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Missing You Today

March 10, 2020
Pop, I look at your picture every day hanging on my mirror and have yours and Memas ashes on the top of the mirror as well... I love you so much and I miss you both so much every day. I wish y'all could be down here since my release to see how far I have come in life... Yall loved me even in my darkest times of life and I hate that I didn't get the chance to say goodbye but yall are with me every day and I love yall! One day we will be together again and you'll get to meet Mila my babygirl, I know yall would get a kick out of her! I love you Pop! 

3 years

March 10, 2020
As I sit here and think as I have for many years, my heart still hurts with you and Mom being gone. Nothing is the same. Depression is fighting me constantly everyday.  I am so sorry mom that I never measured up to the rest of the others. I was the rebellious one who made all the stupid choices and mistakes.  I never gave you or Mom a reason to be proud.  I wished I could go back and do it all over so that y'all would have liked me better.  I have never fit in or felt part of the family.  I have always loved you and dad though. 


April 16, 2019

Happy birthday Dad!  Give Mom love for me and I miss and love y'all everyday!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


November 21, 2017

Having a hard time getting into the holidays with you and Mom both gone.  It's still so hard to face the day knowing you're gone.  Things have been rough for me this last year.  Lost a job after 8 years that I loved all because of two arrogant lying girls.  Lost my car.  I wanted nothing more than to end it so I could ease the pain of all of it.  Things are starting to look up with help of real friends I've been blessed to have in my life.  I know there have many times God, you, and Mom have intervened.  I will forever carry you and Mom in my heart.  

Until we meet again.

September 4, 2017

Today marks 1 year since you left us and the family has not been the same.  No one talks to each other anymore.  I am heartbroken at how you and Mom were done it the end, but in my heart is where you and Mom will forever be.  Maybe God can fix this family before it's too late.  I'm doing my best to take care of grandma without any help from the family, with the exception of my lil tribe.  She misses you both something fierce.  I am having a hard time getting use to you two not being here when I need you, but I know we will be together soon.  I love you and miss you so very much.

April 16, 2017

Happy Birthday Dad!   I miss you and think of you daily.  I love you so much!  Give Mom a hug and kiss for me!

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