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March 5, 2022
March 5, 2022
There has been so much that has happened in these past 9 years. We have a ton of new babies and are expecting 3 more this year. 
Miss you more than you know! We will be together again someday! Love you! 
July 29, 2020
July 29, 2020
Happy Heavenly Birthday Mama Bear!
Love and miss you everyday!
June 8, 2017
June 8, 2017
There are no words that I can say that would remotely come close to expressing how this most wonderful woman in Heaven or earth affected my life. She changed my life in so many ways, she saved my life when I was a youngster literally I was dying without her and Dad. When we were apart, all I did was think about me getting back to them as the mother I had growing up didn't allow me to have a relationship with Mom or Dad. There were times when I wanted to literally die. I had tried to kill myself a few times but was unsuccessful due to my lack of knowledge in medicine. When I was 17 the police couldn't force me to return to her home. I transferred school and my job, paid for my own way and as soon as I got my license and got my own car, I drove to Hillsboro where my sister Lana lived, praying that they had not moved while we were apart. Lana called Mom on the phone and I got to hear her beautiful voice that I had longed to hear for so long. I know 100% that I would not be on this Earth without this most wonderful and amazing woman.
You may not have given birth to me but you are my Mom, back then, now and forever. Ted, Lana, Tim, Terry, Renee, and Dan(deceased) no matter what blood we are or who gave birth to me, you have been and always will be my brothers and sisters. We will be together again in Heaven eventually, until I will still think of you and miss you every day. The first thing I see every morning is the picture of you and Dad. I love and miss you with all my
June 8, 2017
June 8, 2017
She was my best friend and partner in travel and shopping! She loved spending time with her grandkids and great grandkids.

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