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MAY the Good Lord keep you!

May 31
by Abi Wam
You left on this day 8 years ago. May is a month rich in celebrations of Our Lord in many countries with the Catholic faith. 
Heaven was waiting for you on the last day of this precious month.

Keep resting well Papa.


To the Uncle that Left Footprints in Our Hearts...

January 23, 2022
Dear Uncle Wamunyu:
Happy birthday to my fellow Capricorn!
I last saw you in person in 2004 when I came back to Kenya for my research project. It's not until I was in your presence again that I realized just how much I'd missed you-- your intellect, humor, laughter, wise counsel, calm demeanor, and kindness.  
It's funny-- my memories of speaking on the phone with (specifically) Uncle Phillip and Uncle Wanyagi share one thing in common with you-- you all sound like my dad (tone and laughter). I know when I'm speaking with Uncles Kuria and John, but you and the previously mentioned Uncles were a bit of a doozy when using a landline with no caller ID, lol!
When I answered the phone and said, "Hello?" You'd all say my name the same way: "Nyambura!" 
I'd never know who it was. So I'd ask, "Father?" 
And after chuckling, you'd say, "Well, it's not Father! It's your Uncle Wamunyu!"
These surprise calls meant everything to a college/graduate student who was far away from home and grateful for the familiar voices of family members.
Of many things, I miss your scholarly feedback on everything my sisters (Wambui and Muthoni Kamau) and I shared with you. Your unique perspective on all things nourished our respective personal and professional growth. You challenged our way of thinking and encouraged us to keep aiming higher, particularly where academic learning is concerned.  
You had a nuanced approach to dealing with life adversities, something my dad deeply admired in you, in addition to your genuine kindness. Despite your challenges, you had a remarkable ability to approach life with an open mind, discerning spirit, firm values/principles, and a gentle soul.
Until we meet again, rest in peace with God and all His angels. 
Love, Nyambura Kamau (Linda Githiora-Olweny)

Dearest Uncle Wamunyu

January 23, 2022
Beloved Uncle Wamunyu,
You are missed and loved dearly. I hope you are celebrating with the ancestors and family. I especially miss your excellent advise and historical information for my teaching. May you remain most blessed and know you are loved and missed greatly. 

Love, Rosa Muthoni (Kamau) Githiora

Happy 73rd birthday Martin

January 23, 2022
  1. Wishing you a belated happy 73rd birthday (21st January) my dear Brother. Your kindness, thoughtfulness, calm demeanor and immense love and leadership skills will forever stay with us. Amen!

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