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November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
Dad, where do I even begin? As I go back through all our memories the good the bad the funny the sad, I find myself going to hide away and cry because for Mom and your grandson I have to be strong. But the little girl in me sits and waits for you to come like you use to when you'd pick me up after school. But knowing you'll never pull back in the driver way, or even walk me down the isel whenever I get married, or be there to watch my son your best little Buddy to grow up, fills my heart with sadness. I think to myself, who will I argue with for fun now? Luckily I got the best parts of you, you taught be to stand up for myself and what I believe in always, you taught me not to be afraid to speak my truth, you taught me self respect and manors, you showed me how to take stuff on the chin, I'm stubborn and hard headed you also instilled that into me we may not share DNA but you are and always will be MY DAD, you also always reminded me how proud and happy you were when I gave you this beautiful little grandson to love, I'll never forget you or let Kayvynn or your future grandkids forget you. I'm proud to of had a Veteran as my Father. I'm proud of what you sacrificed for our Country and THANK YOU for your services. I'm going to miss you ALWAYS Dad, but until we meet again watch over and protect us. - I love you, your daughter .
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
Mike was my uncle, who always offerd his hand to help when needed. Whenever I came to visit he was always the first to greet me and always say “ Hey Bull” how’s ur day or what u up to. I will forever miss that ! I will remember him as a Brave Veteran and an even stronger man that beat alcoholism several years ago ! If theres one thing I can say about mike was he was a proud veteran. I remember him as a proud member and care taker of the Bethel American Legion. He kept the grounds mowed, mulched, and had the grounds ready for events that were held there. And he did this for years at no charge as he felt it was his duty, as he was a man of living proof that serving his county didn’t stop once he came home ! Mike u will be forever missed, your Nephew Buddy
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
To my husband! You will be missed by many and you are loved buy many! I will forever love you!

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