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September 28, 2023
September 28, 2023
I will always miss your mama even though you’re my grandmother you always be my mom and my eyes I miss our talks I miss you Wisdom almost every minute everything that you have taught me how to talk to me I love you so much I miss you and everybody else I know that you are in a better place I love and kisses and hugs I love you mama grandma
March 7, 2022
March 7, 2022
Well Mama its been 12 LONNNNGGGG years!
I miss you so very much I find myself wanting to call you every single day mama
I'm lonely without you I wish i would have taken advantage of our time here on earth while we could have spent days together, but that's life .
I have those beautiful memories we did share together.
I know we will be together in Our Father's House.
March 7, 2021
March 7, 2021
Good morning My Heavenly beautiful Angel
I call mama.
I've missed you so much, but I know you are free from all this earthly stuff so much has happened mama so much Good wish you could have shared all my joys with me but I know you see them from where you are at.
I love you and will Always miss you My true Queen and the 1st true love that held me in her arms I call my mama.
Love you your
September 22, 2020
September 22, 2020
Te extraño bien mucho yo ya sé que estás en el cielo mirando no sé si arriba no se me olvida el día cuando dijistes a Dios me rompió todo el corazón y todo mi alma de ver todos llorando y sabiendo que fuiste al lado del señor te queremos bien mucho desde el cielo te damos a muchos abrazos y besos mi abuelita te quiero mucho♥️
September 21, 2020
September 21, 2020
Today is your birthday mama today is your birthday I know up in heaven you are looking down and each one of us and I know you’re smiling I wanna wish you a happy birthday even though you are in heaven tell everybody I said hi I miss you guys all I’m keeping my head up high and pushing forward happy birthday grandma mom
September 17, 2020
September 17, 2020
Dear Mama your birthday is coming up I miss you very much I miss talking to you I dream about you almost every day you and Mama and my sister and Connie and Alina everybody’s almost gone you were right Mama you knew exactly what was gonna happen and it’s happening the way you said it I love everybody I miss everybody, Especially you and Mama I miss our little talks our hugs I miss everything I guess it’s just not the same the kids are growing up I guess the greatest tests are with our own kids I know I am blessed and all of you are in heaven waiting for us you guys are a guardian angels
August 25, 2020
August 25, 2020
Oh mama mama mama I miss you so much I care and I play your voice every day it hurts me and breaks my heart every day I miss everybody just to know that everybody down here is doing fine only have two sisters even though I miss my other sister up there in heaven and my mom and everybody how are used to be together there cheering me on it’s just not the same without you guys but I do know the trails like you said is when you’re gone And the values that you put into us that carries us on I just miss you mama I miss you so much grandma because you’re my mama miss the times I could just cry in your arms and I know I’ll be safe I know you told me to going to get rough everything what you had said once you were gone half past and there’s still more to come I know this family with you and one day we choice but till then I can’t wait to go to heaven and rest with all of you guys I know all of you guys are guardian angels I love your mama my grandma tell him but after that I love them as well
March 7, 2019
March 7, 2019
Well Mama, it's been a long 9 years since you left me, Connie went home to be with the lord on Feb 11th I'm sure you embraced her and kissed her when she got home, now you Maggie and Lina and now Connie along with Lupita and the rest of your family are together, Mom you all left us so soon, Our world is so different without you all here with us, I know the Lord has you all in HIS care now, I love and Miss you, Love you forever your Baby Girl.
September 22, 2018
September 22, 2018
Happy Birthday My beautiful Mama, How I miss you so, It's been 8 1/2 years and 15 days since you went home to be with our Lord and Savior Jesus, I know you no longer suffer but my heart aches for you, just to hear you answer the phone so that I can say Happy Birthday Mama, and you to say Thank You Mija, I always loved when you called me Mija. Well Mama this is all I can do now is write on your memorial page. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL LADY OF MINE.
June 27, 2016
June 27, 2016
I miss you so much grandma I wish you were here with me. if you were here I could hold your hand hug you kiss you, I miss you so much . You know how much, I miss you I just want to hold you but I know we will see one another were in my dreams and with that I am content because I could hold you and kiss you love you always in my heart
March 8, 2016
March 8, 2016
Well Mama its been 6 years now, and it feels like you just left n my heart aches like you just left me, its when i go to call you and just want to hear your voice say hi mija, i miss you so much mama, we all do, until we meet again. I love you.
September 22, 2014
September 22, 2014
Happy Birthday! Mama I soooo miss you! today here on earth you are 85 years young, you left me to soon, I still need you mama, but you are always alive in my heart, I know I will see you again, I feel your presence around me when I feel sad or over whelmed I just close my eyes settle my mind heart n soul down and I recall your beautiful voice talking to me and reassuring me that everything will be alright.Thank You for watching over us Connie Lola N Jesse and of course your baby Me! I LOVE YOU MAMA
September 22, 2013
September 22, 2013
Happy Birthday Tia. I love and miss you so much. May you celebrate Big in God paradise. Love Always Lora
March 8, 2013
March 8, 2013
Mama, never does a day go by that I don't think of you and the emptiness that is felt since you went to be With the LORD, I Know in heaven there is no more pain, sickness, or sorrow. When we meet again we will have tears of joy! Its been 3 years since you left and it just seems like yesterday, I MISS YOU MAMA
March 8, 2013
March 8, 2013
Tia Chata..... I will Forever hold Memories in my Heart for you. I will for ever Cherish the Talks and little shopping sprees we had Together. You always have me good advice. You were always a true devoted lady to God...I will see you again soon in Heaven. And together we will sing all the Mexican songs you LOVED! Lol lol. Because in heaven I will be able to Speak Spanish! Lol. LOVE YOU
March 8, 2013
March 8, 2013
No puedo expresar lo mucho que me enseñaste,Tanto que no puedo explicar.Todas las veces que puedo recordar,Nunca escuché quejarse.
May 12, 2012
May 12, 2012
Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, which is why it is called the present.Happy Mother's Day wich every day is your day.I love you and Miss you very much ......♥♥♥

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