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May 24, 2023
Today you've been gone 14 years there's not a day that goes by that I don't miss you and think about you you're on my wall I talk to you everyday I think about you everyday I love and miss you so much Mom I wish you were here to help me through this pain I'm going through in the heartbreak that I'm going through I don't know what I'm doing without you how I'm getting through this without you I would have no help Kayla helps me but she's giving me more pain than anything I can't tell her how much I pain I'm going through I can't tell her how much she's just hurting me and how much everything she's doing is destroying me by the lies and everything else mom I just can't do it which month more the same goes with James he lies to me he don't talk to me he talks to Kayla Moore he doesn't come and see me in my apartment I live on my own now I like it like being on my own it's that I'm at peace here I get bored but I get through it but because you're here I'm getting through it you're the only one that's keeping me insane otherwise Mom I'm losing it really bad I love and miss you so much I wish you were to help me through this discomfort I'm going through happy anniversary of 14 years mom say hello to everybody up there tell them I love and miss them tell Uncle Bob I said happy birthday and I love him and I miss him very much hope you and all enjoying his cake up there love you Robbert 

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