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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Linda Dillard, 65 years old, born on November 25, 1956, and passed away on January 30, 2022. We will remember her forever.
February 21
February 21
Momma I miss your presence in our Family I know you were getting tired of being in pain . I know you are looking down from Heaven and watching over us . I love you so much Thank you for everything you ever done for me .
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
Mom we all miss you very much . We all have good days and bad . But we know you are no longer in pain and not suffering anymore. Your with Jesus in heaven with all the Family singing and rejoicing. I love you with all my heart I promise to watch over Dad , Sissy , be a Mom to your Grandson Ayden . Kiss and hold Kaitlyn tightly Love you Momma .

Misty ❤️

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February 21
February 21
Momma I miss your presence in our Family I know you were getting tired of being in pain . I know you are looking down from Heaven and watching over us . I love you so much Thank you for everything you ever done for me .
July 11, 2022
July 11, 2022
Mom we all miss you very much . We all have good days and bad . But we know you are no longer in pain and not suffering anymore. Your with Jesus in heaven with all the Family singing and rejoicing. I love you with all my heart I promise to watch over Dad , Sissy , be a Mom to your Grandson Ayden . Kiss and hold Kaitlyn tightly Love you Momma .

Misty ❤️
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