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February 6
Man I remember running around uptown as kids like it was yesterday brother. Fighting & playing video games, we was bad as hell lol Gone but never forgotten brother I think about you a lot but I know god got you & your family. Love you man - Rasheed


October 28, 2021
Just coming through to show my condolences. My name is Marcus Gayles as well, and I think him and I went to the same school at Osbourn High in Manassas, VA if I'm not mistaken. I met him a few times and always thought we were related because I knew no other Gayles in Virginia. My love and support goes out to your family, Marcus. 

Happy Birthday Son

February 1, 2021
Happy 29th Birthday Marcus. We miss you so much. I am thankful for the 25 years God gave me with you. You was my first love and Always will be. May you continue to watch over us. Gianni is your twin. I will never let him forget you. You loved him so much. And I promise you I will take care of him just like you would.. He only loves Jordan's why you do that . Until we see you again...Happy Birthday Son

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