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Thank you for your kindness.

November 25, 2023
The word that best describes my first encounter with you is Kindness. We met at the inaugural launch of our Cameroonian NP association in Ohio and I was fortunate to share the same table with you. I was a new NP then and you never held back on advising me how to navigate through my new career and creating some time for life. The advice that greatly impacted me was for me to try and get out of my introverted zone and socialize which I believe I have made great strides in, and it has of course been a good thing for me and my career. You also reached out to me when my father passed a few months after we met and I really appreciated that kind gesture. I knew you for only a short while but you impacted me greatly. It is indeed sad to see you leave so soon but hope your family takes comfort in knowing you were a blessing to many, even those you didn't really know while on this earth. Rest in the bossom of the Lord, till we meet again. Adieu for now!

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