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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Lisa LaGreca-Harrell, 45 years old, born on February 4, 1972, and passed away on July 26, 2017. We will remember her forever.
July 27
July 27
My dear Daughter Lisa, it's been 7 years that you took your journey to Heaven so that you would be pain free from the terrible cancer that over came your fight to survive it. You are so much missed by me, and your entire family, and friends. Drake, Dakota, and Chyanne are doing very well, and you would be so very proud of their accomplishments. As a matter of fact, Drake tells me that he and Dakota look after Chyanne in her schooling at home. Chyanne has been looking for a part time job, and she will be graduating school soon. I am hoping that you have found some family, and friends that you spend time with there in the Heaven above, and we know that you are looking down on us as we look up to you, remembering your contagious smile and laughter, and your sweet ways. We all miss you so very much, and I remember our love for you always. RIP Lisa until we come to be with you again. Love without end, Dad
February 4
February 4
Happy Birthday Lisa. , Feb. 4th 1972 was a special day to me and your mom. On that day, 52 years ago, your cousin had to drive your mom to the hospital when she went into labor carrying you. I was in the hospital further away sent there by my doctor who earlier that day sent me there with severe bronchitis. I will never forget that day ever. I was so excited I signed myself out of the hospital against the doctors, and staffs advise. I got to the hospital, put on a gown, and mask and had to peek through the nursery windows to get a glimps of you. You were such a beautiful little bady, and you grew up to be a beautiful woman, and a wonderful daughter and mother. I know you are up there in heaven surrounded by family, and friends who will help you celebrate your birthday. Down here I too am celebrating your birthday thinking of you and how much you are missed and loved by everyone. I miss and love you so much Lisa, and I know you are up there pain free, and smiling down on your kids watching them grow up. Happy Birthday Lisa.
July 26, 2023
July 26, 2023

July 26th 2023
My Dear Daughter. Another year has past without you being with us. Six years ago you ended your battle with cancer, and the pain and suffering you had been going through. You suffered and battled courageously, and never cried, complained, or showed fear that your life was fading. You still managed to be happy, and enjoy family and friends that came to visit with you. Not a day goes by that I miss you, and feel that I didn't spend enough time with you through the years before then. You found happiness with a loved one, and moved on, and out of state away from things that were making you unhappy, and making your life difficult. In all that time you were sadly and truely missed by me, and your 3 children that were left behind with their dad to raise by his request. You were taken from us way too soon at your young age. I miss you each day that you are not here, and think about how life could be so unfair. It is sad to see a child die when her parents are still alive. It is not easy that something like that should happen, where it should be the ones to pass away first. So, on this 6th year of your passing, and your remaining life in heaven I send you my love, and hugs that one day we will be there with you. I so miss you, love you way up to the heaven above Lisa.  Love Dad.
February 7, 2023
February 7, 2023
Dearest Lisa. I am visiting you today, Feb. 7th, because I was unable to come by on Feb.4th the actual day of your birthday. You have turned 51, and just as the year you left us, I still miss you as much now as I did then. It will never get easier for me, nor for your mother, brother, and children. I speak to Drake and Dakota now and then on Facebook, and they are really doing ok, and enjoying doing yard maintenance run by Drakes own business. You would be very proud of them working together. I don't think I need to tell you any of this because I know you are looking down on the 4 of your children. I just want to leave you with my wish that you are pain free, and happy, and are visiting with all your friends and relatives up there amongst the heavens and clouds. Missing and Loving you always.. Dad.
July 26, 2022
July 26, 2022
My Dear Daughter. Five years ago you ended your battle with cancer, and the pain and suffering you had been going through. You suffered and battled courageously, and never cried, complained, or showed fear that your life was fading. You still managed to be happy, and enjoy family and friends that came to visit with you. Not a day goes by that I miss you, and feel that I didn't spend enough time with you through the years before then. You found happiness with a loved one, and moved on, and out of state away from things that were making you unhappy, and making your life difficult. In all that time you were truely missed by me, and your 3 children that were left behind with their dad to raise by his request. You were taken from us way too soon at your young age. I miss you each day that you are not here, and think about how life could be so unfair. It is sad to see a child die when her parents are still alive. It is not easy that something like that should happen, where the parents should be the ones to pass away first. So, on this 5th year of your passing, and your remaining life in heaven I send you my love, and hugs that one day we will be there with you. I love you Lisa.
February 4, 2022
February 4, 2022
My Dearest Lisa Joy
Today you are celebrating your 50th birthday with relatives and your friends in heaven. You've been spending 5 years in Heaven among your relatives and friends who have also passed away before, and after you left us. Not a day goes by that I think of you,and I ask ""Why"" must it had to be you. I miss you very much, and saddened since the day you left. The only comforts that make me feel better is that you are no longer suffering the pain cancer causes, and that you have the company of your relatives and friends why too are sharing their eternal life in Heaven with God. I want to wish you a Happy 50th birthday in Heaven and I feel that you are looking down and putting a glow of your smiles on me everyday. I love you, and I miss you every day.
July 26, 2021
July 26, 2021
My dearest Lisa
July 26, 2021 it is 4 years to this date that you passed away leaving your family and friends who loved you dearly, but knew you were dealing with an ugly cancer, and always uncomfortable with pain. I'm am so sorry that I was not able to be by your side to hold your hand in your last hours with us. I drove as fast as I could, but you left and went off to a better and pain less place with your maker. Days don't go by without me thinking of you, and your beautiful smile. I only wish your cancer could of been cured like mine recently was. The family is moving forward with great adventures, and nice happenings. You young nieces are getting so big, and your eldest niece has finally married a nice gentleman. She is doing very well with her job, and they advanced her into a management position at a factory up in Mississippi where the furniture is made. They had a house specially built for them and moved there not too long ago. Every one is doing ok, but your sister Kim is still being the hard head and wants to do what she wants. This is all I have to tell you, other than I love you and miss you very much.
February 4, 2021
February 4, 2021
Dearest Lisa. Today is Feb. 4th,2021 down here in Ocala, and it is 27*degrees outside, and it's your 49th birthday today, and your 4th in Heaven. Four years ago your suffering ended, and you began a whole new life in peace, freeing you of your illness, and freeing you of your burden with a discouraging relationship. Although you broke a lot of hearts when you left your family who loves you, we began to understand what would be a better place for you. A lot has happened since you left for your new home. Your son is now with a good family, and enjoying life as he deserves. You were a good mother to him while he was with you before you passed on. I believe I already told you that your niece Jessica got engaged, and married a fine young man on the 19th of June, 2020. She was promoted to Factory Plant Manager for kevin Charles Furniture Manufacturing up in Mississippi. She and her husband purchased a home up there, and have packed up their belonging, and both have moved and settled there for their new life together. Some negative news is the entire United States, and even many countries around the world are suffering with a life taking virus which has become a pandemic. A vaccination was quickly worked on to combat this deadly virus. It truly is something you would of not lived through if your were fighting your cancer during this time. The spread of the virus gets into hospitals and nursing homes through the tiniest of cracks. Every now and then I speak with Drake on Facebook. I miss talking with you, and your hugs. I have to give you some frightening news that took me by surprise. Back in September 2020 I was diagnosed with cancer, and after going through 50 radiation treatments, I am now waiting to hear the results. I'm also waiting to get my vaccination to prevent me from getting the Coronavirus. For awhile I thought I was on the path to being with you when the cancer news was told to me. I will try to add pictures of the wedding where it allows. I miss and love you very much Lisa. Happy 49th Birthday Lisa. 
July 27, 2020
July 27, 2020
My sister Lisa she was the most beautiful woman I miss are time together and when she vist's Ocala I miss her so much she took me to my first concert to see Jason Aldean we had a blast I miss u so much sissy I love u
February 4, 2020
February 4, 2020
Dearest Lisa.
Feb.4 2020.. It has already been 3 years since you departed us, and found your new life up in heaven, knowing that you'd be free of all pain, and that you would find peace, love, and the joy of God, and all his angels. Today is your 48th Birthday, and although we all are not together to share the Joy of you, I will imagine that you have united with all of our family and friends that have left us here, and entered through the gates of heaven before, and after you. I miss you so much Lisa. and while I send you up a big hug, give Grandpa and uncle Dominick a hug from me as well. Love and a tight ever lasting hug from your Dad.
July 26, 2019
July 26, 2019
July 26, 2019
My dearest daughter Lisa
Even though 2 years have gone by today, I still can feel the pain, and sadness of that day of your passing,, as if it were just today. The sadness will always remain as a memory that one of my children had been taken to heaven far before her time. The knowing that you left behind 4 children of your own, along with your sisters, brothers, mother, and father leaves us all with sadness, and an empty spot in our hearts. It is only knowing that you are up there in heaven amongst God, and all the Angels, many of them your relatives, and friends, and that you are no longer suffering. As you look down on us all, we also look up to you in the Heaven, and sending our eternal love, and knowing you RIP. Remembering your loving ways and smile.
May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019
Dear aunt lisa i miss you so much i will never ever forget you. you are so nice and sweet i miss you and i will always! love, Olivia
February 4, 2019
February 4, 2019
Dearest Lisa.
Feb.4 2018. Today is your 47th Birthday, and although we all are not together to share the Joy of you, I will imagine that you have united with all of our family and friends that have left us here, and entered through the gates of heaven before, and after you. I miss you so much. And while I send you up a big hug, give Grandpa and uncle Dominick a hug from me as well. Love from your Dad.
July 26, 2018
July 26, 2018
July 26, 2018
My dearest daughter Lisa
Even though a entire year has gone by, the day of your passing still leaves sadness in me,, as if it were just today. The sadness will always remain as a memory that one of my children has been taken to heaven far before her time. The knowing that you left behind 4 children of your own, along with your sisters, brothers, mother, and father leaves us all with sadness, and an empty spot in our hearts. It is only knowing that you are up there in heaven amongst God, and all the Angels, many of them your relatives, and friends, and that you are no longer suffering. As you look down on us all, we also look up to you in the Heaven, and sending our eternal love, and knowing you RIP. Remembering your loving ways and smile.
February 4, 2018
February 4, 2018
Dearest Lisa.
Feb.4 2018. Today is your 46th Birthday, and although we all are not together to share the Joy of you, I will imagine that you have united with all of our family and friends that have left us here, and entered through the gates of heaven before, and after you. I miss you so much. And while I send you up a big hug, give Grandpa and uncle Dominick a hug from me as well. Love from your Dad.
August 12, 2017
August 12, 2017
Rest In Peace! You will be missed thou knowing your an angel watching over your beloved children and family!
August 5, 2017
August 5, 2017
I feel for your Children, Parents and Lagreca family. Friends who loved you so. If I could make you one more jar of the pickles you loved I make I would love to.
  Yet life can be cruel and sometimes to short. It is the living in pain now.
You are in the Arms of the Angels. With the ones we miss so much, yet now you are with them rejoicing. No more pain or worries. Just love abundant we cannot fathom here. It does not mean hearts are not broken.
 To the family I send my love. Your Grand Parents were my Angels, are with Lisa now.
  Johnny, I know how much you love your Children.
To lose your daughter so young. My prayers will be to help you through.
        Your friend,
          Sheron Blankenship
August 5, 2017
August 5, 2017
I'm at a loss... Lisa, we will always remember your smile, your laugh and the way you cared and loved everyone around you. It seems like just yesterday and we were there, you were loving on Wyatt and smiling like I hadn't seen you smile in forever and suddenly you are gone. You will forever be missed. We love you.
July 29, 2017
July 29, 2017
Remembering good times in Kendalgreen growing up. Prayers for the whole family as I know this all too well to have such a loss. Heaven gained another angel.
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
Dearest Daughter Lisa...I knew you were going to be a Joy in mine and your mothers life, and in the life of all those that came to know you, and chose you to be their friend is why I chose that name Joy to be your middle name.
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
To my sweetpea, I love and miss you soooo much, you were a great friend, feels like yesterday walking together to Crystal Lake Middle School with Shelley, I will continue to say my prayers and look up at heavens and talk to you, till then will meet again my friend always and forever Amen xxxooo
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
My little sweet pea, I love you always and forever, we had our good times at school, you were a crazy girl, I was shy and you were outgoing, I'm very saddened that you are gone, I will miss you my friend forever, always in my heart, love you Lisa xxxooo
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
Lisa. You are an angel in heaven. I'm so happy I was able to see you this past weekend. Zoey and you had fun playing Shopkins. Ill never forget how happy you were too see us and eat some of my yummy cheesecake. I have many wonderful memories of us hanging out with the kids. You are greatly missed and loved. Ill never forget you my friend. Love. Christine n little zoey
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
I still can't believe that you are gone. You will be greatly missed but never forgotten
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
Lisa this has got to be one of the hardest and sadest feelings I have ever experienced in my life. I am ever so grateful that we rekindled our friendship 6 months ago and that I was able to spend these past weeks right by your side. It was so heart breaking to see you in pain and suffering. I love you with all of my heart and miss you so bad. My heart is hurting so much. I know you are an angel and that you are watching over me. We will meet again one day my friend. I love you, Shannon
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
My dearest sister u was a wonderful loveing sister we had are good times together and i enjoy everymin of it i just cant belive u are gone but u are no longer in pain when i see a picture of u i cry everytime but i know u are in my heart and you are watching all of us i will miss u so much sissy i love u so much R.I.P sissy
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
My best friend/ sis.. So many years so many memories in our lives and family together. Our friendship will never end , you will be waiting for me at the boot Scoot boogie gates of Heaven with our cowgirl hats and boots on. Like the good old days. You are a wonderful person,friend and mother, daughter,sister I would never ask for anything more or less of you . I love you . Gone but never forgotten.

* Your wings were ready but my heart was not **
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
To my Darling Daughter Lisa,
I can't even describe the pain, emptiness, and how my heart is broken from losing you. I see a picture of you and burst into tears. The pain of your passing has really affected me deeply, and I hope I can get through this.
You were the bravest young woman to endure all the horrible pain you were going through. You never once complained. I wished I could have traded places with you so you can have enjoyed life for a while longer.
I am happy your pain is gone, but very sad you have left us here on earth. I am sure your grandparents and others were there to welcome you in heaven. I wouldn't be surprised that you are all dancing now.
Thank you for being a lovely daughter, and sharing your Love with me for the past 45 years. Thank you for my grandchildren, I am so sorry they have lost you for now. You were such a loving mom. I know they all have their personal Angel watching over them.
I love you with all my heart and smile when I think of seeing you again.
I Love You always,
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
Today is the second day of the rest of my life that I am missing you till forever. Don't stroll too far from heavens gate so that I can't find you when I arrive. I Love You Lisa

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July 27
July 27
My dear Daughter Lisa, it's been 7 years that you took your journey to Heaven so that you would be pain free from the terrible cancer that over came your fight to survive it. You are so much missed by me, and your entire family, and friends. Drake, Dakota, and Chyanne are doing very well, and you would be so very proud of their accomplishments. As a matter of fact, Drake tells me that he and Dakota look after Chyanne in her schooling at home. Chyanne has been looking for a part time job, and she will be graduating school soon. I am hoping that you have found some family, and friends that you spend time with there in the Heaven above, and we know that you are looking down on us as we look up to you, remembering your contagious smile and laughter, and your sweet ways. We all miss you so very much, and I remember our love for you always. RIP Lisa until we come to be with you again. Love without end, Dad
February 4
February 4
Happy Birthday Lisa. , Feb. 4th 1972 was a special day to me and your mom. On that day, 52 years ago, your cousin had to drive your mom to the hospital when she went into labor carrying you. I was in the hospital further away sent there by my doctor who earlier that day sent me there with severe bronchitis. I will never forget that day ever. I was so excited I signed myself out of the hospital against the doctors, and staffs advise. I got to the hospital, put on a gown, and mask and had to peek through the nursery windows to get a glimps of you. You were such a beautiful little bady, and you grew up to be a beautiful woman, and a wonderful daughter and mother. I know you are up there in heaven surrounded by family, and friends who will help you celebrate your birthday. Down here I too am celebrating your birthday thinking of you and how much you are missed and loved by everyone. I miss and love you so much Lisa, and I know you are up there pain free, and smiling down on your kids watching them grow up. Happy Birthday Lisa.
July 26, 2023
July 26, 2023

July 26th 2023
My Dear Daughter. Another year has past without you being with us. Six years ago you ended your battle with cancer, and the pain and suffering you had been going through. You suffered and battled courageously, and never cried, complained, or showed fear that your life was fading. You still managed to be happy, and enjoy family and friends that came to visit with you. Not a day goes by that I miss you, and feel that I didn't spend enough time with you through the years before then. You found happiness with a loved one, and moved on, and out of state away from things that were making you unhappy, and making your life difficult. In all that time you were sadly and truely missed by me, and your 3 children that were left behind with their dad to raise by his request. You were taken from us way too soon at your young age. I miss you each day that you are not here, and think about how life could be so unfair. It is sad to see a child die when her parents are still alive. It is not easy that something like that should happen, where it should be the ones to pass away first. So, on this 6th year of your passing, and your remaining life in heaven I send you my love, and hugs that one day we will be there with you. I so miss you, love you way up to the heaven above Lisa.  Love Dad.
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My Star that shines down on me

February 4, 2018
2013-09-19 1618 - Track 14

My dearest Lisa.
 Ever since you were just a little girl, I know you done alot of things to get my attention, and make me proud of you. Such as struggling in high school, and I told you that you can handle it, and do it if you put your mind totally into it.  And sure enough, to make me proud you went ahead and graduated from high school.  But no matter what, even if you didn't I would of still been proud that you tried,  and always love you. That's what Dad's do, they love thier kids no matter what.
You had a struggling life, and it was not fair that you had to suffer all the way through it, and then have to deal with cancer that finally took you too soon. The only way I can deal with this is knowing that you no longer suffer with any kind of heartaches, and pain. We all love you immensly, and miss you so very badly. I know I have a void in me, that only you were able to fill.
You were my shinning star from the very first day you were born, and I seen and held you. Today, you are the very brightest star shinning down from heaven.  Rest comfortably in peace, and know that I, and everyone are always thinking of you.   

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