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February 17
February 17
hope you are at rest now, feel very sorry for what happened to you
you didnt deserve that at all.
February 4
February 4
Dear Mara... I hope heaven is treating you and your friends very well. We don't know what life has made for us. We don't know the future. Your family is a very strong one and you have been in my heart for 8 months and you'll be...
February 3
mara you such had a kind soul your smiles and laughs always get me and your family and friends always crying about you cause you die and you dont derverse to die beacause your nice,kind,pretty soul you were so kind to your friends and faily i wish you here with us rest and peace mara you will forever miss and the others
January 12
January 12
Dear Mara Andjelkovic,
My precious angel, you left us too early. Look at your father and mother who, everyday, are crying. I hope this notes makes you happier. It was very unfair you have to die. You were just an innocent angel who was incredible and brilliant. Everyone misses your beautiful face, your calming voice, your personality and everything you do. I hope you are up there resting in peace within Gods hands. May you rest in peace dear Mara
January 1
Mara, I don't know each other personally. but every time I see a photo of you smiling my heart always shakes and tears always fall, I hope you are in heaven with your friends, and I hope you are happy in heaven, and I hope your family can accept this bitter reality, you don't deserve to die in young age. I'm nobody, but I always miss you and love you


January 1
Мара, не познајемо се лично. али сваки пут када видим твоју слику како се смешкаш, срце ми се увек тресе и сузе увек падају, надам се да си тамо у природи са својим пријатељима, и надам се да си срећан тамо, и надам се да твоја породица може да прихвати ово горко реалност, не заслужујеш да умреш у тако младој доби. Ја сам нико, али увек ми недостајеш и волим те

December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Mara I really miss you so much I wish you here and I love you so much
December 18, 2023
December 18, 2023
Mara, im so sorry for what just happened. You need justice. Kosta is in a Mental Hospital now. :)
December 16, 2023
December 16, 2023
We miss u Mara I don’t know u but I feel sad and like I know u I miss u and love u and wishes to your family that they get better
December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023
Mara didn’t die on march 5 may 5 we all miss you Mara I almost cry everyday
November 9, 2023
November 9, 2023
Dear Mara Andjelkovic,
You were so friendly, we all miss you.
You didn't deserve to die so young,
you are forever 13 ❤
You and Andrija Cikic were soulmates.
November 2, 2023
November 2, 2023
Dear mara,
You were such a pretty girl and you didn't deserve what happened to you all!
We will never forget you and we miss you so much. Life was so cruel to you and may you hang out with the other victims in heaven.
May god bless you. May you rest in peace, beautiful soul. ❣️❣️❣️❣️
Love you,
October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023
You were such a wonderful kind soul I never knew you personally but looking at your smile just makes my heart break just knowing your not in this world anymore, but your with your friends and your safe with them.

I can't imagine what your family and friends have gone through and are going through, your friends going to school seeing your not there anymore, your family waking up seeing your not there and them waking past your empty room. Your friends and family looking back at pictures with you.

But mara can you promise me that your look down at your family and friends and keep them safe for me?

Rest in peace my beautiful angle ❤❤
October 22, 2023
October 22, 2023
Hello, I am a girl who is 2 years younger than you and I just wanted to pay tribute to you because you never deserved to die at such a young age. I know that I never knew you personally, so people might be wondering why I'm even paying you a tribute. In all honesty, I tried to empathise with your family and friends' situation and realised just how much pain they are probably in. I tried to understand why you lost your life at such a young age and to be completely honest, there is no valid answer to that question. You never deserved to lose your life at such a young age and sympathy and empathy are two emotions that stirred in my heart ever since I came upon your case. This is why I'm writing this tribute. I hope you rest happily wherever you are, RIP Mara Andjelkovic.
October 21, 2023
October 21, 2023
Sweet Mara, you did nothing wrong and you were such a kind soul who would never hurt anyone. Mara, we miss you. But ur now in heaven with ur friends! Sweet Mara, look down at ur friend and family for me okay?
October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023
Mara is such a beautiful young soul + but she is in God's hand now and she is in a better place... REST IN PEACE MARA, you will forever be missed. 
October 9, 2023
October 9, 2023
Mara you had a great smile that will never been shown again….
October 8, 2023
October 8, 2023
Mara.. you were an innocent soul who left us too early. As the minutes, hours, days, months, years go by it gets harder because your not here with us.. Everyone misses your beautiful face, your calming voice, your personality and everything u do. I hope you are up there resting in peace within Gods hands. May you rest in peace dear Mara
September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023
My beautiful angel, I think you are happy there. look at your mother and father crying over the departure of their beautiful daughter,you went too fast. rest in peace
September 16, 2023
September 16, 2023
Mara will always be in our hearts and she will always be with us
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