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March 15
March 15
Sweetheart, it's been a while since I have been here. Just wanted to say Happy Birthday and I love you!!!
December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022
Merry Christmas, my love. Once again I must celebrate without you. Holidays are hard and you are so terribly missed but I am glad you are able to celebrate in Heaven. I love you with my whole heart and miss you greatly. Our greats are growing up so fast. You would love them. Weston talks about you like he knew you. He is quite the little clown!! Until we are together again, I will continue to love you forever. You will forever hold my heart!!
March 15, 2022
March 15, 2022
My precious Louis, how you are missed. Your 17th birthday that you have been gone from my presence but not my thoughts. I think about you everyday. How I wish I could hug you and hear you say I love you. How I wish the greats could have known you. You would surely love them. Weston talks about you all the time. Happy Birthday and I love you so much.
March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021
My sweet darling, yesterday was so sad and happy for me. I am happy that you are not here suffering anymore but so sad that you are gone and I cannot hug you or kiss you or talk to you. 16 years is so so long and yet I still miss you like it was yesterday. Covid made it so much this year as we were pretty much stuck at home all year and unable to do anything. I hope you are proud of me. I have tried so hard to be someone you would be proud of. Happy Birthday my sweet darling. I love you forever and always to the moon and stars and back again.
April 11, 2020
April 11, 2020
Well, babe, today has been 15 years since you have been gone. I went and visited your grave and left some stuff for you. I know you aren't there and are in such a better place than we are in. Oh, you would love these 11 babies so much and they would love you. You would really be taken by Weston. He loves talking about you and showing me your picture and talking about my husband. I miss you so much and I try to be strong but it is so hard to do sometimes. I usually only cry with mama or Carol. I hope you always knew how much I loved you and cherished you. Until we meet again. I love you forever and a day!!
March 15, 2020
March 15, 2020
My precious darling, how I miss you. Fifteen years is such a long time to be without you. How I wish I could wish you happy birthday in person. In just a couple of years, we will be apart longer than we were together. My heart is still broken after losing you. I try so hard to hold it together and not to get too depressed but it is so hard. Grief support and my friends at Friendship have helped. Our precious great nieces and nephews by our nieces and nephews help. Jimmy and Rickey's grands would love you and you would love them. They are so comical. I love you my darling. I will continue to try to stay strong. Until we are together again. I love you!!!
March 15, 2019
March 15, 2019
Oh, my dear sweetheart, how I wish I could give you a big hug and kiss to wish you happy birthday in person. I miss you so much!! There is such a big hole in my heart. I look at these precious babies and see what you are missing with them and it breaks my heart that they won't get to know you in person. I talk about you all the time to them and they ask questions about you. We will be together again and until that time, you hold my heart and all my love!!!
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
My precious Louis, today has been terrible and good. I have missed you so much and it doesn't get any easier, just harder. Like the song, I have bittersweet memories. We had something so special and when I look at these 13 greats, only see 9 of them, I think of how much you would love them and that things would be different. Know that no one has forgotten you and we talk to the kids about you. Know that I love you and miss you with my whole heart. Forever and ever to the moon and back!!!
March 20, 2018
March 20, 2018
My dear sweetheart, how I miss you and love you still. Your birthday was not as joyous for me as I am sure it was for you. I know you, Chris, Mike and daddy had a great time. Know you are loved and missed more than words can describe. I love you forever and a day!!!
April 1, 2017
April 1, 2017
I loved from the moment we started talking. I knew you were the one that God had set aside for me. I love you still just like I did when you were here with me. I will love you forever and always, my sweetheart, my soul mate, my hero. I thank God for the time we had together because my life is better for having known you. I would rather have had you for the short time I did than not to have had you at all. Till we meet again. I love you, my sweet man.

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