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Pudding....or is it Jello?

April 30, 2012

There was this guy named Pudding who happened to be a friend of Moose. One day Moose saw him in Monroe and he happened to be a distants away. Moose forgot what his name was, he knew it was either Pudding or Jello so he started calling out "hey Jello, hey Jello". That was so funny. lol

Story By: Caesar Alarcon

April 30, 2012

Moose was closer to my sister Catina then me. He was closer to Catina's age.Michael,Lenny, Moose,Charlie and I were coming from Upstate New York on 87 Thruway it was raining so much that the road was closed from one exit to the next. There was so much water and I was driving my 1974 Chevy van. Several cars tried to get across the water and they got stuck and the tow trucks had to rescue them.I got the idea to put a radiator hose on my muffler. It brought my muffler up over 4 feet. We crossed the water and made it to the other side of the highway and we went home from there. The other travelers had to wait until the morning.

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