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mara andjelkovic"s story and the other victims story

September 27, 2023
by loyda morales on behalf of allison reyna morales
on behalf of allison reyna morales
so in belgrade serbia on may 3 2023 around 8:30 kosta kemonivic entered the school and he had a list of people most of the list was his whole class and when he was going to go to his classroom to kill people but the schools guard was there and he said "you can kill me but don't touch the kids or kill them!" then kosta (THE KILLER) shot him 14 times sadly He Died Super Fast. (HE WAS A HERO AND NAME WAS DRAGAN VLAHIC) Then He Made His Way Inside The Classroom And Started To Kill People Then he (kosta) shot A Girl (MARA ANDJELKOVIC) and recived about 10 bullets(I THINK) THEN A boy came to check on her his name was andrija cikic and  his last words was "mar-ma-mara!"they were close friends (MARA ANDJELKOVIC AND ANDRIJA CIKIC) then he desided to take the gun from kosta( THE KILLER/SHOOTER) but he FAILED TO.... and recived 5 bullets in the chest then ema kobilski tried to talk to his to calm him down but ALSO FAILED and then when she got shot she said " stop kosta stop!" those were her last words...... and btw 10 people  died in total their names were dragan vlahic andrija cikic ana bozivic bojana azoic katirina martin

mara andjelkovic"s story and the other victims pt2 (last part)

October 6, 2023
mara andjelkovic ema kobilski andriana dukic angelina acomic sofija negic they were all innocent and didn't deserve to die kosta killed them out of jealousy so dont blame the victims just bc your a kosta fan


Mi querida Mara :(

September 14
Mara andjelkovic eras una persona muy amable con una bonita sonrisa eres una chica muy linda pero no debes de morir aunque tu estas fallecida y no me conozcas siempre te amaré en mi corazón cada vez que pienso en ti me hace pone muy feliz pero espero que algún día nos podemos ver y espero ser tu mejor amigo te quiero mucho mi Mara tre amo demasiado algún día nos vemos Mara te extraño mucho yo quiero estar contigo y ser feliz contigo te amo demasiado muchísimo y me duele que tu estas muerta pero como dijo aunque no me conoces ni sabes de mi yo siempre te amaré Mara te quiero Mara pero sabes que algún día visitaré tu escuela y última cosa descansa en paz Mara te amo mucho te quiero mucho te extraño mucho pero no te puedo ver algún día nos vemos en el cielo te amo muchísimo Mara andjelkovic pero no me conoce peor te amo mucho Mara descansa en paz mi niña :(
August 9
by . Rip.
My Dear Mara she was a good girl ( I was her neighbor)

For mara

June 11
My dear mara you were so young to die  im sorry what happened to you i know you wanna have a future with andrija but no they killed you  oh my mara im so sorry have a nice day in heaven we all miss you my little mara  i wonder  what are you doing in heaven    And you are sleeping in a box forever fly high my Mara

Through the Darkness: Remembering Mara's Light

April 14
In the shadows where darkness reigns,
A friend unseen, yet ever remains.
Mara Andjelkovic, a guiding light,
In my darkest hour, you shine bright.

Your whispers gentle, like a soothing breeze,
Lifted my spirits, put my mind at ease.
Through the depths of despair, you led the way,
With steadfast presence, night turned to day.

In your company, my soul took flight,
As you held my hand through the longest night.
For your silent comfort, I deeply thank,
You pulled me from sorrow's endless bank.

Though skeptics doubt your presence near,
In my heart, Mara, you're crystal clear.
In the realm where dreams take flight,
You're my anchor, my guiding light.

So here's my thanks, in verse and rhyme,
For being there in my darkest time.
Mara Andjelkovic, forever you'll be,
My imaginary friend, my solace, my key.
February 3
mara you were such a had a pretty kind soul and your smiles and laugh always get me and you family is always crying about you we miss you mara andjelkovic  rest and peace mara you were so kind and you dont derverse to die and the others rest and peace :(

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