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June 15, 2018

One year ago today Dad passed away. It seems like only yesterday that he was just a phone call away. In that time his grandson Nolan graduated from elementary school, his grandson Nathan won his hockey league, the Jets had a great playoff run, and I've started my own company. Birthdays, holidays, graduations... a lot has changed. 

Throughout the last year I’ve learned just how big a gap someone can leave in your life. I've missed his advice, his occasional grumbling about the Bombers, and of course his support. But time has also taught me how we all fill that space for others. More than ever I've realized how my boys look up to me for the same type of support. 

So thank you Dad for everything you've taught me, and for the lessons you continue to teach.


Darryl (and Julie, Nolan, and Nathan)

Happy Birthday Grandpa

December 20, 2017

Of course when Nathan was born, Nolan wanted to give Grandpa the biggest birthday card he could find. This is what he picked out :).


Grandpa, I miss you so much.


Happy Birthday Grandpa

December 20, 2017

8 years ago Nathan was born only 2 days before his Grandpa's birthday. We were all lucky enough to have them in town for Nathan's birth, and to celebrate Grandpa's birthday.


Happy Birthday Grandpa! I love and miss you.


Mal's Birthday

December 20, 2017

December 20th only 5 days to Christmas. Our mom always worried that Christmas overshadowed Mal's birthday. Mal took it in stride and figured he got to double up on presents. He never complained and just appreciatted that people remembered. I remember and can still celebrate Mal's life on this day. I've said my goodbyes but on this day I still say Happy Birthday Brother. Here's to you and a life well lived.


July 11, 2017

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