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April 4, 2018
April 4, 2018
In memoriam M Martin N'KAMBWA.
It has been a year since you have gone, We thank the God Almighty to have you by his side and rooming along.
No way to tell how much you cared with love, kindness etc. that God has equiped you with.
Always remembered
We miss you.
April 3, 2018
April 3, 2018
It's been a year, today, since you've been gone brother!...Selah!...I still can't imagine that you left us! Our Lord, knew you before you were formed, He already knew the number of years of your life and had orchestrated all this. I have to accept your absence because it was in His plan....We forever love you and we will always miss you. Rest well and rest in peace professor Martin! 
June 15, 2017
June 15, 2017
Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed and very dear.

Memorable Birth Anniversary to you Martin!...Happy Birthday in Heaven!!!
May 15, 2017
May 15, 2017
Thanks to everyone for your encouraging memories on Martin N’Kambwa wa Katunda's life, since his passing this April, 03 2017.

Martin was a good friend and an inspiring brother, whose death leaves me with emptiness and devastation to extents where words could never afford to describe.

I am fortunately revived by our long hours of discussions, studies and sharing of the Word of God and by his growing intimacy with our Lord Jesus Christ, as a token of a sure reunion when the Lord will appear.

Martin had a faculty of explaining physics and mathematics to extents reserved to only those who received a divine revelation of the truth. He had no known ennemies of my knowledge, if not out of human jealousy because of his God given potential and gifts. I will always miss him, but as a Christian, I rejoice in his acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, whom he called and earnestly prayed to, till to his bed of sickness.

I thank God for his positive impact on many lives during his journey on this earth as I am grateful that your good memories with him help me accept his untimely departure, still impossible to forget. I remain deeply encouraged by your friendship and ask my God to bless you.

Reverend William Katunda
May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017
My beloved brother Martin, you were BRAVER than you believed, STRONGER than you seemed, SMARTER than you thought, and LOVED more than you knew.

40 days just passed today and I still can't believe your are gone! As we have to let go, we are praying for your soul to find refuge in The Lord. Forever, we will miss you and love you. So long!
April 17, 2017
April 17, 2017
As I write this , I am still having a very tough time believing that you are no longer with us. It seems as if your loud voice still echoes off of the classes you taught in and that your piercing and emblematic stare is not only part of our memories. Your unique way of teaching will help me keep in mind all the lessons you have taught us not only about geometry but also about our daily life. Mr. Martin , you have hitherto been the smartest and most positively eccentric teacher that has ever taught me. I pray that in this time of Easter, Jesus's presence may be revived in the souls of all those who are grieving after the loss of a man that will never be forgotten by those he has touched.
April 17, 2017
April 17, 2017
As I write this , I am still having a very tough time believing that you are no longer with us. It seems as if your loud voice still echoes off of the classes you taught in and that your piercing and emblematic stare is not only part of our memories. Your unique way of teaching will help me keep in mind all the lessons you have taught us not only about geometry but also about our daily life. Mr. Martin , you have hitherto been the smartest and most positively eccentric teacher that has ever taught me. I pray that in this time of Easter, Jesus's presence may be revived in the souls of all those who are grieving after the loss of a man that will never be forgotten by those he has touched.
April 16, 2017
April 16, 2017
Je sais que je vous connais pas bien mais je suis très triste de voir le monde perdre une personne comme vous Mr.Martin,j'espère que vous êtes au cieux avec notre Père, que vôtre âme repose en paix.
April 16, 2017
April 16, 2017
My dear Mr Martin, your stories and adventures were always a delight to hear! Your intelligence and ease at which you taught your subjects and answered questions fascinated me. Though your temper got the best of you sometimes, you still had a very sweet soft spot. I saw this when you played with little David.
April 16, 2017
April 16, 2017
Mr. Martin, not only my teacher, but my mentor, my friend, and a father. I love you and always will.. You will always be missed. Forever in my heart and the hearts of your students. Thank you for all your advice and for everything, for your support as well. You showed me that I could also be intelligent but i was just lazy :/ .. You made me love Maths.. I love you and forever you'll be in my heart. May your soul forever rest in peace ❤️
April 15, 2017
April 15, 2017
I will always miss you my dearest mr Martin! My heart aches that you had to die on my birth month. I wanted To show you just how far I've come but I guess you'll be doing that from above! I miss you so much it hurts!

Jisca M.
April 15, 2017
April 15, 2017
I will always miss you my dearest mr Martin! My heart aches that you had to die on my birth month. I wanted To show you just how far I've come but I guess you'll be doing that from above! I miss you so much it hurts!

Jisca M.
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017

La famille Katunda a la profonde douleur d’annoncer à toute la famille élargie, aux amis, et membres de l'école Jewels International School of Kinshasa, de la mort du Professeur Martin N’Kambwa Katunda, mort survenue le Lundi 3 Avril 2017 à l'Hôpital Biamba Marie Mutombo de suite d’une maladie. Martin N’Kambwa Katunda s’est éteint à l'âge de 56 ans.

Voici le programme des obsèques en résumé:
Vendredi 14 Avril 2017

Levée de la dépouille mortelle de la morgue de l'hôpital Biamba Marie Mutombo, sise au 9777, Boulevard Lumumba/Marche de la Liberté. Kinshasa Masina.

Exposition de la dépouille mortelle en la salle mortuaire 1 de l’Espace Assanef, sise Avenue de la Libération (24 Novembre) dans la commune de Lingwala/ Kinshasa.

Office Religieux

Veillée mortuaire jusqu'à l’aube.

Samedi 15 Avril 2017
Exposition de la dépouille du défunt dans la salle mortuaire 1 de l’Espace Assanef

Office Religieux : Exhortation

Dépôt des gerbes de fleurs devant le cercueil 

Départ en cortège funèbre pour le cimetière

Enterrement au cimetière de la Nécropole/Commune de la N’sele

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