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That first look

June 1, 2017

Mark was working at a resturant on N. Dixie Hwy, Monroe,  MI, I went there with a friend who had a huge crush on him, wanted to talk to him.... I walked in last behind my friends, Mark had a huge stack of dishes he was carrying to be put away, he saw me and I saw him It was love at first sight... Mark dropped  the dishes when he seen me and I smile at him... There was something about him made me fall in love with him, he was so cute and stocked, I offered to give him a ride home. Later, that nite we seen each other for a few minutes.... It was then our love grew , and our 35 years adventure started... He loved me more than any person on this earth... I doubt if anyone could love me so deep, hard and passionate.....He was my one and only, I am now blessed with my kids he gave me....He will be remembered,  my his children they all have his eyes and the love he left for them.... Until we meet in paridise my love, I will wait 4 you... I miss your strong hugs and soft kisses, and the love you had for me and our kids...R.I.P.... My, love...

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