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August 10
August 10
Happy Heavenly Birthday Marty, I can't believe you have been gone 7 years. It seems like you were just here I missed you then and I still miss you. I hope you and my mom are busy fishing and drinking a few beers. I love you Marty!
Love, Sandy
August 10, 2023
August 10, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday Marty I can't believe you have been gone 6 years. It seems longer than that. Our daughter Nikki is struggling with some things but she is working on getting it figured out. I'm doing okay, got diagnosed with Vertigo a couple weeks ago and it totally SUCKS!! I sure miss having you here to talk to. I love so much Marty and miss you terribly 
Love you always, miss you still Marty
March 9, 2023
March 9, 2023
Hey Marty, you are in my heart and I love & miss you very much. I always wonder what the future would've been like if you hadn't died. I have my version of that and the only thing that changes is when you die. I know we can't change the past but like Judge Judy says woulda, shoulda, coulda....anyways I love you and I always will.
August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022
Hey Marty, wishing you a Happy Heavenly Birthday. I'm sure you are up there with my mom and Missy, your mom & dad, Scott, and Lonnie celebrating and having a great birthday!! We love and miss you so much, we will meet again, some day!! All my love to you and everyone else in heaven
Love you all,
March 7, 2022
March 7, 2022
Hey Marty, can't believe you have been gone 5 years. Unreal I miss you so much. I wonder what you would make of all the crazy that's been going on since you left us. I'm still here and unsure of all the crazy that's been going on. I'm learning to live life without you but it's been very hard. The kids struggle with that too. I know that they miss you terribly. Missy's has been gone for 8 years. That's unreal too. Losing so many since 2008. I will always miss all of you....
Love, Sandy
March 7, 2021
March 7, 2021
Marty I can't believe you have been gone 4 years already! I'm finally getting out of Dan's house and life. He has gotten really mean, not physically but verbally. I never know what to expect. His drinking has gotten worse and he has blackouts. He scares me, doesn't do shit unless there is something in it for him. Typical behavior of a narcissist/drunk. The kids are doing well and the grandkids are growing up too fast. Ysa's on her own waiting to get into college. 1 year ago we had a virus go through the world. Still fighting it. Our democracy is a Mess because of tRumps presidency. Thankfully got him out of office. The shit he did is still having repercussions to our democracy. Anyway you know what has been happening. I miss you so much give my reguards to mom and Missy. Will see you on the other side!! Love you always miss you still!
March 8, 2020
March 8, 2020
Marty, I remember your passing as if it was yesterday (literally). My memories of you were and still are very vivid. There is still a crack dividing the "family." It is Shelly & Chad, Nikki, Craig, and Michelle. I have tried to get the "sides" to come together but no such luck. Chad has been inquiring to me and Nikki about Rose all of a sudden. He introduced me to his new girlfriend as his step mom. He had never before introduced me like that. It hurt me alot. I would do anything to get you back with us. I miss and love you so very much. Rick and Jessica are at their wits end with Leela. I guess she has been cheating and lying. I learned from Jessica the extent of how they had taken the steps to help Leela. I don't what to do to help her. If you think of anything send it to me in my dreams or prayers. I love you more each passing day. Please wait for me at the gates of heaven to welcome me home.
August 12, 2019
August 12, 2019
Happy Birthday Marty! A little late but you are always in my heart ! I miss you more every day. I know you are fishing with mom and throwing back a few beers. I have gained a lot of weight and seriously need to lose this weight. I can't do much and you know that all too well. I comfort eat I tell myself that I shouldn't do that. It's  hard, but I need to do it. Thanks for listening as you always do. Nicole is full weight bearing and that's going good. I miss so much you. I love you always and miss you still !
July 7, 2019
July 7, 2019
Hello Marty, it's been awhile since my last visit. A lot has happened, our daughter Nicole fell going down her stairs and broke her ankle in three places. Our girl does it up good when she does it. It is July already, half way through the year. Time goes a lot faster the older you get, WTF? I miss you more with each passing day, I will always love you Marty and await the day we will be reunited for all eternity! Love, Sandy
March 7, 2019
March 7, 2019
Hello again Marty, it was 2 years ago today that you left this world. I miss you and think of you every day. I got social security approved and I have you to thank for it. I'm sorry that you had to die in order for me to get it. If I could have gotten social security and kept you with me I certainly would have. I love you always, miss you still Marty!!!
November 8, 2018
November 8, 2018
Hello Marty, I miss you and think of you always. I just wanted to tell you about our grandchildren. Austin and Ysabel both have their drivers licenses already. They will be graduating in 2020. Can you believe that? I can't, years just fly by faster every year. I am now on oxygen and no longer working at Shetek. I have applied for social security but don't expect to hear anything til after the first of the year. Makes money I real tight. Got a new furnace in and need to pay for that plus propane. Life sure does throw us a curve ball at inopportune times. I try to muddle through this the best way I know how. I miss and love you always. Love ya,
August 14, 2018
August 14, 2018
Hey Marty today is August 14th 2018. Your heavenly birthday was 4 days ago. I thought of you then, just like any other day. Every day I think of you and all "my Angels" that have gone before me. I wait until we can all be together again! I think of you always, love you still until we are together again!!!!
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018
Hi Marty, thinking of you today. I think of you every single day. I miss you so very much. I haven't gone to the house in a year. It's difficult not sure if I ever will tgo back there. Nicole and I are getting closer. Just know you are in my thoughts always and forever.
March 7, 2018
March 7, 2018
Hi Marty, one year ago we lost you. You were the glue that kept everyone together. I never imagined my life without you. I miss you so much!!! I know the kids miss you so very much. I pray I will be reunited with you every day. I know God has a plan for all of us, but my addictive personality wants it sooner rather than later. I love you Marty always have always will. Love,Sandy
March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018
Hi Marty, I haven't visited in awhile. It is almost 1 year since you died. It still doesn't seem that long. Christmas was different this past year. The kids got together at Shelly's Christmas Eve. It wasn't the same without you. Just know I loved always and always will. You were my rock, confidant lover, best friend and hero. Waiting for the day I will see you again. All my love forever and always!
Love you, love Sandy
November 6, 2017
November 6, 2017
Hi Marty thinking of you as usual.. I have been sick for the last couple weeks. I went to the doctor Wed and Sat last week. I have thisr horrible cough and it is getting worse. I am taking prednison and the Z-pak for it (what ever "it" is). I am going to the doctor again today, hope they hospitalize me or shoot me. It is 4:00am and I have been awake since 12:30am. I miss having you here, miss your voice, miss your laugh, miss your smell, miss everything about you. Wish you were here!! Love you always,, miss you still!!!
July 17, 2017
July 17, 2017
Hi Marty, I didn't make it to the burial of your ashes in Browns Valley. I woke up with a killer migraine and couldn't make it. I thought of you, but that is nothing new, you are never far from my thoughts. Nicole told me of a dream she had where you came to say goodbye. I wasn't surprised by that because of how close you were to Nicole. I just miss you so very much Marty. You were my only True Love and stupidity by me fucked it all up. I pray you forgave "my stupidity". I loved you then, now, and forever. I still haven't been to the house since a few days after your death. Marty please watch over those left behind, til God calls us home!
All my love now and forever,
Love, Sandy
June 15, 2017
June 15, 2017
Hello again Marty, I'm missing you so very much. The more time that passes the more I miss you. I always could talk to you about anything and you would always know what to say to make everything seem not such a big deal. I love you so very much and miss you beyond words.Please watch over all of us and continue to guide us in whatever we do.
June 1, 2017
June 1, 2017
Hello again Marty, I am missing you so much. You were my first and only true love. I wish you were still here with me, our kids, our grandkids. You are missed beyond words. Why is life so damn unfair? I know it sounds selfish but I miss you so much. Help me do what God wants me to do so I can be reunited with you. I just want you to know how much you are missed. Love you always Marty!!!!
May 13, 2017
May 13, 2017
Hi Marty, things are going from bad to worse, Dan being a total ass. I wish I was dead. I hate this and got no one to blame but me. First mom, then Missy and now you. My whole life, reason for being is gone. The other kids could give a crap less about me or what happens to me. Yup and now am in my own pity pot so I just want to die. I pray every night to have it end but always wake up to the shit storm.
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Hey Marty, today is May 5th almost 2 months since you were called home to be with Jesus. I still think of you every waking moment of my day. I don't go to the house unless I have to. It's hard when I know you aren't there. Too many memories The kids aren't getting along. I'm not sure if they will ever be okay again. I try not to get involved as they are adults in age only it seems. No one wants to make the first move to get passed their own issues. I keep praying that eventually they will. I spoke to Jo-ann the other day she just wondering how things are going with the kids and stuff. I appreciate her staying in touch. Next weekend is Joshua's birthday party and the following weekend Leela & Joshua will be attending Camp Loves Embrace. I'm looking forward to that. I am dealing with freaking health issues yet. Pray the Lord will get me through or take me home. I will talk to you again after the medical crap I need to do. Love you always, miss you still
March 17, 2017
March 17, 2017
Hi Marty, tomorrow is 3yrs since we lost Missy, and 11 days since we lost you. I don't know why it seems that only the good die young. The kids did an awesome job with your memorial, I know you were there in spirit. I miss you more than words can say. I haven't accepted your death despite seeing you right after you died and again a day later at the funeral home. This is going to be a hard one to wrap my head around. R. I. P. Marty, you will never be forgotten, love and miss you lots!!!
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017
Hey Marty, today is the day we didn't want to ever ever experience. There have been alot of deaths in the past 9yrs. I didn't think that you would leave this world before me. I know that every one dies it is a given. I wasn't ready for your death. Marty you were my rock, therapist, friend, lover, my voice of reason. Death comes whenever it wants to, ready or not,. I pray that the rest of my time on earth is short. People I love are dying at an alarming rate. I will see you again, I just don't know when. I love you always and you will never be forgotten!!
March 9, 2017
March 9, 2017
Marty, you will never be forgotten, you were the most caring, honest, loving man I ever had in my life. My decision to put my selfish needs above yours and the kids is something I will always regret, I can't change that now . I know you always loved me despite my selfishness. Thank you Marty, you are no longer in pain and you are with mom, dad, grandma Ellen, and Missy, Scott, Herbie, Sweat, Bob, and Jeanette. R. I. P. Marty
Much Love, Sandy
March 9, 2017
March 9, 2017
Thinking of you isn't new, I think of you often several times a day. I used to call you sometimes just to hear your voice. Your death is still not real in my mind. I don't want to admit you are really gone. Marty you were my first and only true love, my selfish needs became more important than anything else in life and that was F_ _ ked U_. All I can do is ask forgiveness and pray that someone's listening.

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