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March 13
Continue to RIEP MARTINE….. 7 years already…. Baby girl hold tight

We Miss You so much

March 12, 2018

 Martine  It has been One painful year since you have been gone.
You are still in our hearts and our thoughts, and your memory cannot be erased, for every day we remember some little thing about you.
Continue to rest in Peace 

Happy birthday

May 17, 2017

Hey baby I have a memory that no one knows about 

Just something me and you know . 

But you know lol 

Let's just say I was always there for you lol 

Always going to be here for your baby girl too xx

Happy 50th Birthday Martine

May 17, 2017

On 17th May 1967 you weighed in at 8lb 5ozs plump and red skinned, you couldn’t get enough milk; always hungry and bawling and quickly went to 10lbs in a few weeks. You reached your milestones quickly and grew into a lovely chatty toddler, and just a year old you were singing Bob Dylan’s Lay Lady Lay wherever we go and you knew you had an audience.  You followed up by dancing around the flat in your Baby grow to the music of Otis Redding and was the little girl who loved music and dancing.

You were the star of the toddler group and preschool and learned quickly the new system of pronunciation back when you were four. You were a happy little girl and was loved by teachers and everyone we came in contact with in Queens Park

You welcomed your brothers as they came, and help look after them while they were in their Moses basket by stroking Stephen’s head or adjusting his blanket. You used to watch Calvin while he was being fed and when he cried you would talk to would refer to him as Stephen’s baby brother.  As you all grew up there was no mistaking that you were The Big Sister, and you and Calvin had a few ‘run ins’, as siblings always do.

As you started at Preston Manor you made friends and was so popular that our house always had youngsters from the neighbourhood and as you move into teenage years forever you became the party person and centre of attraction and lived your life like a candle in the wind; making your choices; you designed your own lifestyle.

You were Blessed with two children who loved you and are totally devastated that you are not going to see them achieve and excel their expectations nor cradle their children, but only the Almighty God can dictate our future and how many years we spend and he has the power to heal or take home those who are suffering ill health, so we thank God for the years he has given us; some bitter, some sweet.

We went on holidays to Butlin’s several times. We went on a ladies Retreat to Wales with Jarnai when she was only two. We went to Disneyland Paris with Shaun, Craig and Jermaine, Chevy and Jovan, and we had to hire the ‘quaint’ little pushchair for Jarnai, then we were so disappointed when we were only able to get ‘continental breakfast’ and after roaming the restaurant we came out late and missed our coach, but the coach returned to pick us up in about 10 minutes later. I remember the look on our faces when someone said the coach to Disneyland had left.....

 We went to Bournemouth for a week. I remember we had foot spas and pedicures but we had to buy new sandals because we thought our feet looked so good that it would be better off in new sandals. We went to Skegness, where you spent your time in the Front Room lounge while we were Praising God in the Conference Centre.  We went to Santa Susannah in Spain, again, with Chevy, Len and Amaan and Jarnai.

Sadly, I was planning another Spanish Break for your 50th. I will miss you trying my shoes with promises of I will bring them back. Glad we didn’t take the same dress size though.

Tonight, we will go to the same restaurant in Harrow where we usually go to celebrate our birthdays and where you and Jarnai go for Remembrances of Matt. OMG, last year on your birthday we waited an hour for you to arrive.  We were so hungry that every 5 minutes we were on the phone to you finding out ‘how far away are you now’? People in the restaurant began to look funnily at us as we hadn’t ordered. When you arrived we had so many dishes of deep fried Calamari with sea salt and black pepper, then you shared that you were with friends having lunch, having looked at the menu we wondered how you could have had such a big lunch and still have room for the meal we had, then, took food home for later. That was a really great evening.

We shall lift up our glasses to you tonight. Sleep well Babygirl!!




Kin folk. Daughter, Mother and grand daughter

April 30, 2017

You lit up our lives, and the life and soul of our family.gatherings. You would revel in the fact that the generation of womenfolk were together when granny, me you, and Jarnai were in a room. Now there is a permanent gap among our womenfolk that cannot be filled by anyone else.  But you were also vulnerable.Through that vulnerability you were faithful, generous and all giving.

Sleep tight baby girl


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