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August 8, 2017

Mark...Big nose am in school

Me....Good boy oya send me a pic of u

Mark.....Any pic?

Me..... Nope,just as u are right now lemme be sure you are in school. I paid too much school fees so u can't afford  not to be in school.

Mark... Yes mummy am sending it right away

This was sent same day at 11.38am

Our last pic

August 8, 2017

On that fateful day 07/01/2017 at 8:06pm. You called to let me know you landed safely. My instinct was to make a video of u in that cockpit buh I choosed to take a screen shot instead. You were so happy, always happy whenever we talked. Little did I knw this smile would be the last I see of you. I miss u Mark

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