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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Luke Romero, 74 years old, born on August 8, 1936, and passed away on February 22, 2011. We will remember him forever.
February 24, 2011
February 24, 2011
We will miss you Mr. Luke. We shared a few special moments of laughter.
Don't worry we will take care of Brenda and Lukie. 
God Bless You.
Marge & Joe
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August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022
Good morning daddy I sure do miss you...all of the time. I hope you and mom are enjoying the riches of heaven. For now, I will visit you in my dreams. I love you.
August 11, 2021
August 11, 2021
Daddy, hope you are enjoying all of the glory in the heaven. Happy birthday to you and I sure do miss you. Things here are challenging right now, please help me get through all the stress and strife. I love you, bye for now. Desiree
August 12, 2020
August 12, 2020
Daddy, there is not a day that passes without you crossing my mind. You were the man of men in my world. I'm so glad you are at piece but my heart hurts not having you here. I'm so grateful for the lessons you taught me, love and forgiveness are just two of them. In my career I talk about the help and direction you gave me when I was starting out and still get confidence and strength from your belief in me. I so do miss you and know one day I will see you again, you will come for me when it is my time. Things on earth are a mess, glad you are in our perfect heaven. I love you with all of my heart. 
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Miss you so much

March 1, 2021
Hi Daddy, know you are at peace and enjoying heaven with all the angels.  I miss you so very much and think about you all the time.  I know you still visit, let me know when you are around.
August 8, 2019
Happy birthday Daddy.  After all these years, it is still hard to believe you aren't with us here on earth.  Missing you terribly but know that you are full of peace walking down the streets of gold, visiting with Mom, Aunt Lena, Uncle Jack and so many other loved ones.  Please give Mom a big hug for me and tell her also how much I miss and love her as well.  RIP Daddy!!  Lots of love and hugs!!! xoxoxo
August 10, 2014

I think of Luke so often. I see someone that looks like him and stop look again. I know in my heart that he is well and happy and i'm so thankful for that. But here, we all wish he was available for a hug and one of his stories. I love you Luke, and I think of you so often, and I miss you. I hope you think of me once in a while.

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