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This memorial website was created in loving memory of Loren H. Hutchins, III, 85 years old, born on August 27, 1938, who passed away on March 3, 2024. This is to gather memories and celebrate a full life well-lived and remember him together.
August 1
August 1
Lauren and Sandra attended our church for several years while they lived here in Las Vegas. I remember Lauren being such a kind, gentle, and soft spoken man. His love for Sandra was so evident. His quiet presence as part of our church family was always a source of encouragement to me as a pastor. He was truly a non-anxious presence, which is a character trait I hope to attain to one day. He will be missed by all who knew him.
July 29
July 29
A Celebration of Life will be held on August 8th at 2 pm at First Presbyterian Church Colorado Springs. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a charity of choice in Loren’s memory. Some of the family’s favorites are: A Living Tribute (; National Mill Dog Rescue (, or Samaritan’s Purse (
July 24
July 24
Loren, thank you for being such a wonderful father-in-law to me. Your love of reading and quiet contemplative reflections on life truly affected me to pursue a career in education. And most importantly, you had unconditional love for your daughter… Something I noticed each and everyday we talked. You were a wonderful example of the best of fatherhood… I will deeply miss you. Say hi to my dad up there…

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August 1
August 1
Lauren and Sandra attended our church for several years while they lived here in Las Vegas. I remember Lauren being such a kind, gentle, and soft spoken man. His love for Sandra was so evident. His quiet presence as part of our church family was always a source of encouragement to me as a pastor. He was truly a non-anxious presence, which is a character trait I hope to attain to one day. He will be missed by all who knew him.
July 29
July 29
A Celebration of Life will be held on August 8th at 2 pm at First Presbyterian Church Colorado Springs. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to a charity of choice in Loren’s memory. Some of the family’s favorites are: A Living Tribute (; National Mill Dog Rescue (, or Samaritan’s Purse (
July 24
July 24
Loren, thank you for being such a wonderful father-in-law to me. Your love of reading and quiet contemplative reflections on life truly affected me to pursue a career in education. And most importantly, you had unconditional love for your daughter… Something I noticed each and everyday we talked. You were a wonderful example of the best of fatherhood… I will deeply miss you. Say hi to my dad up there…
His Life
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Chickens, Chess and Computers

July 31
Growing up on a short dead end road in Hampton, NH we knew all the neighbors well. The kids all played outdoors together, riding bikes, catching minnows, ice skating, fishing, playing baseball or wiffle ball or just hanging out.
i spent most days with my neighborhood bestie Chip, usually at his house. We often played matchbox cars in the living room in front of the fireplace, even though it was very difficult to roll the cars through the shag carpet.
Chip and I were usually enlisted to “help” Loren. I recall hauling can after can of paint and stain into the basement, assisting with the building of the office over the shed, taking care of the chickens or picking tomato bugs off the plants in the garden.
I learned so many skills from Loren, from making root beer, caring for baby chicks, wood working, how to “program” a computer, chess… the list goes on.
Loren’s lessons have stayed with me my whole life, as he was such a patient teacher that I admired greatly.

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