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The Butterfly
A poem for Jerry by Francine Bell
September 14, 2010
San Diego, California
It took only three weeks, and the parting too soon
That she passed from this life, from death's bitter cocoon
Now her burdens are lifted, her spirit's set free
Transcended from here to the place she should be
A place where there's peace, no more suffering or pain
It's certain our loss is eternity's gain
Yes, it's freedom at last for this new butterfly
But, to find life anew she knew she had to die
Resurrection will soon bring her back from her sleep
For her saviour, Lord Jesus, has promised to keep
Her soul in his care until he comes once more
To take us to join him beyond heaven’s door
When Christ comes again, she’ll be well, she’ll be whole
She’ll live life restored with its riches untold
Then she’ll flutter; she’ll soar and delight in her flight
Over this old world's grief, from death's darkness to light
Now, each time that I look at a sweet butterfly
I'll remember her smile and I'll try not to cry
©Francine Bell 1010
December 31, 2010
December 31, 2010
i always called you at 9:00pm on new years eve, {'cos it's midnight in your home town!} i just couldn't break tradition so here's my shout out to you my bestest bestest! i love you, i know you're happy & pain free. happy new year 'argraves. i miss you so much. xoxoxoxo
December 25, 2010
December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas Jerry! I am thinking of you today!xoxoxo
December 25, 2010
December 25, 2010
merry christmas 'argraves. thinking of you and your whole family. God bless you all.  love you always. bailey. xoxoxo
December 24, 2010
December 24, 2010
hi 'argraves, do you know it's eleven years ago tonight that you & i were at your place playing christmas carols & someone called the police on us for too much noise! boy, were you angry! lol. we talked about that every year since didn't we? miss you bunches. Bailey.xoxo
December 24, 2010
December 24, 2010
My Breezewood, remembering so many wonderful memories. Thinking of you and Bobby and all the laughter. 

Miss you. Love you always, Melva

Elba Labarrere
November 24, 2010
November 24, 2010
hey Jerry its your huuusbund lol i miss you so much...i still cant get used to you being gone....everytime i think about it i start crying but not cuz yyour gone but because your in peace. i always hated hereing about you being in pian and now there are no more problems....i love you jerry and i will miss you always...........
November 24, 2010
November 24, 2010
'argraves, well, thanksgiving tomorrow, the first of many "firsts" without you & Dad. Mum, Jonathan, Adrian & shelly, casey & ross & me are going up to Marks house in pine mountain in the morning.I know i have a lot to be thankful for, but the selfeshness in me is really kicking in. without you both here i can't feel anything but sadness. one thing i know for sure tho', i'm thankful for you!!!!
November 20, 2010
November 20, 2010
hi 'argraves, just talked to beesy, he said he had a "misty" day, seemed like everything that he watched on tv reminded him of you. but he's doing "a'ight" now, going over some pictures, taking care of bills & such.... i love you my bestest bestest! i miss you terribly. bailey. xoxoxoxo
November 7, 2010
November 7, 2010
I sit here in tears but I know Jerry's in a better place
I can remmber the good times that we share, good bye
Jerry I will miss you.
November 4, 2010
November 4, 2010
i wish i could have been there for her more or at least gone to see her more but just like the situation with my grampa i thought id never lose her.....but at least now shes in no more pain and can rest in peace knowing that she raised her kids the right way and helped raise me. i love you so much Jerry and the world has just lost two great people you and Tom bailey forever in our hearts......
November 4, 2010
November 4, 2010
if my grampa Tom Bailey and Jerry are up there right now i know one thing for sure heavan is one noisey place lol but i just cant wait to get there to see them agian but untill then ill just have them watch over me.....i love you Jerry and grampa...
November 4, 2010
November 4, 2010
hey 'Argraves, it's your bailey here. life without you is harder than i could have imagined, i cry a lot, but i know i'm just being selfish 'cos you are in a beautiful place with many loved ones & i know you're happy. i miss you bunches! i love you!!!~ your "bestest bestest" sister girl.  xoxoxoxo
November 3, 2010
November 3, 2010
Just had a wonderful conversation with Bee! He is doing a great job, you would be proud of your Mouse...or is it Gouse? LOL
November 1, 2010
November 1, 2010
Looking at a picture of you full of life, smiling and wishing that I could have one of your great hugs.
October 31, 2010
October 31, 2010
I know she is resting in infinite peace--and for that we must all be grateful. I'm sure the Memorial was wonderful. All Love, Gayle
October 28, 2010
October 28, 2010
Hello MOM..... Its me Shawney. Im at work writing this with tears in my eyes. I struggle with this memorial site because it can be a bit much for me, the reality that you are now memorialized and have your own website (lol). Thanks to auntie Sean... But I just wanted you to know that I gave you a Celebration that will be remembered almost as long as you. I felt u there. Im missing you BAD...
October 25, 2010
October 25, 2010
your memorial on oct,23,2010 was what you wanted Sis. I know you loved it. Miss you so much. Keep a watch over me.
October 24, 2010
October 24, 2010
Hey Jerry, I was not able to attend the memorial for you today. I know it was wonderful because your children put it together for you. I know you are smiling on all of us today and always. I love you!
October 23, 2010
October 23, 2010
Jerry, You were the ultimate “good time girl!” I woke up early this morning thinking about you…on this day…the day of your Memorial. Thanks for the joy and laughter you brought and the happy times we shared when you became part of our family in East Oakland. I'm glad we were able to make more memories and share more laughs in recent times. I miss and love you. Your sister, Roscoe…
October 23, 2010
October 23, 2010
This a person who touched you in a way that is immeasurable. When you think of her, you are filled with a Joy that cannot be described.. SHe will be in our hearts forever... With Love...MIRKO
October 21, 2010
October 21, 2010
Who knew? Just 3 weeks & you checked out AND on YOUR terms. I'm so grateful for the love that we shared, Sis. I have the comfort of knowing that you are resting in Him. Thank you Jesus, for the Cross.It's the promise that we will all be re-united on those streets of gold. We'll be the ones laughing and moon-walking.You were so loved and always will be. Until we meet again. Your sis & fan, Fran xo
October 18, 2010
October 18, 2010
What a wonderful opportunity to share our thoughts and love for you Sis. This is awesome - because YOU are awesome! Oddly enough, since September 11th I've had this little smiling light inside of me upon hearing about your departure from this old world. The ultimate Diva has left us however your spirit is with us still. Oh geez, I'm running out of message space ... pause ...
October 18, 2010
October 18, 2010
You are with me still ... I just know it. I've accepted the fact that God took you home to ultimately heal you and the thought of this healing makes me feel happy for you. Happy to know that you are spending time with our Dad, Brother and other family members in Heaven Sis. And please don't tell Bobby to "take a chill pill and be still". Thanks for teaching me that line ... oh geez ... pause again
October 18, 2010
October 18, 2010
See, now I can't shut up and stop typing :-) Sis, you've caused me to pull out bins and bins of pictures just so I could find YOU and find memories of family from across the U.S. and beyond. I'm so glad that I took so many pictures of our family over the years. Now I can REALLY enjoy them. Ok, I better stop typing now Sis. I LOVE YOU and thank you for being my DIVA angel. Miss U! Love Sis. Vonnie
October 17, 2010
October 17, 2010
I miss you very much Sis, but you will always live in my heart. I will still have my (loving)arguments with you as always though. Until we meet again.

Love Baldy.
October 17, 2010
October 17, 2010
Merry Xmas baby,I know you are still smiling and saying you are so crazy. I love you in so many ways. Sis look upon us and help us to be as strong as you. Tell Dad to do the same.Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee forever. Your oldest bro Charles
October 17, 2010
October 17, 2010
I haven't seen Jerry in years but I will never forget how fun it was to have a "sister" living with us when we were both 17 years old. Jerry came to California and boy did we get into trouble. Since I was already a rabble rouser it was great having someone else to get yelled at and put on punishment with me. We had so much fun as wild and crazy teen-agers. 

October 16, 2010
October 16, 2010
It has been 6 weeks ago that I kissed you and 5 weeks since your passing. I think about you everyday, I miss you. I called and checked on Bee today. xoxoxox
October 16, 2010
October 16, 2010
Words can't explain how I miss u, If I tried to tell someone about it, they would not understand me, because there are no words to describe it. I thank God for the yrs. that we had, we must aways be grateful for all things, so I'm eternally grateful for the lord sharing you with the world. Love your sister Bernadette
October 16, 2010
October 16, 2010
To my aunt Jerry, who I know as a very humble, strong, loving women. I adored your beauty and your will power you are my inspiration. Love you always your niece!!!
October 13, 2010
October 13, 2010
"Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come."
~Rabindranath Tagore

You may be gone, but your light is still here!
October 10, 2010
October 10, 2010
Ta Da! Hey sis,this is a memorial just for you! Thinking of you and missing you with all my heart!
I love you.
Baby sis, Sean
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August 31
MY ANGEL! MY BIG SISTER! WE MISS YOU SO MUCH and I MISS YOU SO MUCH! As you know in our family a lot has happened in a year and The BELLS continues to GROW! At this time I feel more emotional while listening to MJ sing Gone To Soon so I had to mute it! Turning 70 & really accepting the realities of getting older espec physically has been scary for me this year. If only I could sit and converse with you about aging & of course you'd make me laugh too talking about it ... honestly there's been times recently that I just needed to hear your voice saying to me TAKE A CHILL PILL when I feel lost, afraid and alone! I know that I'll see you DANCING when I get there (what a glorious day) ... I have to stop when overwhelmed & remind myself that not only is GOD with ME but I'm also carrying you in my heart! LOVE YOU ALWAYS & FOREVER BEAUTIFUL!
August 30
August 30
Mom, is it that time again? 77 today. WHOA! I would love to see what you woulda looked like today miss DIVA. Well, Britt is here with me and we stayed up til midnight just to kiss your picture and rub your urn and say Happy Birthday! We miss you terribly! We love you. Tiger is having another baby! You have 6 grandkids now. I had a little scare with cancer this year but i made it through by his Grace and many prayers and support. Thank you for putting in a good word up there for me.
Everyone is ok mom. Just wanted you to know.
your daughter...
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she was family

November 4, 2010

i can remeber jerry in my earlyest memories lol. Like when she would come over for a saturday night dance. she would always come over and say its disco time. im not the only one that was hurt because of her departure..... even my friends who barely knew her were shocked and hurt that she had passed. she would always tell storyies about when i was little at the old building. like the wild partys that they had and even all the problems and funny jokes. she could keep my freinds laughing for hours. the world has lost a grate person but at least hevan has a new angel to love and adore. she will never be forgotten by anyone who knew her because she is to grate to forget. and even though it hurts to think about her as of right now, in a couple years we will be laughing at her crazy antics, funny jokes, and even the way she would describe an old friend lol. everone loved her and she loved everybody. as the logo on the first page said she will live forever in our hearts..... we all love you Jerry

Celebration of Life Memorial - 10/23/10

October 28, 2010

On October 23, 2010 the day was overcast and dull and a bit windy.  I must say I was worried because I planned this all outdoors. Your friends started to come in one by one filling the yard and all of a sudden the wind ceased and the sun came out almost like you said to God, "listen boyfriend, there's a shindig for me 2day and I really need you to hook a sista up".  God granted you just that.  Before you know MOM there were over 80 people there and pics of you and all of your siblings and friends, most of who attended were all over the yard.  Grandpa Murray told funny stories of you and your mom and had the crowd laughing.  Brittany spoke of her grandma DIVA, Tiger thanked everybody for being in our lives and uncle Charles prayed and shared stories.  IT WAS AMAZING!!!!  We had a DJ and he played all of your songs, Native New Yorker, Rise, Do The Hustle all night long.  We toasted and ate and danced just like you did and I know you were smiling.  Aunt Betty was there and Frenchie and Fulvia.  Yvonne and Mattie, Bootjack, Aunt Bernie, and soooo many others. U R LOVED...  Cookie did a slideshow dvd that was AWESOME and we played it all night. IT WAS SO YOU!!!  I hope you are proud.  I know I was proud to be your daughter that day.....  Luv you 4EVER mom.  You are and always will be the "epitomy of life". Just gone too soon.....

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