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April 15, 2021
April 15, 2021
I miss you every single day and think of you. Our time's laying in my bed watching Grey's Anatomy. I love you girl always ❤️
November 20, 2020
November 20, 2020
i miss you so much. i still really hope this is all a big joke and you'll come home soon. i won't be able to get through my life without you being here. it sounds dumb but i can't do anything right. i feel like this is the only way ill be able to talk to you because I don't think my words are coming through, maybe heaven is a little laggy idk. but i love you and I'm sorry for every dumb thing i did. i miss you so much.
March 15, 2020
March 15, 2020
Omg I'm so broken after seeing this, Lisa was a wonderful woman that I fell in love with and I miss her dearly. We had a great time together as we both had children the same age and I loved her girls as they where angels and the love that Lisa had for them was amazing. She devoted all her time to them and with all that love she gave them, she also gave some to my two beautiful baby's and that's why I fell in love with her cause she was like me all about her children. I know your in a better place now but know I miss you and Ryan & Alyssa do to. I know your girls think about you every day and wish u where here. But remember you will always be here, in our hearts and minds. Rip beautiful

Love always and forever
Joshua Frazier
April 15, 2019
April 15, 2019
Remembering you on this day. Remembering all the times we spent together. All the sleep overs, concerts, and fun we had. I miss you and think about you often. Love you always❤❤
December 11, 2018
December 11, 2018
Becca, I just read your beautiful post. Please know, despite losing touch, if you need me I am always here for you and your sister. I miss your mom like crazy and have regrets for her and I having a falling out before she passed. I loved your mom, she was one of my best friends. I love you girls, and loved you like my own. I am sorry I lost touch with you and Meredith. Please reach out if you would like to, we can talk about your mom or whatever you like. I'm on FB and Instagram under Stephanie Pollack. Love you always❤❤
December 11, 2018
December 11, 2018
It’s been 3 years and 7 months.
I felt the need to write something after 3 years and 7 months because I need to communicate with you and I don’t think my tears and my prayers are really reaching you. They’re just jumbled thoughts anyways.
It’s been hard, and these people while sweet and thoughtful don’t understand it the way I do.
The details of our relationship are not for the public. There have been people who have brought them up saying I probably feel so guilty, but they don’t know the story and it’s a crappy thing that they even bring it up.
Hell, I don’t know the story. I try and remember anything good or anything bad and I’m met with the same few memories that I have had for years. Nothing more.
I’m 16, I’m in high school, and it’s been hard. It’s been hard going through teenaged problems and not having a mom to talk to. I’m open with dad, but he can only do so much.
It’s hard knowing that I won’t have my mom at my wedding, my mom won’t ever meet my kids, or even the tiny things like dress shopping or just talks.
It’s hard having no memories of you! All I have is a facebook profile, an instagram profile, and maybe some obituary sites here and there.
There’s been so many thoughts in my head within these 3 years and 7 months, but those are thoughts strictly between you and me that I’m not going to write on the internet.
I wish I could share my ambitions with you, my troubles with you, and eat Chinese food with you on New Years. I think thats what we used to do. I’ve grown as a person, and even though you’re not here, you’ve shaped many aspects of who I am.
I wish I could yell at the people that have been crappy even after your death, I truly wish that would benefit you or me. Your death opened my eyes to many things, some positive and some not so positive.
I just wish you were around for a little bit of guidance here and there. But who’s to say you’d give it to me even if you were alive.
My last thought, funny but sad, is that even after these 3 years and 7 months I have hoped that somehow this is all one big lie. Maybe you faked your death and you’re still waiting for something, maybe a message like this. There has been no closure. Nothing.
Eventually, that might be the key. A little placemarker to pay respects to, a little keepsake that I keep with me forever. I’ll figure it out as I go.
But mom, I love you. You’re my mom, and you were so incredibly flawed and I didn’t know what to do back then but now? You’re my mom, and I love you. That’s one thing I wish you had known.
November 27, 2017
November 27, 2017
I just found this googling your name! I just want to say I'm still hurting and missing you! I don't go out and have fun enough but I did in ur birthday! I miss you so much. I wish u would call right now and yell at me and cut threw my bullshit. I lost without you been since that day. You said you would always be here and u only one who kept your word. Until the day you had to leave me! I wish u called I would of dropped everything and went and found you. Haha u would laugh at me big ole tough brother crying as I write this. Yah we had problems in life but I wish people knew that you were amazing. I live you and I hope to see you again.

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