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August 24, 2022
Linda was my neighbor...just three doors down the road on Route 285.    After Jim passed away we bough a used car from her.    She eventually became my friend and mentor when I received the Allegheny College Continuing Education Scholarship for Community Women and then the Loretta Walsh Scholarship.  She was a lovely lady and a true inspiration.  Although when she moved away,  we did lose touch with one another, she has remained close at heart and frequently thought of,  throughout the years since she left our Cochranton Community. I  knew she had gone to China to teach and eventually returned to the states and was residing near DC.  I drive past their old house every day and always think of the Reid Family who called it their home.  I have always wondered how Linda was doing. And now my question has been answered. I am comforted knowing that she is reunited in spirit with her loved ones that have gone before.  That old house is well loved and well maintained by the current family that resides there. I think she would be happy to know that love and laughter remains in the house that she called home for so many years <3

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