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We have created this website as a place for you to share stories and pictures of our mother. This website has a lifetime membership and will be used for her children to remember their mother through your encounters with her. Pictures posted to this website will be used for a slideshow presentation at her life celebration.

LJ's life celebration will be on April 8, 2017 at 3:00 pm at the Ed Lycan Conservatory located at 3400 NW 36th St, Oklahoma City, OK. Festive wear is encouraged.

In lieu of flowers and gifts, we ask that you donate to a trust created for Lily and Wesley Lacina's college fund set up at:

Oklahoma State Bank 
PO Box 848
Guthrie, OK 73044

For more information, you can contact Katye Fry or Lisa Brown at Oklahoma State Bank at 405-260-2265

Thank you for all for being a part of LJ's life 

August 24
August 24
Tomorrow is your birthday, you would have been 61. Not that you would have liked me sharing that, of course!

I spent today really anxious knowing that tomorrow was the day, but I know that is just because I am avoiding feeling sad. I finally got myself to stop pushing it away and here I am writing to you. I wish I could say this was easy to do, but finding the words has been really hard. But I know it is good I am doing it.

Tomorrow I am going to try to celebrate your birthday a bit, celebrate you. I haven't been good about doing that, actual celebrating. But tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow I will be honoring your memory through the hanging of a massive painting that was rediscovered a few weeks ago while Loren and I were cleaning out that Guthrie storage unit we have been ignoring for years (sorry, ha). About half way through we found a painting almost as tall as me, and it was a painting of you. It's beautiful. I never knew this painting existed, and neither did Lily. We couldn't bring it home that day because it was too big to fit in Loren's SUV, so they are going out with a truck tonight. And tomorrow, for your birthday, it will be hung as the most important piece in the home Lily and I share. I wish you were here to see it, you deserve that.

Writing this was hard, but I'm not anxious anymore. I should write to you more often. I'm sorry I don't. Nevertheless, happy early birthday :)

Love you,
March 25, 2023
March 25, 2023
Linda, I seem to always start thinkingof you end of February knowing another years anniversary is coming up. The hardest feeling I think for all that attended Lily and Zach's wedding was that you were not there being part of it all. well, maybe you were.
It was a wedding that I do not think any of us expected it to be so different but so loving and beautiful. It was full of love. We were all thrilled to be a part of it. Wesley I told him you look like you just left the Knights of The Round Table. The costumes worn by many were great. Wesley walked Lily and handed her over to her Dad. The vows they read made many cry. I don't seem to forget you. You pop up in my thoughts at times of no special rememberance. Maybe I just made up a word. ha
August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022
Hey Linda, I sure hope you are keeping tabs on your 2 kiddos. They are very busy one all summer on St. Helena Island and the other planning a wedding in Feb. 2023. They are doing great!  They miss that you are not on this planet to help them give advice even if they won't take it. ha  Both love their memories. Nanny
March 28, 2022
March 28, 2022
I had added a tribute on 3/25. It was Linda, I can not believe it has already been 5 years since you left us. Lily and Wesley are doing so great. You would be enjoying them so much. They have brought so much joy to us as we are fortunate in seeing them more often than our other grandchildren. Lily very busy planning a wedding. She loves her gown and looks beautiful in it. Wesley keeping busy with Infinity and Jag and school and looks great. I love those 2 dearly. Fritz is doing well he spends time with us just visiting. He loves coming here. Love the memories, Linda.
November 17, 2021
November 17, 2021
Sometimes it is hard to let myself remember, but I was already thinking of mom when I accidentally clicked on this bookmark. I suppose it is a sign then. It is hard to believe it has been years now, maybe I don't want to accept it. I love you mom.
March 26, 2021
March 26, 2021
Of course I remember it is 4 years. I love seeing Lily and Wesley doing so well with their lives. Linda would be very proud of them. 
August 25, 2019
August 25, 2019
Of course I have remembered all month that Linda's 56th birthday would be today. I think of Linda so much. Sometimes I wonder why I swear middle of the nite I will sometimes wake up & think of her. So this is a note to you, Linda, I will never forget you & the 2 beautiful children you left for us to enjoy. They are doing well & as I always would say of certain people "they are good human beans". 
April 10, 2017
April 10, 2017
The Memorial For Linda was beautiful. I do believe she enjoyed watching and listening. Lily & Wesley and with so much help from Amy you all did a great job of paying tribute to your Mom and Aunt. Have had so many say how beautiful it all was and I know I was happy that I had Linda in my life for over 20 years and as I sat at the hospital with her I would squeeze her hand and tell her "you know we will be there for those 2 kids". She would sometimes squeeze my hand back. Wesley and I sat with her before she went to last surgery and I said "Linda you have been through so much and you still look so lovely, I would be looking like I was 100 plus years. She graciously said "no, you always look so young, how old are you, like 62?" God Bless you Linda for making me feel good and making me laugh". Once again, the Lacinas are all going to be here for Lily and Wesley in all the years to come. Rest in Peace! Jean
April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
I have many memories of Linda as she was my sister-in-law. As many have said she had a great love for her children, flowers and gardening, and cooking. She introduced us to a sweet potato casserole at Thanksgiving one year that was fabulous and we have had it every year since. But, the one thing that Linda and I bonded over was decorating! She had an eye for it and every time we got together we discussed our newest projects. Fabrics to recover vintage pieces of furniture, paint to brighten a room, latest decor finds at great prices!! I loved that she had bright salmon colored couches and that Lily's first bedroom had sunshine yellow carpet!! I loved that she wasn't afraid of color!! May her spirit and love of color live on in her wonderful children. She will be missed.
April 5, 2017
April 5, 2017
In 1974, my family visited our second cousins (the Kirkpatricks near Fay, OK). My Dad, Larry Wieser, is a cousin to Linda's mom, Dorine, and our grandmothers Genevieve and Edith were sister-in-laws and best friends. While there, Linda and I just clicked ... she was 11 and I was 12ish. I didn't see her again until 1982 - the summer between my sophomore and junior year in college at Stillwater. A month or so later she moved in with me and my friend Kim Kirn - and that cemented a lifetime bond. We had so much fun ... that particular period of life (young adulthood) is so dynamic, I will always treasure this shared history.

As we got older, we stayed close, we were a part of each other's life events (she was my Maid of Honor) and we both knew we could always count on each other, even from afar. I do wish this past year had been different for her and the kids ... that Steel Magnolias line "laughter through tears" comes to mind - because getting her to do her funny outburst laugh became my goal every time we talked ... (her niece Amy does this!)

I'm still reconciling that I can't go meet up with her in Stillwater - let alone talk to her (well, I still do, truth be told). I have and always will admire how free spirited and fun she was, and yet so very authentic. I see her warmth and charm in her kids and it fills me with so much joy that I sometimes go from sad to happy in the same thought. Her spirit will continue to live within all of us - what a great legacy to perpetuate!
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
To Lily & Wesley, my sweet grandchildren. I am so thankful that Linda reached out to me when she became so in need of support for all the app'ts etc she had. I don't believe I will ever forget the courage she had and her strength wanting to get well so she could be with you. We shared names, we shared love for you two, we shared so many memories. Your Aunt Debbie and I would always say "Linda has such beautiful complexion and teeth and hair." Most importantly she had a love of you two, birds, wild flowers. She leaves us with lots of memories. Love you, Nanny
March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017
When I think of Linda I think of her two children and flowers. Linda loved her kids more than anything else in her life and she was very proud of who they have grown up to become. Linda also loved flowers and gardening. She even named Lily after her favorite flower. She had a big laugh and a gorgeous smile that will be missed.
March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017
I grew up in Fay and Thomas and went to school with Linda. She was such a sweet girl. We lost touch after school, but I will always remember her sweet smile and those dimples.
March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017
Linda was so beautiful. Loved those dimples she had! My mom & dad, Kent & Gene Kirkpatrick became guardians of her & her older sister Joani after their parents passed away from cancer. Their mother was my mom's sister Dorine. Mom really loved Dorine. I remember going to visit their family on their ranch in Ada. Dorine & Wesley passed away within 7 months of each other & left 4 small children. After a few years of living with Wesley's family & then living with our grandparents, the 4 kids ended up getting split up. Gary & Leslie went to our other aunt & uncle, Wilford & Darlene Widney & Joani & Linda came to us. Linda would have been in the 2nd grade & Joani in 4th with me. Our family became a family of 8 & decided we needed a station wagon to haul us around! We were all very close in age & had alot of fun playing together. Mom & dad graduated 6 kids in 5 years! I have good memories of playing together at our home in Fay. We spent alot of time outdoors making mud pies, playing on our monkey bars & swings, softball, basketball, playing dress up, & riding our miniature pony. I hope that Linda got to tell you some of her childhood days with us! She was so proud of you & loved you so much, Lily & Wesley!

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August 24
August 24
Tomorrow is your birthday, you would have been 61. Not that you would have liked me sharing that, of course!

I spent today really anxious knowing that tomorrow was the day, but I know that is just because I am avoiding feeling sad. I finally got myself to stop pushing it away and here I am writing to you. I wish I could say this was easy to do, but finding the words has been really hard. But I know it is good I am doing it.

Tomorrow I am going to try to celebrate your birthday a bit, celebrate you. I haven't been good about doing that, actual celebrating. But tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow I will be honoring your memory through the hanging of a massive painting that was rediscovered a few weeks ago while Loren and I were cleaning out that Guthrie storage unit we have been ignoring for years (sorry, ha). About half way through we found a painting almost as tall as me, and it was a painting of you. It's beautiful. I never knew this painting existed, and neither did Lily. We couldn't bring it home that day because it was too big to fit in Loren's SUV, so they are going out with a truck tonight. And tomorrow, for your birthday, it will be hung as the most important piece in the home Lily and I share. I wish you were here to see it, you deserve that.

Writing this was hard, but I'm not anxious anymore. I should write to you more often. I'm sorry I don't. Nevertheless, happy early birthday :)

Love you,
March 25, 2023
March 25, 2023
Linda, I seem to always start thinkingof you end of February knowing another years anniversary is coming up. The hardest feeling I think for all that attended Lily and Zach's wedding was that you were not there being part of it all. well, maybe you were.
It was a wedding that I do not think any of us expected it to be so different but so loving and beautiful. It was full of love. We were all thrilled to be a part of it. Wesley I told him you look like you just left the Knights of The Round Table. The costumes worn by many were great. Wesley walked Lily and handed her over to her Dad. The vows they read made many cry. I don't seem to forget you. You pop up in my thoughts at times of no special rememberance. Maybe I just made up a word. ha
August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022
Hey Linda, I sure hope you are keeping tabs on your 2 kiddos. They are very busy one all summer on St. Helena Island and the other planning a wedding in Feb. 2023. They are doing great!  They miss that you are not on this planet to help them give advice even if they won't take it. ha  Both love their memories. Nanny
Recent stories
March 25, 2022
Linda, it is hard to believe that it is now 5 years since you left.  Lily and Wesley still a joy for us to see and share time with.  Both busy with school, job and Lily planning a wedding in a year.  She is so happy with her gown loves to try it on and looks beautiful.  I bet you can see all this.  Wesley still moving fast doing his thing with your car the Infinity and the Jag.  I think he is now taller then you.  We keep Fritz a lot.  He is our grand dog we really enjoy him.  He loves to come here and stay several days.
Once again Linda I wish you were here with your kids but life had different plans for all.  
March 31, 2017

Linda Jean (L.J.) Blair

L.J. was born to Wesley and Dorine Blair on August 25, 1963, in Ada, Oklahoma.  On March 25, 2017, L.J. peacefully left her life on this Earth to reunite with her family, where she was greeted by her parents and sisters, Leslie and Joani.

Following her childhood dream of driving a bookmobile, L.J. worked in municipal libraries and non-profit organizations where she introduced children to exciting worlds found in books.  She made books come alive with her great storytelling and fabulous costumes. Her most memorable characters were a cluster of grapes and a green dinosaur.  L.J. was also passionate about birds, trees, and flowers; she fulfilled this love through her position in the United States Forestry Service and her Horticulture degree from Oklahoma State University.

One of L.J.’s favorite places to go was Groovy’s where she would dance with her supportive and loving friends. She could never resist songs such as “Brick House” by the Commodores and “Let’s Groove” by Earth Wind & Fire.

L.J. is survived by the loves of her life, her children Lily and Wesley Lacina; nieces Andrya McCormick and husband, Thad; Amy Kellner and husband, Shail; her great nephews Tytan and Tobyn McCormick; and her wonderful friends who brought so much joy to her life.

In honor of L.J., we ask you to read a book to a child to spread her love of a book’s magic or increase the beauty in the world by planting a tree or flowers.  The family has requested that in lieu of flowers at her service, memorials be given to the education fund for L.J.’s children (Lily and Wesley Lacina) at Oklahoma State Bank in Guthrie, OK.  For more information regarding the education fund, please contact Katye Fry or Lisa Brown at 405-260-2265.

L.J.’s family would like to thank all of her friends and family who visited her in the hospital, sent cards, flowers, or prayed.

Her life celebration will be held on April 8, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in the Ed Lycan Conservatory located at 3400 N.W. 36th Street, Oklahoma City, OK.

Even though her time on Earth has passed, we know she’s still grooving and her contagious laughter is filling the air. Until we meet again…


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