very gracious and lets me win sometimes and would oblige playing with a pesky cousin amidst his heavy study schedule. I always admired how gentlemanly and kind he was to our grandmother who used to live with the family.

Our paths hardly crossed except for the last decade or so, when we would stop in Singapore on our travels. The wonderful memories of a kind, gentle and Godly man remains etched in my memory. 

Nancy, Esther & family, we shall pray across the miles, for strength for you all in this sad time. May you have the assurance of His presence.

Caroline & Chris Mundy
New Zealand
Recent stories
June 13
Never will you meet a man more faithful to his values and commitment than Dr Leong. Have known him since he was my tutor at the university and for more than 40 years as colleagues. He was totally committed to the mission to make Singapore a great place to live amidst the lush greenery and clean air. Truly an amazing mentor, teacher and friend. Above all he was a true worshipper of our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus

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