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Share a special moment from Lester's life.

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February 28, 2017

You always promise to love someone forever. You don't realize when you love a person so deeply and you lose them the true impact of that word FOREVER ! Lester,  my love, my life, my best friend, my husband,  my partner in crime, my sidekick, my soul mate you will be truly be missed by me! 


The light in his Eyes

February 28, 2017

When I look at this picture it reminds me of his big blue eyes and how they could light up a room and melt my Heart! To see a sparkle in his eye made my heart soar. 

Great Love

February 28, 2017

The love that Lester had in his heart was forever present in all that he said and did! When I look at this picture I can see the love in his eyes for me! And I know that at that moment he was happy and in love! 

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