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April 22
April 22
I first met Pat and friend, Joyce, at the first of several times we would sing alto together in a choir. Her grin was infectious, and I was instantly made to feel at ease in a new place. We worked together in the Mt. Timpanogas Temple for some time and later visited with her and Joyce at their condo, then home, sometimes going out to lunch together. I learned to really love these two ladies and have thought of them often, wishing I could have lived closer. I miss Pat and Joyce, truly feisty and wonderful ladies.
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
I first remember When as little cousins we would ride the train to California every summer to visit uncle harry and aunt Muriel and the kids. Pat was the same age, actually by only 10 days, as my twin sisters Marilyn and Carolyn. Jim was my age then Jay and Margie was my sister Nancy’s age. So when we went and stayed in their beautiful big house we always had so much fun. I think we went to Disneyland the year it opened. Their whole family was so musical even when they were small. We all got older and didn’t get to see each other much. Pat has always been a great example to me with her music and the wonderful family they raised. We loved knowing Danita the most of their kids and loved it when Pat and Joyce would come down to visit us when their choir sang in st george. She will always hold a place in our heart. We are so blessed to know she is with her family in heaven snd without painWe will see her again. Love to all the family.
July 4, 2022
July 4, 2022
I met Pat & Joyce, who were always a duo, before I ever joined Chauntenettes way back in 1982. They and their husbands had a small wood shop business on Geneva Rd. I worked with P & J during my 45+- years of singing with the chorus. They were especially helpful caring for our vast the musical library, during the four times I served as C. President. I had a hard time calling them by their right names, because they were inseparable, Pat & Joyce or Joyce & Pat. We will all try to give extra love to Joyce now.... Carolyn Law, Mock, James
July 3, 2022
July 3, 2022
I first met Pat when I joined Chauntenettes in 2016. When I became the assistant director, I spent a lot of time with her, Joyce and Bonnie as we went through the extensive music library to count and catalogue every piece of music. It was then I got to appreciate her good nature, enthusiasm and humor. She was very organized and dedicated to making sure the music library was kept in tact. Later, I discovered we shared a love of jigsaw puzzles. We began sharing puzzles, along with our love of family, the gospel and music. I loved and admired this great lady.

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