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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Mark Ray Barger, age 27, born on May 29, 1984 in San Diego and passed away on February 18, 2012. We will remember him forever.

Please share messages of support and remembrance.  Through shared personal tales and reflections, this lasting online memorial continues his story and will be here for his family and friends.

A tribute was held in Mark's honor Saturday, March 3rd, 2012 at DeAnza Cove. 

August 31
August 31
All the wonderful times you made Mark laugh- he got all those beautiful smiles from you- so very loved and blessed ♾️
August 17
August 17
You left memories all over. I still see you every where I go, and for a split second, you're still alive. Then reality hits me and you are gone.
You will always be part of me.
May 29
May 29
❤️The years keep passing but you still remain so close in my heart as well in the hearts of many others. Miss you everyday.❤️

With Love
Happy Heavenly Birthday,
May 29
Happy Heavenly Birthday Mark!! You sure are missed down here. I still remember your sweet smile when you would come into the pharmacy to see your mom ♥️
May 29
May 29
Mark we miss you all the time.I want to wish you a Happy Birthday and wish you were here to celebrate. We are still waiting to hear from your girls, it shouldn't be very much longer. You live on in our hearts We just love you and miss you so much.
Patsy XXOO
May 29
May 29
We all think of you today, but that is nothing new.
We think of you in silence,
All the best memories
Your memory is always in our hearts
Forever my dear
May 29
May 29
I guess we would be celebrating your birthday under different circumstances, We all miss you tons. Here's a toast to you. Happy Birthday Mark, Again we all miss you a lot
May 22
May 22
Those we love don't go away, they sit
beside us every day.
Miss you dear- you will always be so loved by everyone you touched ♾️
February 19
February 19
Wow, miss you a lot buddy, we all do. Here on planet earth some good some bad, everybody's keeping busy.I know your among some of the best, thanks for looking out, and give our love to our friend and family. Love and miss you Mark
February 18
February 18
It is amazing how time flies by. When I am at the ranch in the afternoon and see the wind blowing through the trees, I know those are angels guiding our lost loved ones. It makes me happy and sad at the same time. Keep an eye out for my Dad as he has passed on too. He always loved seeing old cars and the pictures of the builds at the shop. Bless you bro.
February 18
February 18
Mark, 12 years is a long time but our love and loss of you has not diminished. We talk about you all the time and we carry you in our hearts at All times...I hope you know that we love you and miss you so much.
February 18
February 18
Today marks 12 years. Missing you everyday. Love and memories of you will be in my heart forever.
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Hi Mark, Christmas just has never been easy since you left. I love you and miss you and we talk about you all the time. You are missed by many.
December 25, 2023
December 25, 2023
Here we are another Christmas without you. We all Love and Miss you Mark, Thanks for looken out
Valerie Steele
September 10, 2023
September 10, 2023
Hi Marcia and Mark’s family—i have a photo to mail you but need an address. I think of Mark often - and just came across a photo of him. Maybe you have already seen it but wanted to send you in case. Sending you all hugs! Please message me :) Valerie
May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023
Happy Birthday Mark.... Not much I can say,...I know your looking over, thanks for looking out....You know what I mean....
May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023
Runner was thinking about you today an was talking about you an I see it’s your birthday! Man I wish I could speak with you! Miss you bro!!!! Happy heavenly birthday!!!!
May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023
You will always be the star that lit our lives ; Not only do we live among your shining star’
you light our lives within us.
Love you Mark infinity ♾
May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023
Mark, you are 39 today,Happy Birthday!! You are missed so much by so many. I think of you all the time, it never softens. I just wish with all my being that you were here with us, it sure would make a lot of us happier.
Lots of love always,
Patsy XXOO
February 26, 2023
February 26, 2023
Hummingbird pray
As I sit in heaven and watch you everyday,
I try to let you know with signs I never went away.

I hear you when you’re laughing, and watch you as you sleep.
I even place my arms around you to calm you as you weep.

I see you wish the days away, begging to have me home.
So I try to send you signs so you know you are not alone.

Don’t feel guilty that you have life that was denied to me.
Heaven is truly beautiful, just you wait and see.

So live your life, laugh again, enjoy yourself, be free.
Then I know with every breath you take
You’ll be taking one for me. Never forgotten
February 19, 2023
February 19, 2023
11 yrs, Hard to believe, Miss you a lot, think of you often. Hope you got Nana hooked up, Love and Miss you a bunch
February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023
Mark, it's been 11 years today that we lost you and it's still beyond belief. Know that we miss you terribly. I think about you all the time. Your Nana left us on January 27th, look for her, she'd love one of your smooches .
Love you always, PatsyXXOO
January 28, 2023
January 28, 2023
Your Nanna passed yesterday, I know you know, but your mom, text a nice picture of her to me. I'm going to take that picture, and your picture, and do what we do to honer your lives
January 22, 2023
January 22, 2023

I know you'r watching over Nanna, I hope she's comfortable, I know your moms doing her best. I feel we already said our good buys. She's a great person, and I hate what's going on. She use to kiss me on the lips every time she seen me. That's how I'll remember her.
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
Happy Father's Day Mark, you are still a Father to Evelyn and Mae and I hope they are thinking about or wondering about their Dad today....I sure hope so. You are missed so much, when you left everything seemed to go upside down and still does.
Love you,
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
Your missing another Fathers Day, that sucks, hopefully your girls are thinking of you. What a shame, just thinking of you
May 29, 2022
May 29, 2022
Mark, of course I'm thinking of you this weekend but I think of you often always. It's hard to wrap my mind around it being 10 years since you were taken from us. I will admitt that now memories of you bring me more smiles than tears. That doesn't mean that there aren't times that my heart breaks wide open and tears flow with the actuality of never seeing you again or the incredible injustice surrounding you being taken from us. You will always and forever hold a place in my heart. You will always be forever missed.
May 29, 2022
May 29, 2022
10 birthdays without you. I can only imagine what life would be like with you here with your girls Evelyn & Mae. You 38, Evelyn 14, Mae 13 time has gone by but still seems like yesterday.
I look back on memories with love, love that will be within my heart for eternity.

Always loving & missing you. 
May 29, 2022
May 29, 2022
Memorial Birthday. It still blows my mind that you died so young. You will always be remembered and not forgotten by those of us who miss you. I can't imagine how amazing your life could have been if just given the chance. May God watch over you and keep you for whatever is next for us. May God bless your family and friends who are in sorrow for the loss of you
May 29, 2022
May 29, 2022
Another birthday lost, What could have been, what should have been.....Maybe Moms and me can paint some new rocks today. We're always thinking of you, we'll see you in time.....
May 29, 2022
May 29, 2022
Hi Mark! 10 birthdays without you here with us, it's still devastating. I think about you all the time and such a big piece is missing in all of us. Happy Birthday Mark Barger, you are loved and missed so much. Your Mom stays strong waiting for the day she will see Evelyn and Mae again. We will rejoice the day that happens, I know it's coming. I love you PatsyXXOO.
February 19, 2022
February 19, 2022
Maybe not today, but someday will be together
Forever loved forever missed my dear
February 18, 2022
February 18, 2022
Unbelievable that it's been 10 years. I guess that no matter how much time passes your death will always be fresh in my mind.
Still haven't seen or heard from Evelyn or Mae. Wow! they are 13 & 14 now. I hope all is well with them. 
You still hold a special place in our hearts, and you are missed every day.
Love you Always,
February 18, 2022
February 18, 2022
It has been 10 horrible years of emptiness and pain. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Mark. I just keep waiting for him to walk in the door just like I thought he always would. So many memories missed out on. What keeps me strong is the thought of seeing Evelyn and Mae Mae. So many memories playing with the girls and pushing them in their wagon. How the girls would get so excited when Mark got home from work. I miss him so very much.
February 18, 2022
February 18, 2022
You said it just like it is Tommy. Thank you. We all miss Mark and the girls every single day, I hope the girls are inquisitive like you mentioned, it would be so wonderful for Marcia and Evelyn and Mae.
February 17, 2022
February 17, 2022
Wow, it's been 10 years since that tragic day. Evelyn and Mae should be coming up on 13 and 14. That's some pretty inquisitive years, I hope they know their grandma still lives in the same house that they grew up in, and still has the same phone number. It would mean so much to all of us to hear from them, especially their grandma. I wish there was some way we could tell them how much their LOVED, and MISSED. And of course you too Mark
December 21, 2021
December 21, 2021
Hi Mark can't believe it's been 10 years already omg seems like forever ..I think about you all the time and know that heaven is lit up with you there . I miss your huge smile omg and your jokes you honey were a gas I never thought I would be here writing to you and would give anything to have you here I know I will see you again honey untill then please give my momma and Mike n Dave a big hug n kiss n I will keep visiting you In my dreams as I always see you n mike n my momma you forever n ever
December 21, 2021
December 21, 2021
Wow,10 Christmases. That's a lot of life missed, what a shame. One bullet from a jealous nut took it all away. Again what a shame. We all miss you and talk about you often and the happy days. I still hear from people you touched, and how saddened they are, actually it ruined them.....
December 20, 2021
December 20, 2021
Hi Mark! It's that time of year again, Christmas is in 5 days, this is the 10th one we haven't had you here with us, you are in our hearts. No word on Evelyn and Mae YET!! Your Mom keeps waiting for that day along with the rest of us. You are so missed Mark. . .all the time!!! We all love you. Let me tell you, your Mom is the strongest person I know. Oh, Karen moved to Kentucky and she's very happy.
Love you always,
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
For Father's Day your Aunt Patsy and I took Uncle Stephen for a picnic at the cemetery where Grampy is buried. It was a nice picnic but I can't help thinking of all that you are missing as the Father of Evelyn & Mae. Wondering what could have been. I pray they are doing well and hope to see them someday.
Love you and miss you always.
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
It's father's day, and Mark wants all his girls to know he's always with them, look no further then your heart
May 29, 2021
May 29, 2021
Hello Mark, if you were here with us we would be celebrating your 37th Birthday, so young. You know you are missed so much but today is special. Happy Birthday, we celebrate it for you as we love and miss you never stops. Patsyxxoo
May 29, 2021
May 29, 2021
Happy Heavenly Birthday Mark, I know how bad you are always remembered. You are so much remembered by your family. You will always be forever, loved in our hearts. Happy Heavenly Birthday Mark.
May 29, 2021
May 29, 2021
Hard to believe you would be 37 today. So young and so much life you had ahead of you. So sad. Always missed
May 29, 2021
May 29, 2021
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK....What could have been....
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
We always remember those we have loved- our memories keep us together forever miss you Mark
May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
Just heard someone say, Closure is an allusion,.....Just thought it fit.....
February 18, 2021
February 18, 2021
Today marks 9 years since you were taken from us. So many precious memories I hold close within my heart. Going forward day by day till the day I may see you again.

As always, Love & Miss you
February 18, 2021
February 18, 2021
Mark, you will always be remembered you will never be forgotten. Continue watching over your family, you are so much missed and so loved. Always in our hearts now and forever.
February 18, 2021
February 18, 2021
Hi Mark, we lost you 9 years ago, it still seems unbelievable you may not be with us right now but you are alive in our hearts and deeply missed all the time. I have memories of that smile of yours, such a great one. We are all still shattered and will always be. Haven't had any contact with Evelyn and Mae yet but know it will happen we just don't know when. I love you Mark but I hate February 18. Just know you will never be forgotten and always missed and loved so much. Lots of love to you. PatsyXXOO
Your Nana turned 92 y.o. 2 days ago!!
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Recent Tributes
August 31
August 31
All the wonderful times you made Mark laugh- he got all those beautiful smiles from you- so very loved and blessed ♾️
August 17
August 17
You left memories all over. I still see you every where I go, and for a split second, you're still alive. Then reality hits me and you are gone.
You will always be part of me.
May 29
May 29
❤️The years keep passing but you still remain so close in my heart as well in the hearts of many others. Miss you everyday.❤️

With Love
Happy Heavenly Birthday,
His Life
December 19, 2018

2/18/2012: Mark Ray Barger was taken from us too soon. He is survived by his daughters, Evelyn Ray Barger and Marina Mae Jr. Barger, his mother Marcia Barger, his two sisters, Danielle Barger and Karen Barger, and numerous friends and extended family members.
Mark was a generous person who would do anything for his family.  He was passionate about carrying on his father's love for old cars, and was proud to be from Clairemont.  He made such progress in his life.
His memory will be with us forever to cherish.

Recent stories
December 26, 2023
Well another Christmas passed without you and it's the first year that Nana has been gone.  I went to Loni's with Tommy for Christmas. I know you've been at their gatherings before and you fit right in!
I do hope that Evelyn, Mae & Celesta had a good Christmas. Although it's been years since I've seen them I still miss them and wish they were part of our lives. I’m often asked how many grandchildren do I have. I quickly say “five granddaughters” then a moment later I feel another crack in my heart for Evelyn and Mae haven’t been part of my life. So missed, so loved.
All my Love,

Your Nana

January 27, 2023
Nana left this world today, she was getting close to 94 years old. She is now at peace.  I told her to look for you and I hope you are there to greet her.
She always loved seeing you on your way to work when she was out on her morning walks and throw you a kiss (many kisses throughout the years). Up until she started getting ill she would never remove her tear drop pendant with a bit of your ashes in it.
You were always close to her heart. 
You are truly loved & missed.
I Love you, 

Your Nana

February 17, 2019

Hey Mark it's me again, your Nana turned 90 yesterday, unbelievable!! I am sending her love to you, she can't do internet. We have a giant gap in the family sent you left,  we all miss and love you so much XXOO, Patsy

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